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20498962? ago

Read this drop! It connects marker 1 to 11.3!

Now search with the term "11.3"!

I think this reads like it's meant to be together. That possibly 11.3 isn't a date but a reference to something else.

This is all talking about the arrests of Podesta and Abedin beginning the start of the Q drops being publicly proved and the msm having to ask POTUS the question. "Who is Q?!"

20498999? ago

113 is a confirmation code to Anons.

20502204? ago

can you elaborate?

20524721? ago

Sure: -

As promised. Please get back to me with your thoughts after reading all of this material, and my previous work.


The NumberFag.

20525641? ago

You numberfags/SB2 hurt my

113 is a confirmation code to Anons

Confirmation code to what? What does 11.3 in these posts confirm is what I'm confused about?

20525704? ago

Here ya go. Fresh bread to explain it all: >

20526068? ago

Wow thanks! You guys are amazing! Except my pea brain can't keep up!...ugh

So basically what the bottom line after all that math is that there's a battle going on via AI? And that we can beat these AI bc we are human as in this post?

I personally feel I'm being 'led' when I create my yt videos. I'm not the smartest cookie in the jar but I'm not the dumbest either and the things I report on I am far from expert on the subjects. But as I peruse through news articles/social media etc there are certain topics that catch my attention. Correction, they hit me like a ton of bricks and something inside me says 'this is what I need to do a video on'. I also get the feeling that 'something' is putting particular articles/videos in my path to see. It's exactly what happened when I saw this StaffAnon thread. I felt compelled to post what instantly came to mind while I read about this severed underwater cable so I added my thoughts to the conversation.

Do I know if I'm even close to what this cable really is? Hell It's just what 'came to me' so I threw it out there.

Every time Q posts 'trust yourself' it emboldens me and inspires me to just trust that I need to throw it out there. So I do...:)

Um..but I'm still confused as to what 113 has to do with anything I just said or what that is confirming to

20526393? ago

Thanks for the reply. Please do a series of videos about my work. They will become very important soon ... You'll see.

Read this and the rest of the links attached: >

11.3 can = (1+1)/3 = 2/3 = 23

This is the number of the Patriots and also the number 11 on the 24 hour clock.

23 is also the MIRROR of The Skull and Bones/Enemy number of 32 (short for 322 or 666).

Also 13 is a key occult number.

20528140? ago

I actually had planned to feature you and that McAllister video in my next piece of work. Like I said before, I am 'led' to do my videos. I don't know why but certain info I come across hits me like a brick and it's usually what I focus my videos on. This StaffAnon was a brick. And I saw your 113 post, was curious and asked if you'd expand on what you meant by that. And boy did you!

So once I 'got' what you were saying (I think) re: the Isisian Code/Language and AI, another brick came and smacked me upside my head. It all feels tied together to me somehow. The underwater cable and how I was trying to understand the Hurricane Electric comms last year and now this Code language and AI. I don't know how but it all feels connected...?

Any insight that you may have re: the connection (if there is one) would be greatly appreciated if you shared it with me. I wanted to have the video together by now but life is getting in the way. I usually take that to mean that I need to slow down and wait before slapping it together and putting it out there. Now I'm being side-tracked to this Gaggle/Alabama news that I started a thread on.

Gaggle? Underwater data center gone missing? Alabama staying away from the lawsuit? I don't know if I'm just on info overload or if there's something actually here..? Btw, And it's now all starting to tie in with this Gaggle whistleblower guy Zach Vorhies (who I don't trust and is unsettling considering everyone and their mother thinks he's the 2nd coming of Christ). I can't help but feel that he's a black hat. I know crazy right? Long story but I can't help but feel that he's tied to Tulsi Gabbard somehow (another black hat). I've got a crazy theory that Gabbard is a hail mary op being performed to attempt to beat Trump in 2020. Vorhies seems to think too that she is a "pathway to defeating Trump"

There are too many inconsistencies with this guy. And as soon as I uploaded my video and mentioning that I was going to do a part 3 bringing to light these inconsistencies the damn tuber deleted the video! But not before I had downloaded it and re-uploaded on my channel.

I'm telling you there's a huge op going down that involves him/Tulsi/Gaggle. He and she being the 'victims/heros' that everyone is swooning over. It's just what I can't stop feeling...ugh

20531883? ago

I will speak more shortly about all your questions.

For now, I had to send you a quick message regarding Tulsi Gabbard. Her name is coming in most of the encoded Gematria messages from the president over the last week or two. Like first results.

It's is suggesting she IS the Dems Hail Mary play, and that it is SHE who will be debating TRUMP. I knew it. I am calling it now: >

Tulsi Gabbard will be the Dem nominee.

Take that check to the Bank. > Cash it.

Speak in a few hours. If you want help with your video, I would love to help.


Kindest regards,

The NumberFag.

