20502199? ago

Ghislane is still Free and Serving in the Mossad! Probably in Israel.

20500168? ago

Polly is the BEST researcher! This shit scared the duck out of me, I won't lie. I knew it was deep, but my God! Her sisters make her look like the poor dufus black sheep trying to squeeze into the family business in a crude way. The sisters are a whole new level. Their shit has probably spying on everyone for the last 30 years! They are sophisticated. She was just using plain ole crude sexual blackmail. Pray. We need it.

20498326? ago

For the 2 people that downvoted this,,,, how’s the weather in Tel Aviv ?

20497972? ago

Blockbuster report. Shows once again what a treasure trove the Epstein material really is--key to so much.Lots of prayers going to Amazing Polly, whose ability to interrelate all these details is truly amazing. One last note: the more Epstein stuff is factually verified, the more credible Q movement gains (despite MSM efforts to the contrary). Could be soon that we reach a "tipping point," where the focus is not on whether Q is real but rather, "How do these Q people know so much?" It's better imo that the focus shift away from Q as a personality and towards the skills that Q imparts and how they enable people to find new clues from existing Q drops.

20497959? ago

I kind of think polly is amung us. Three cheers for polly.

20500274? ago

She's certainly following the pizzagate subverse.

20497940? ago

They def created back doors.

20496743? ago

It's time to clip Israeli and Jewish wings. Not Hitler style, we already know how that ends up. They need a culling...the Messiah will return when ready, not when the Jews say they're ready. Their ideology is poisoned by evil and lies.

20496522? ago

Yep well worth the watch.

We watch rs d this earlier today

20496165? ago

Her digs are like none-other. She goes pulls a thread, and an entire cloak comes through. Watched episode 1, about to watch 2. Definitely recommend her digs! Maxwell sisters, maybe trans-humanism already in play?

20495382? ago

follow-up of the video, published 7 Sep 2019

Amazing Polly | Mind Blowing Epstein Related Facts You Haven't Heard


20495179? ago

Despite being less than 2% of the population, kikes seem to be getting up to subversion an awful lot.

20497010? ago

the Jew Occult and Masonic rituals is there some kind of connection? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3417016 Skull & Bones??

20494569? ago

Polly truly is amazing. Her research is very likely going to catch the eye of some deep state goon before long. Her research skills are above and beyond!

20498711? ago

The one she did about impossible food is disturbing. She does a great job.

20494119? ago

The truth is under increasing attack. People need to save this sort of stuff before it disappears.

20494080? ago

The amount of collusion between the same massive group of people is very disturbing. Crimes, infiltration and corruption is absolutely astounding and evil. This, I believe, is known by many in our government to keep silent with bribes and blackmail. There has to be around a handful of elected officials that we Patriots can trust as pro-Americans. The mossad is everywhere in the US stealing secrets. China also. Feinstein had a Chinese chauffeur for 20+ years that was a Chinese spy. FBI ignored it. The mossad is implicated in setting explosives on 911. Where are our 'intelligence' agencies? Have they really been doing their job or covering up collusion, crimes, spying, corruption as their 'real' mission statement? Who are they really working for? Absolute justice is not waning, it left 5 decades ago.

20496054? ago

Think Mirror..... Robert Maxwell -Mirror Group Newspapers https://voat.co/v/QRV/3396805

20498859? ago

when madeleine mccann disappeared, one of the main discussion hubs was the mirror forum. lots of highjinks with biased mods banning people and trying to censor the info digs. lots of misdirection. finally they deleted that particular sub, taking offline tons of good info members had amassed.

so all the nonsense and dirty tricks on the reddit boards and the subsequent voat boards and 8chan, yeah, been there, done that. they just keep using the same playbook over and over.

just thought i'd mention the mirror/maxwell connection to maddie since there was talk at the time that the mccanns had connections to various media and high political figures, the same kind of crowd the maxwells moved in.

20494006? ago

Anon, they don’t need backwoods..... they used darpa and tax payer money to produce the technology and then they send assets in to “found” the tech companies.... zuckerburg-cia, Regina Dugan-cia, wojechowski-cia, Schmidt-cia, Dorsey I’m not so sure about tho.

20493967? ago

Attention all Jews: The Q movement welcomes you and loves you


Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


20497580? ago

  1. Post about Epstein and Ghislaine being connected to Mossad....

  2. ....Attracts the jew Qlovesyou concernfag???

Is there a better way to have demonstrated that jews are loyal to mossad and israel before any other people and nation????

20494730? ago

Since when is mossad a race?

20493954? ago

Ya but, mossad never did anything wrong, they aren't the bad guys. If you think mossad did something wrong, then that means you think the jews did something wrong. And obviously, that's complete baloney and extremely anti-semitic to mention the mossad has anything to do with any of this, obviously, they don't.

