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20494080? ago

The amount of collusion between the same massive group of people is very disturbing. Crimes, infiltration and corruption is absolutely astounding and evil. This, I believe, is known by many in our government to keep silent with bribes and blackmail. There has to be around a handful of elected officials that we Patriots can trust as pro-Americans. The mossad is everywhere in the US stealing secrets. China also. Feinstein had a Chinese chauffeur for 20+ years that was a Chinese spy. FBI ignored it. The mossad is implicated in setting explosives on 911. Where are our 'intelligence' agencies? Have they really been doing their job or covering up collusion, crimes, spying, corruption as their 'real' mission statement? Who are they really working for? Absolute justice is not waning, it left 5 decades ago.

20496054? ago

Think Mirror..... Robert Maxwell -Mirror Group Newspapers

20498859? ago

when madeleine mccann disappeared, one of the main discussion hubs was the mirror forum. lots of highjinks with biased mods banning people and trying to censor the info digs. lots of misdirection. finally they deleted that particular sub, taking offline tons of good info members had amassed.

so all the nonsense and dirty tricks on the reddit boards and the subsequent voat boards and 8chan, yeah, been there, done that. they just keep using the same playbook over and over.

just thought i'd mention the mirror/maxwell connection to maddie since there was talk at the time that the mccanns had connections to various media and high political figures, the same kind of crowd the maxwells moved in.