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20489145? ago

Appears that Watkins is a straight forward straight up kinda man. He has no issues with transparency either way. Be it with the powers that be, and with those who populate 8chan. He lets us know that, yeah, i do cooperate with the FBI. He was, i'm sure, the same with the Congressional weasels. Which must frustrate the hell out of them. Nothing they can grab onto. Crooks grilling an honest man. Gotta be interesting to be the only truthful voice in the room and all the rest going through their dissembling contortions as politicians are wont to do. They are terrified of transparency, much less honesty. They make bank off of our money we actually worked for, and this fella says oh i made about 12K. While they make 120K+. Freaking foxes in the henhouse. No wonder they want to try to keep shut down a site that exposes weasels, and worse.

20490343? ago

The chans were a lot of info on the island, black mail, the abuse, Epstein's crimes would come out ... now they want gab, kiwifarms, voat and 8chan shut? Two cameras broke, one that malfunctioned, another the video was corrupted and did not record?

20492817? ago

Yup. How convenient. Getting too hot so action was taken. They lie like a rug. And TWO people falling asleep? Naaahhh.