20499693? ago

If America has a problem because of corruption in CIA, then umm, the 'Dancing Israelis' should tell us that Israel can also have a problem with corruption in the Mossad. I truly know nothing about who or what is behind Mossad (any more than I truly know who or what is behind the CIA). But I do know that there is something wrong at the top, and the 'Jeffery Epsteins' and Ghislaine Maxwells are just faces in a pyramid shaped mural of the who is managing the 'bad actions'. The puppet puppeteers-in-training faces that protect the puppet masters by their very obvious in-your-face shameless existence. But how did they get there? Child trafficking . . . choices made from a very limited set of circumstances. Judge the actions and choices more than the actors, and you will allow yourself to see the vicious cycle behind it where the darkest choices are mostly perpetuated by much fewer at the top, and the rest we also enable through our ignorance of the truth ...

20498068? ago

Look, it's not about mossad or not mossad--not about jews or not jews. Obviously mossad has been involved in some shady dealings, Rothschilds/Soros are a huge problem to all nations, and many questions remain about Israel. The problem is anons getting pushed hard to 100% accept "muh joos" narrative when that is absolutely not necessary. Anons are uncovering lots of stuff every day--and moving gradually towards uncovering everything. A hard push in any direction does serve us; Q tells us Israel is last. Can't wait? Why not?

20499510? ago

A hard push in any direction does serve us; Q tells us Israel is last. Can't wait? Why not?

The inordinate influence of the Jews - 2.2% of the US population - needs to be acknowledged and questioned. It seems odd that hostility towards Muslims in general is perfectly acceptable in conservative circles, yet Jews remain sacred cows.

20503875? ago

Funny how very little shows up in the way of anti-Muslim comments but tons of anti-Jewish stuff is on the boards every day. Why is this? You'd think there would be some of both, right? Smells of manipulation. But I don't know to what end. And yes--I do look at the inordinate influence of Jews in certain areas like Hollywood, banking, etc. But certain Jews also. If you want to make a case for Jews in general, but gonna be a tougher sell. Got the goods? Then share them and we'll have a discussion.

20504088? ago

Funny how very little shows up in the way of anti-Muslim comments but tons of anti-Jewish stuff is on the boards every day.

Because there's consensus on the threat of Muslim invasion/influence, but not on Jewish influence that has worked to transform the West over a century.

If you want to make a case for Jews in general, but gonna be a tougher sell. Got the goods? Then share them and we'll have a discussion.

Their influence have put us on the brink of destruction. We're culturally programmed not to see this, but it's glaringly obvious.

"The best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed." -Simon ben Yoḥai, purported author of the Zohar (the main tome of occult Jews)


The most murderous, totalitarian system of government was created by Jews and they were involved in imposing it on Russia and China. They're trying to do it in the West. They wage war using subversion, corruption, and crime. The very creation of the tribe of Israel was done through one brother tricking his father into giving him his brother's birthright. I really don't get the tolerance of "Jews in general". Are there good Jews? Absolutely. The community as a whole, however, is covertly hostile. Their objective is to eliminate, via long-term IQ shredding, competing groups.

20504766? ago

There is NOT a consensus among anons that muslims aren't a threat, we don't buy what Soros is selling. Not a bible fag, but those who are can find similar quotes about the Jews by Christians--especially if we go back in history. Tolerance was not a virtue in the Middle Ages.

I know there were a lot of Jews involved in setting up Russia--but it wasn't only Jews. Just look at Stalin, a failed seminarian. Also, Stalin's cosmopolitan campaign after WWII was a pogram in the making. He died coz his doctors were sitting Lubyanka that night.

I definitely see that there's a subset of Jews of fit your description perfectly. Also see the clannishness of many Jewish communities and their tendency to see themselves as superior to others. So if you want to make the case that Jews as a culture tend to keep apart and look down on others, I see that.

My sense if that the evolutionary arc for the Jewish people would be to transcend the ethnically-based tribalist model and (eventually) come to see themselves as members of a larger community--the world community. But that's a tricky idea to promote right now because it can easily be mistaken for an NWO style view of community, which is not about transcendence or universal brotherhood. Kinda like communism, which can be seen as an effort to transcend lesser values for greater ones (but which inevitably gets implemented as "one law for the cronies and another for the masses.") IMO, the "Jewish problem" is not straightfoward, and probably has esoteric dimensions which must be taken into consideration. Not the right time to get into that kind of thing--not yet. Which is why I am happy to wait to deal with Israel until later.

Respectfully, my position is to let the facts unfold from the bottom up rather than trying to push top down arguments that will only alienate the mainstream.

20498451? ago

The problem is anons getting pushed hard to 100% accept "muh joos" narrative when that is absolutely not necessary.

