20492012? ago


20491743? ago

Have you ever considered the fact that "IQ" was developed as another way to divide us? Why do people put so much staple in something that isn't even concrete science? Research it and you'll see.

20491046? ago

The war has always been between the bloodlines of Cain and Seth. It might even be between different species. Anyone know?

20490907? ago

What I wish the “minorities” who hate white people would realize is that in the end all of our cultures will be erased.

20490742? ago

No facts.


20490752? ago


20490699? ago

This is copy pasta from this forum thread from 2011. Worth the read: https:// archive.fo/qERv5

20508202? ago

I'm reading the shit out of that thread. Great read. The way it uses the Socratic method smells like Q (ironically)?

20490731? ago

Yep, all the answers are there.

20490516? ago

Marriages were/are arranged by families for good reason. Character and the ability to support a wife and future children were examined by 3rd party family. A bad marriage affects extended family too.

20490533? ago

Days of Future Past may come again? v/TraditionalWives the tradiational way, not exactly white sharia?

20490248? ago

There are a lot of blacks that are far more intelligent than whites...But we are all sold by the pound. Why does race matter?

20490728? ago

You wont find those blacks in black countries.

20490503? ago

Open Borders for Saudi and Israel?

20490299? ago

We have different IQ bell curves. If you don't understand the importance of IQ distribution then go compare civilizations with high average IQs to civilizations with average low IQs. Race is very important. Different people have different capabilities.

20491769? ago

But does mating with a high iq black mean you will revert to the norm? Or offspring have enjoy high iq? Is the is a nomal distribution for offspring outcome centered at the "average" of both parents?

20489975? ago

Me 1/4 Italian the rest English, Dutch. My kids 1/8 Italian the rest English, Dutch, German.

20490549? ago

Is there a media agenda, is there something worse maybe 'Satanic' they say ? you seen the wikileaks, creepy people in hollywood, war mongers and banks, certain persons in politics? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3329167 #car-i-s-james= Caribbean-Island-St.James...They won't be able to walk down the street....alefantis was talking about st. James in the infamous #carisjames Instagram post, kate damon kaze design ?

20489924? ago

That's really the women's fault, now isn't it?

20490498? ago

The Science of Microchimerism. This is why you should NEVER marry, date or even touch an ex coalburner ... not just the Herpes statistics folks! v/ScienceAnon

20489793? ago

Why does this really matter. who gives a fuck really. we aren't tribes anymore that depends on protecting ourselves by identifying a outsider by the way they look.

get the fuck over this shit American has no fucking color only freedom

20494050? ago

You might as well join antifa. Seriously, you sound exactly like them.

20490966? ago

I don’t wanna travel all the way to Japan to feast on their fabulous tacos. So in that sense, tribe does matter bc it’s the differences between all of us that make each nationality interesting.

20492054? ago

You are missing out. A Japanese Okonomiyaki place by me makes a "Kobe" beef taco that is insanely good.

20494062? ago

Nice so you sell out your Nation, people, and county for tacos huh? This is what the Q movement stands for??

20503348? ago

Huh? The restaurant was on Sawtelle Blvd in LA. Eating tacos prepared at Japanese restaurant is un-patriotic? Ok i guess its hotdogs and hamburgers for me from now on then.

20490129? ago

well spoken, fellow jew, racemixing for everyone!

20490201? ago

How do you feel about say Germans mixing with other whites like polish or English out of curiosity. I agree with you but I'm trying to find my definition of the proper amount of mixing

20491837? ago

I personally look upon it negatively. But the degree of difference is obviously smaller than between distinct races. To raise this question is when this is patently obvious reveals your intent.

20489550? ago

It is equally disgusting to see a white man with an asian.

20489682? ago

Also except Philippine women. Great wives.

20494067? ago

Disgusting and not attractive.

20490401? ago

You mean the hookers that take all you can give until they find another American man with a bigger dick, and decent credit to support that huge family back home? They're the most disgusting of all of them.

20491982? ago

Wow. I assume this dude was married to a Filipino in the past. Such detail and nuance to the claims. Such vitriol.

I am good friends with a few Filipino women but never romantically.

These claims are not off the mark.

Very friendly and generous friends. Horrible with money. Sexually promiscuous. That can be good and bad. Kept dirty homes. Questionable taste in fashion. Definitely all had tons of family back home to support.

20492138? ago

They cheat with your family members, have no morals, just bodies the size of a child, don't get me started.

20489521? ago

There is also a hell of a lot of inbreeding amongst Orthodox Jews and Indians. First cousin marriage is legal.

20496947? ago

india has arranged marriages, first cousin marriages are not allowed, so no inbreeding possible.

20490517? ago

Mohammedans also, the kike and kebab connect by similar customs and rituals, the prophet of islam married his cousin, raped animals and had sex with his dead aunt, all there in their so-called holy books if you ever read them ... they are even translated into languages like English so you can see for yourself how the founder of islam was a criminal terrorist and a pedophile.

20489458? ago

White women prefer black men. White men prefer jerking off to interracial porn and My Little Pony.

20489370? ago

Photoshop orthodox jews into all "multicultural" family photos you find online and post them up. We must normalize Jews mating with all the PoC they want to import into the West.

20489255? ago

So you're saying that your race is opposed to the white race?If so that means the jewish people are trying to breed us out and make us stupid by making it cool to breed with Yo boi, I tink eminem is da bess rappa. He be spitin dat hawt fi'yahs

You may have noted this trend in your local media.

Now check out what the nation of Israel is doing to encourage their offspring to avoid GOYEM infiltrating their family bloodlines...and draw your own conclusions.

20489493? ago

You do know that we can see can you are OP? Or has protecting your bloodline led to inbreeding with negative consequences?

20489835? ago

I am posting from the "i am a Rofschild, axe me a question" interview

20490145? ago

no you're a fucking retard

20490745? ago

sheep say baaaaahhh