20496340? ago

Buwahahahaha TOTAL PHOTO SHOP JOB. He wore a striped shirt dip weed.

20498212? ago

You imbecile, there's a separate video of him wearing the same pin. Clearly visible. Eat a dick.

20494587? ago

Has anyone seen Hannity's pin?!? He's C_A

20488139? ago

Mississippi pin... then THIS is definitely tied to it, its a comm.


Watkins KNOWS. Thats why the hearing was classified, it was about a national security threat, and Watkins just told us WHAT that threat was...

20489531? ago

That 3Days3Nights thread sent chills down my spine, I am a bit north of PSL. Thank You POTUS an Patriots.

Semper Fi

20487969? ago

You won’t believe who is talking to you? The owner of 8chan is Q? That would freak a few folks

20485755? ago

That's a fairly unique American thing you know... You can be some shmo doing your own thing, and some shit happens, and then you get called to Congress to testify in secret hearings:)

20485667? ago

god bless him

20485644? ago

The guy has swinging basketballs!!

20485545? ago

Hmm. I don't know, It looks like an O to me. There's no tail. I think you guys are just seeing the stitching on his shirt (button) as the tail, if I'm not mistaken.

20493349? ago

he wore the same pin to an OAN interview and it is clearly a Q.

20493989? ago

Yeah, you're right.

20485234? ago

You faggots that’s the line from his button hole. Get back to work.

20487335? ago

Get back to panicking, shill... Patriots coming through...


20490237? ago

Looks like Thomas Drake's Q pin.....

https:/ /www.gannett-cdn.com/media/USATODAY/GenericImages/2013/06/16/1371422350000-drake-1306161841_3_4.jpg?width=640

20484867? ago


20484298? ago

Either a biker, or knows bikers. If the FBI had not fucked up hell's angles, I'd say something else.

20484190? ago

Salude number 17 we know QAnon(61---Dorian) know the truth....it's bright as day and shills are scared shittless by it. SHITLESS!

20483731? ago

Love the Mississippi state flag pin:

Miss State

20483628? ago

Kek, if this pic is real I would have love to see the faces when he walked in the hearing

20485081? ago

kek ^^^^ I agree ^^^ with THIS Patriot

20483084? ago

He has a two flagged pin too. Anyone know what it is?

20482886? ago

Photoshop to the rescue!

20482589? ago

He trolled the committee

20486851? ago

I'm not sure if this is KEK worthy or Honk Honkler worthy. Could be both. Niggas help me out here.

20482569? ago

I have one of those I wear every day!

20482566? ago


20482369? ago


20482366? ago

Who is Jim Watkins and what did he have to do with what hearing?

I dont have time to catch up on everything, could someone explain?

20482386? ago

NOO!!! do some QRESEARCH!

20482311? ago

Sauce on the photo?

20482946? ago

You believe anything that’s on Twitter.

20483005? ago


He owns Goldwater, researcher

20483525? ago

There is zero proof he wore that pin in the meetings.

20483567? ago


20482235? ago

Some people did something in the toilet.

20482193? ago

See that snarkey look he's giving that photographer 😁

20486681? ago

TFW you fuck with Congress.

20482935? ago

Who is the photographer?

20482910? ago

Who took the photo?

20482139? ago

Some people know stuff

20482087? ago

That's MARVELOUS! Way to go, Jim.

20489504? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3400763 Bill Maher starred in the movie "The Pizzaman" when he played a pizza delivery guy who blows up Donald Trump with a bomb. In 1991...owns a comedy media company 'With Kid Love Productions '

20482068? ago

Is that Pepe on his tie?

20482413? ago

someone at the Goldwater said dogs

20486348? ago

Looked like elephants to me. Q pin elephant in the room?

20482009? ago


20481973? ago

Where is this anti-semites israeli pin?

20481943? ago

Where did he post this originally?

20482164? ago


20482673? ago

I don’t see on Goldwater. Sauce?

20482921? ago

Who took this shopped photo?

20482991? ago


20481936? ago

I can't display catbox pictures at work.... darn

20482255? ago

search website proxy and then use one of those websites to load it

20483437? ago

Thank you!

20482422? ago

Those look like the same glasses I am wearing.

20482538? ago

What brand?

20481888? ago

Almost impossible to not be included in pictures with how high up it is on his collar.

20482907? ago

Except nobody took any pictures.

20482678? ago

I haven't seen any other pictures of him.

