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20493601? ago

First time I've watched this researcher she needs to create a transcript and archived. Remember FIB Anon posted its a massive spider web taking out a few people won't shut it down. He also posted the stuff found in that hard drive would start wars. I'm thinking not only foreign but civil war here in this country. No wonder Q team/MI had to intervene and strategically plan a WW take down of the nwo globalist. Mind boggling

20496785? ago

Eyes Wide Shut, Kubrick, and Epstein Rosemary's baby. Satanists always tell you exactly what they are doing, right in your face. They even cut off her hair, so she looks like a young boy, before they drug her and serve her up to satan. These sick movies normalize it. China Town all about incest and child abuse. Polanski and Nicolson. So, tired of the masses buying tickets, instead of boycotting this crap.