20534174? ago

I've been getting really bad vibes when I saw that V was a witness to the yt shooting and it's only gotten worse since. I found inconsistencies between what he said back then 2018 and what he's been saying in all these current interviews. He's EVERYWHERE in alt space for the past month. So I posted his 2018 witness interview and called him out as a possible crisis actor (part 1).

V then contacted me via comment on my channel so I did a video on that (part 2) I had mentioned in my part 2 video that I was going to do a part 3 showing inconsistencies between what he's saying today (in a 3-way video they did on TRU's channel) and what he said in 2018. bc things just weren't adding up to me. Immediately after this TRU deleted that 3-way video. I then uploaded it to my channel so that ppl could see what they were scrubbing. I called into question near the beginning of this video this supposed Q text V received from Q.

In the midst of all of this Redpill (on his channel) did a video letting us all know that Vorhies received a text from Q by reading from a Neon Revolt article about it which they then brought up this Q text in their 3-way interview.

Side note, I haven't trusted Neon Revolt way back when he went off on Q But the other tubers entirely ignored it. TRU channel and BlessedToTeach afterwards uber-promoted him ad naseum.

Anon on voat said some think V is a white hat op to gain normie support and that the reason V and his influencers feel the need to stay hush hush on the yt witness aspect of V is bc it will ruin the white hat op. I say bullshit. I replied If the theory that he was a plan to reach the normies then why did he infuse himself into the Q movement? And lately big time. He's buds now hanging out like he's one of them with the top influencers? Talking Kappy? And he's using Patrick? Kappy's ciber guy?

Projection? Where he talks about "Putting out a bunch of hooks so that they can run a negative psyop on you" Is he projecting what 'he' is? A negative psyop to take Q movement down from within? And he had a Veritas "handler'?

This video he gave to abc7 reporter is now remembered not as a witness to the shooter but one re:gun control? And he's a bumbling idiot 'accidentally' sharing his 'personal info' from his desktop for all to see his Alice in Wonderland interview AJ related channel as well as a list of interviews he's doing? And his chat screen name is Niteris? And admits he 'accidentally' called Trump a nazi?

Says Gaggle's Dragonfly is a fake project

Then I'm watching his interview on American Thought Leaders channel where he discusses how he gave Tulsi head's up that they were messing with her. and bam the brick in my

It looks like it might be an op to back Tulsi against Trump in 2020? And take the Q movement down at the same time..? He's done what looks to be 'good' stuff to take down Google. But who is 'really' benefiting with V's info? Tulsi. She is suing Gaggle, looks like the heroin of free speech, the david against the goliath Gaggle

Aaand here we go..Tulsi Gabbard

Omg there's just too much to even put in this post.

20533087? ago

Omg seriously? I'm feeling strong vibes about this Tulsi thing. And as strong of vibes that this Gaggle whistleblower is a 'part' of the op. But EVERYONE including Sara Carter is singing his praises. I was discussing this with another anon in PM here on voat. I'll copy/paste what I explained to him if you're interested.

20533201? ago

Yes please. I need to get up to speed fast, as I have doing numbers and occult study for weeks, and my brain is cooked!

20534352? ago

I've been getting really bad vibes when I saw that V was a witness to the yt shooting and it's only gotten worse since. I found inconsistencies between what he said back then 2018 and what he's been saying in all these current interviews. He's EVERYWHERE in alt space for the past month. So I posted his 2018 witness interview and called him out as a possible crisis actor (part 1).

V then contacted me via comment on my channel so I did a video on that (part 2) I had mentioned in my part 2 video that I was going to do a part 3 showing inconsistencies between what he's saying today (in a 3-way video they did on TRU's channel) and what he said in 2018. bc things just weren't adding up to me. Immediately after this TRU deleted that 3-way video. I then uploaded it to my channel so that ppl could see what they were scrubbing. I called into question near the beginning of this video this supposed Q text V received from Q.

In the midst of all of this Redpill (on his channel) did a video letting us all know that Vorhies received a text from Q by reading from a Neon Revolt article about it which they then brought up this Q text in their 3-way interview.

Side note, I haven't trusted Neon Revolt way back when he went off on Q But the other tubers entirely ignored it. TRU channel and BlessedToTeach afterwards uber-promoted him ad naseum.

Anon on voat said some think V is a white hat op to gain normie support and that the reason V and his influencers felt they needed to stay hush hush on the yt witness aspect of V FOR OVER AN ENTIRE YEAR is bc it will ruin the white hat op. I say bullshit. I replied If the theory that he was a plan to reach the normies then why did he infuse himself into the Q movement? And lately big time. He's buds now hanging out like he's one of them with the top influencers? Talking Kappy? And he's using Patrick? Kappy's ciber guy? Projection? Where he talks about "Putting out a bunch of hooks so that they can run a negative psyop on you" Is he projecting what 'he' is? A negative psyop to take Q movement down from within?

Well well..looks like Q 'networks' are actually being broken as we speak..? What's up with the battles going on all of a sudden between SB2 and other Qtubers? And SB2 highlighting IntheMatrixx, ShadyGrove and PrayingMedic as 3 most valued anons?