That is where you are completely wrong, kiddo. It is not only necessary it is vital.

Look at the push POTUS made against Fake News for example. He beat that drum every day for months to show people the way. Eventually it had a fantastic effect. No one trusts the fake news media now. They are a joke and completely exposed

POTUS is unable to beat the JQ drum for political reasons. That is where WE come in. Q began posting on 4ch /pol/ arguably the most redpilled on the JQ ("anti-semitic") place on the internet for a reason. "You were chosen for a reason" - Q

We need to normalize by repetition the act of asking and answering the JQ to show the brainwashed masses the truth and lose their fear of being called a bigot

When it comes time for "Isreael is last" the public will be in much better condition to accept events

20503828? ago

Knowing the true role that the Jewish elite play in the cabal is of value. And it's also worth discussing. But Most of the stuff posted is not designed to start a discussion but merely to express hostility towards Jews. Or to drive anons crazy with spam and insults, espec on 8chan. We don't need to normalize anti-Jewish ideas, we need to explain why they make sense--IF they do--with facts and arguments. If I point this out to most "muh joos" posters (the ones that say things like "kikes are worse than niggers"), they just say KYS or call me mossad. Not exactly a way to gain support.

20504072? ago

Knowing the true role that the Jewish elite play in the cabal is of value. And it's also worth discussing.


But I want to moderate the manner in which people discuss it, taking pains to virtue signal to any SJWs that might be listening

wrong. this isn't reddit. you are welcome of course to return there where the mods work diligently to ensure you don't encounter anything that might hurt your fee-fees

20504790? ago

That moderating stuff wasn't from me. Don't want to moderate anything, just encourage people to think deeply about whatever is being discussed before posting. SJW's can take a flying leap, VOAT or 8chan aren't for them.

20497617? ago

jew detected

20498127? ago

Jew found.

20501161? ago

oy vey Mossad is our friend and dindu nuffins. Israel is greatest ally and jews gods chosen oy vey how dare you animal goys question it.

20496059? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3394816 Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell stroll the streets of Paris with their underage sex slave in unsealed photos which also show the apartment where pedophile housed teen victims in NYC

20493675? ago

Her follow-up video posted today:


20493601? ago

First time I've watched this researcher she needs to create a transcript and archived. Remember FIB Anon posted its a massive spider web taking out a few people won't shut it down. He also posted the stuff found in that hard drive would start wars. I'm thinking not only foreign but civil war here in this country. No wonder Q team/MI had to intervene and strategically plan a WW take down of the nwo globalist. Mind boggling

20496785? ago

Eyes Wide Shut, Kubrick, and Epstein https://voat.co/v/QRV/3391586/20257499 Rosemary's baby. Satanists always tell you exactly what they are doing, right in your face. They even cut off her hair, so she looks like a young boy, before they drug her and serve her up to satan. These sick movies normalize it. China Town all about incest and child abuse. Polanski and Nicolson. So, tired of the masses buying tickets, instead of boycotting this crap.

20493896? ago

polly is excellent, been watching her for a long time.

20493949? ago

She’s impressive. This dig alone is blowing my mind.

When I heard Maxwells->InQTel/MIT I started yelling out loud WTF

Steve Peiczenik just connected MOSSAD to Epstein, too

What if this whole time (You Have More Than You Know) was that Epstein was only ever a Face for deflecting what Ghislaine&Her Sisters the entire time?

Think about it. Ghislaine is a player she’s all over the place at all times.

Now we find out her sisters, too, are possibly bigger players than she even was helping InQTel shove us all into digital cattle cars via LifeLog/FaceBook/Twitter etc?!?


20499453? ago

Steve Peiczenik is one of the most established figures to call out the Mossad's role in 9/11 as well.


20496961? ago

Makes Sense: Seems like the actors are known at this point: IF they have EVERYTHING, they can dole out some justice and while I get impatient like most people, I do realize that when you are dealing with very RICH, very well-connected people, that has go to be handled differently... Other nations being involved and legitimate National Security concerns makes it wise to handle properly versus Quickly...

20494045? ago

What if this whole time (You Have More Than You Know) was that Epstein was only ever a Face for deflecting what Ghislaine&Her Sisters Israel the entire time


20493593? ago

Possible Project Talpiot collaborators?

20494156? ago

Is that the project where Israel has backdoor access to any Dell computer in the world?

20500386? ago

Yes. But it isn't only Dell products which are vulnerable.

20493590? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=7j_JjvKK1VE :

BOMBSHELL! Did Ghislaine's Sisters Backdoor the FBI, NSA + more? - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

20493483? ago

We need to shut down the internet and destroy all computers.

20498735? ago

Then all we would hear would come from MSM. Been there done that.

20493476? ago

Like her dad with 'promis'