20498994? ago

Questions and free thinking aren't allowed.

20495520? ago

I don't understand why you care if all you wanted to do was shit the place up anyway. Find some other spot to be a jerk.

20495393? ago

can't believe that crackrocknigga got banned

20495301? ago

Why would anyone post where they can be censored? No intelligence required, I guess.

20495203? ago

You deserved it. We should ban here also.

20495223? ago

Luckily boomers will be dead in 10

20495453? ago

And you wonder why you were banned. Idiot.

20495252? ago

Lol, what are you, a slacker.

20495106? ago

You probably deserved it

20495112? ago

Probably? Did u look at the post?

20495160? ago

That tells me nothing. So you probably still deserved it.

20495211? ago

Wow I hope you die soon boomer. I won't have to wait long

20495405? ago

Those who live on hope alone

Die starving

20495242? ago

Yep, I can definitely tell you deserved it.

Sounds like they were able to shed themselves of another troll. More power to them.

20495249? ago

comes to voat, does not want a free speech platform

20496571? ago

Stop being a twat. Free Speech does not mean anything goes. It does not include off topic posts. You are free to make such posts on subs where it is on-topic.

If I post a picture of a whale to v/whitebeauty, then I deserve to be banned.

20495979? ago

I came to voat because it is the backup site for 8chan for Q followers.

And I have no poblem seeing trolls get banned. And I don't buy that is imposing your free speech. There are other subverses on voat you are free to express you opinion.

So stop being a whiney bitch.

20494999? ago

@Crensch is a manager of the shill team.

20494935? ago

20495161? ago

Most of them look well-reasoned to me. Maybe a couple of overzealous cases.

20495261? ago

They all say the same thing

20495395? ago

Yeah but if you look into the users themselves some of them post to /qtards a lot etc. Some posted troll links. I can see why they were banned.

20494921? ago

lame cesspool

we shotgun floating turds here

20495413? ago

By shotgun you mean eat them right?

20494909? ago

Power corrupts.

20499011? ago

Namefagging sucks.