And he had a Veritas "handler'?

This video he gave to abc7 reporter is now remembered not as a witness to the shooter but one re:gun control? And he's a bumbling idiot 'accidentally' sharing his 'personal info' from his desktop for all to see his Alice in Wonderland interview AJ related channel as well as a list of interviews he's doing? And his chat screen name is Niteris? And admits he 'accidentally' called Trump a nazi?

Says Gaggle's Dragonfly is a fake project

Then I'm watching his interview on American Thought Leaders channel where he discusses how he gave Tulsi head's up that they were messing with her. and bam the brick in my

It looks like it might be an op to back Tulsi against Trump in 2020? And take the Q movement down at the same time..? He's done what looks to be 'good' stuff to take down Google. But who is 'really' benefiting with V's info? Tulsi. She is suing Gaggle, looks like the heroin of free speech, the david against the goliath Gaggle

Aaand here we go..Tulsi Gabbard

Omg there's just too much to even put in this post.

20534933? ago

Put it this way. After beginning my analysis may I offer one piece of advice: >


Question everything and everyone. Do not Dox yourself.

If it stinks like shit, and doesn't add up, with much splainin' required on their part, it is probably BS.

Tulsi Gabbard is going to be the one groomed by Dems to face Trump. She is darker skinned, a woman, attractive, articulate, and formerly in the Military if I remember correctly (citation needed). The Gematria has all been pointing to her over the last two weeks. I didn't understand Trump's messages about her, but now I have news and context, I can triangulate the information, and provide a better decode. Awesome work. Thanks.

I am going to dig the fuck out of this Gabbard topic BTW. If it meets your standard, I would appreciate it if you would cover it on your show, as I do not have an outlet.

Whilst I have learned much from SB2, I don't completely get him yet.

I am not making contact. I have my own work and mission to complete.

I am not sure why he would be getting involved in endorsing (or not) or YT personalities in the QAnon orbit?

We (Number and Gematria specialists et al) should be doing what we do best: Decoding.

Perhaps giving out endorsements or otherwise gives the impression of a conflict of interest, or a hidden agenda. I don't want to judge.

The stuff about V: If you didn't hear about it for a long time, and it IS material information, I would question his motives for staying quiet. The reasoning of it getting in the way of the Google leaks seems like deception. IMHO.

20535437? ago

Yeah this V and Tulsi thing has been really bugging me for a few weeks now. I just find it ironic how she is the one who seems to be benefiting the most from all this V whistleblower stuff. She is now 'using' it to be held up as the hero/victim who is anti-establishment, anti-war, Independent Libertarian like Rand Paul who is fighting DNC/DS with V pushing this precise narrative during his unending interviews even invoking Paul's name in this vein. He is not just the Gaggle whistleblower. He is also sliding this pro-Tulsi narrative into EVERY interview. Of course he 'has' to bc she got screwed by Gaggle and he alerted her lawyer about it which got this whole ball rolling ergo he 'has' to tell her story. It all looks to me like a well planned op. No matter how I try I can't help but see it as such.

Imo Q/Trump team has had all the info they've needed to take Gaggle down before this guy ever came forward. But what makes me pause is that everyone is singing the same tune that V's authentic and hero for coming forward. The optics are precisely that. And it even would make sense as that to me 'if' there weren't so many inconsistencies. But no one wants to question these inconsistencies.

Did you see the Q text crap? Where Q signed the text with that symbol that he uses in his own signature? Wtf?

They all sat on this yt witness info stuff this entire time using the excuse that it would tarnish his street cred with normies (the supposed white hat op) if he hadn't kept what he knows about it hush hush. Yet he's damaging normie street cred imo by aligning himself with Q people is he not? They knowingly buried info on a FF? This excuse does not make sense to me given we are supposed to be skeptical (STAY AWAKE), yet all these Qtubers seem to ignore this advice when it comes to him.

Why is no one questioning his info? He acts like he doesn't remember anything about a video he had on his phone? He had a 'handler' via Veritas? Does Veritas have handlers? He, this 'senior' techie 'accidentally' shows his desktop? Accidentally calls Trump a Nazi? Believes that Q is the biggest white hat military op in history yet doesn't realize Trump is also Q? Drops crumbs during the 2018 abc7 interview but was a regular joe back then? And a thousand more questions I can't make sense of.

And now this SB2 stuff where the Q movement seems to be being split in two? I don't know. Something just aint right imo.

20536816? ago


First of all > Q said "No outside comms."

This means there is NO WAY that text is from Q.

Second > This split happens every time Q goes away for a while (while the cat's away, the mice (rats) will play...). It's a good way to flush out the sleepers, which when left to their own devices for long enough, quickly show their TRUE colors. These people will be exposed very shortly. We are watching.

20537878? ago

We're going to have to start a new thread. I'm afraid our reply boxes are getting too

20538224? ago

He He > Cool.