20489478? ago

Jack Presobic interview on OAN. Shown, and in the video. Real prominent.

20482286? ago


Nice get. Digits Confirm. Qpin was high on the collar on purpose.

20483073? ago

What are the two flags on his tie representing?

20484192? ago

He found that shit on the ground walking in and thought it was cool...

20486685? ago


20485383? ago

Won it on a steamboat, along with the boat.

20484965? ago


20483569? ago

One is the American flag and the other is the Mississippi State flag

20483251? ago

Man I don't know anon, I was wondering the same. Not one I recognize, I'm pretty sure its not a nazi flag as claimed by others. It's got too much gold in it when you zoom in. Looks like a state flag or a euro flag with a royal crest.

20485389? ago


20481870? ago

This is why I come to this website (QRV, not voat).

20481988? ago

Why what's wrong with voat? Don't want to be a nigger faggot like us?

20482064? ago

Voat is garbage

20488132? ago

Close your eyes faggot. We wouldn’t want you to become open minded or logical by accident.

20488730? ago

What does the coding of a website have to do with that?

20483599? ago

Yeah. Everything is garbage. At least I know that people are free to speak their minds here.

20483631? ago

Did you mean endless spamming of off topic nonsense?

20482115? ago

Awww. Are you a faggot that can't handle the truth?

20482129? ago


20482107? ago

Dude, fuck you. Where is there not garbage?

20482119? ago

Well you have to subscribe, but it's worth the money. Search Ben Fulford

20482182? ago

fulford = known disinfo son, especially lately

20482191? ago

Did I say Fulford? Meant Sorcha Faal. SORRY

20481998? ago

Get a load of this niggerfaggot

20482797? ago

Fartnigger? Is that really u?

20481859? ago

Thanks Patriot! Keep up the good work. WRWY Jim Watkins. (REEEE)

20481770? ago

Is that a swastika pin on his tie?

20482004? ago

It's a swastika.

20482267? ago

That's a relief. I am sickened I even considered the possibility it was not.

20482301? ago

I like how many downvotes I got. None of them refuted anything, they were just mad.

At least you looked at the evidence.

20481933? ago

Look like flags to me

20482023? ago

Yeah - a swastika over a weimar republic flag

20484878? ago

You used all three accounts to down vote that shit.

Short dick piece of desperate shit you shills are.

20484899? ago


Who do you think is being shilled for?

20481999? ago

American flag and the state flag of Mississippi.

20481922? ago


20482033? ago

20482077? ago

Its a Mississippi state flag

20482116? ago

Yes! Thanks!

20481727? ago

Based Watkins.

20481687? ago

Great find! #WWG1WGA. #QANON #TRUMP2020

20481676? ago

Nice touch. Watkin looking quite dapper in his suit and tie.

20487656? ago

Dapper? He looks like a fucking pedophile.

20498153? ago

Get that man a baby stat

20484204? ago

He looks exactly like I'd expect a degenerate ex-pat looking to immerse himself in underage Filipino hookers to look like.

Did you know that the female pig's vagina is the closest match in the animal world to a human vagina?

Jim Watkins knows.

20484670? ago


20484153? ago

Looking very 1880s with those porkchops... Those top-hat wearing motherfuckers in the old west knew how to carve some facial hair.

20482084? ago

There's a Filipino midget named Quinn who sleeps under the desk where the 8ch 486 turbo sits.

Dig anons! maybe Q is more deeply affiliated with 8ch then we suspect!

20482810? ago

Will do Quinn.

20482695? ago

Haha sorry it was my mom

20482358? ago

Hopefully someone made a back-up of the external audio cassette tape drive, we don't want some audiophile making a mixed-tape with it.

20485348? ago

String floppy

20485052? ago

too late MMMMMMM mix tapeeesssssssssssss

20482146? ago

Does the 486 turbo have a math co processor with MMX too?

20486164? ago

386SX turbo, bitch

20493904? ago

386SX rulez

20484166? ago

I remember the turbo button... It didn't do a goddammed thing.

20484972? ago

mine changed the LED display on the front

20484133? ago

Asking the real question ☝️

20483715? ago

No, MMX was a Pentium product.

20487731? ago

Correct. New fags don't know shit.

20482748? ago

U better. If not, u cant run Quake

20482326? ago

That was the asus in the closet we swapped in to handle more connections but Quinn's load test blew a 2MB Dram board which let the smoke out of the AT power supply so we swapped the turbo we got from compusa back in.