20475086? ago

I cannot WAIT until 8 chan is back up. It is going to kick ass.

20475080? ago

Funny photo.

20475407? ago

Would be even funnier if he had no ammo

20474939? ago

So 8chan comes back, better than ever and life is good.

Then another shooting occurs and immediately, WHAM, a couple important boards on 8chan go read only. How are we going to dig, bake, collaborate to investigate the event that shut down the boards? We'd be pretty much handicapped and disrupted, right?, unless there is a plan B.

QRV will be here unimpeded. I suggest we find a way to make QRV a backup to 8chan where 8chan would be accessible for read only data retrieval but the work gets done on QRV until the boards are open for business again. Something to consider, I'm unaware of other solutions a seasoned 8chan anon might know.

Also, as a first time baker, I have what I guess would be called a tray of biscuits out of the oven and cooling off. Need diggers to review the book review sections for the books listed in the this list generated from a C_A tweet picture. See https://voat.co/v/QRV/3413981 thread and the list of book links. By what mechanism can I hand these buscuits off to anons who take it to the next level? Bread gonna get stale without some help.

Should we have reinvented 8chan functional processes on QRV while 8chan is down?


20474551? ago


20474143? ago

I'm going to spam porn for 24 hours straight to get everyone's mind right. You fuckers are going soft.

20477069? ago

Bewbs get downvoted here. This is why we can’t have nice things.

20477391? ago

Boobs are ok. It’s that gay shit that messes it up. Them putting it here is a proof people don’t like gay shit.

20474077? ago

I agree and I would love to name my pet 8Chan.

20474058? ago

I just realized how unprepared I am for this.

The back online thing is going to be different isn't it.

20473625? ago

The planet will be on 8chan. Beef 'er up.

The enemy as well shilling their pencil di...er necks off.

20473592? ago

TYB baby

20473414? ago

Training wheels off. We are the news!

20476375? ago

Does the news go into read only mode in a “crisis”?

20473313? ago

Is that guy human?

20473402? ago

Is that guy human?

Nyet. Is Russian.

20474099? ago


20473995? ago

actually lol'ed

20473260? ago

@crensch could have had this post on his sub if he wasn’t a banhappy faggot. Posted it on a non-comped sub instead.

20472776? ago

C before D


20473673? ago

The IG report (the big one for comey) will seal his fate. THEN comes the declas. Personally, I dont see anything on declas this year. Timing is everything, and declas brings down the house. Yes the demoncrat house. In time for election. So hopefully, we take back the house, strengthen the senate and wrap up SCOTUS. And down goes Roe V Wade! And a lot of illegal rulings with that as well. Roberts will get a nice purty orange jumpsuit and CNN signs off! We will indeed have a nice 4th of July Parade 😉

20474117? ago

Personally, I dont see anything on declas this year.

I thought there was some bullshit about how nobody can post disturbing news one full year before a presidential election. Some anons were saying that declas would have to come in October 2019 because if it came any later it would be interfering or something like that. I am not an election expert; I am not even an erection expert. Any election experts here?

20477687? ago

Who is playing by the rules?

20472718? ago

well folks, i ll believe it when i see it online. til then it is still dead as a door knob.

20472730? ago

Doubtfags gotta doubtfag.

20472671? ago

Wanna bet deepstate has a mass shooting/false flag planned for that day??

Stay vigilant folks. The left is crazy. Stay safe.

20472715? ago

Oh you know it! But the thing is... Some stuff will get posted to 8-chan about what is happening. And then the site will go into 'Read Only Mode'. People will know a huge amount about what is going on just from the information on 8-Chan that forced the 'Crisis Mode'.

20476404? ago

Would people not learn more from an 8ch that is operating normally?

20473082? ago

Call me crazy, but what if...

what if the FBI did it's job for once on a FF and exposed and arrested the FBI/CIA/MOS assets responsible for the FF and the fake news pushing false narratives to cover it up? and the complicit police departments creating false reports and coroners faking fake death certificates and the crisis actors lying?

20477359? ago

FBI won’t do shit. Corrupt thru and thru.

20473644? ago


20474001? ago

for fuck's sake, false flags!

20473487? ago

Oy Vey! That's classified!

20472643? ago

I have a meme ready...

20472725? ago

Post it faggot.

20472744? ago

No man.. I'm saving this one... Its a really good one.






You can have these ones though. This shit should last you til 8ch is back up... Especially that eohGG one.

20473435? ago

Those links suck. Post the meme, or GTFO.

(or maybe KYS...but make sure to livestream it and do a flip)

20472479? ago

I wonder if there is a reason for the madness …none of the anons stopped researching my bet is that some of the anions dug deeper into old work. I expect a real shit storm when * Chan is back up and running.

20472661? ago

I wonder if there is a reason for the madness

The 8-chan shutdown is just 'Moves & Counter Moves...' They knew it would happen. In the big picture... Everybody knows there is a reason why The Powers To Be are concerned about postings on 8-chan. And Watkins bent a knee to the Congressional Committee. How can they move against him saying "We can go into 'Read Only Mode' if there is a crisis."

Yikes! They don't even want that... Even though new information can't be posted... Watkin's is threatening that what ever is there when a crisis is detected... Well... it goes into 'Read Only Mode'.

Watkin is pushing back super hard.

20476400? ago

If “read only mode” is so great, why not make 8ch read only all the time?

The better threat is “normal operations at all times.”

Why would a “crisis” result in suspension of free speech? Why would this be celebrated?

I am a total Qtard and am trusting the plan, but it does not look like anyone has our back here. We are just losing more ground somehow.

20477402? ago

"I am a total Qtard and am trusting the plan"

20484112? ago

I am.

20477129? ago

You don't get it... This puts a stop to the attacks on 8-chan while at the same time letting people know there is something happening.

And interested people can use their secondary sites to follow the 'crisis'. What ever information gets published would still be at 8-chan.

It would be kind of like the 'circuit breakers' in the stock market.

Of course it would be best for 8-chan not to skip even a beat. But the Left won't get what they want. The information (that is offensive) will still be published and be available as the site drops back to 'Read Only Mode'.

And of course... we will see the free speech site is not responsible for the escalating crisis.

20473898? ago

oretty much agree with your take, except for this:

The Powers To Be

they are the the powers that were^^.

20472707? ago

Read only mode is moast awesome threat ever.

20476365? ago

Why not “read and write mode, business as usual, even in a made up crisis”?

How is read only better than read and write? Why not make it always read only?

20477632? ago

Because you have more than you know.