20474028? ago

Is it just me or does this early Video from Trump regarding Hurricane Dorian seem coded????


20473902? ago

Helooo Fresh!: >



20471915? ago

Charity address 6666 Quincy is a bit weird.

20471909? ago

So, CNN labeled Alabama as Mississippi, eliminating The Cotton State.

What do you think that is all about, OP?

20472371? ago

CNN is as good in geography as they are in objective news coverage?

20471875? ago

Did anyone notice that the first image from CNN shows Mississippi next to Georgia and not Alabama?

20471872? ago

Man 8chan had a GREAT couple of threads about Chinese Investment in the Gulf Coast. I've got to find that...it ultimately led back to a company that was tied to I believe Clare Bronfman and a bunch of prominent Mississippi and Alabama Businessmen and State Government big wigs. I'll dig through my archive. So glad I did archive everything.

20472093? ago

Sounds promising. I was wondering if it had something to do with illegal activities on the coast (smuggling, trafficking, drugs, etc). Earlier today someone pointed out that the DIA was in Alabama for a visit. Trump's going all out on this and the DIA shows up - I believe it's related, but have no details on the purpose of the visit.

20472147? ago

The DIA visit was for an Intelligence Community and National Mission Intelligence Conference. Why they'd hold it there in Birmingham near the Air National Guard base and not Redstone Arsenal...where DIA's Missile and Space Intel Command is located is....Odd

20472133? ago



I found it, it was in a post that was WAY better put together on 8chan. Anthony Rodham (now deceased Brother of Killary) worked a deal for Huawei Exec to receive a Visa. The rabbit hole goes deeper from there but this link used to be alive...its strangely now NOT. https://relationshipscience.com/person/anthony-rodham-4912200

It listed the Huawei Execs name and other details about Anthony Rodhams relationship with the Chinaman.

20471653? ago

I'm not following bro. Please explain what you think you're finding here..

20473081? ago

That's kinda how digging works. You never make what you'll find!

20471299? ago

fuck off with the faggamatria

20473089? ago

It's a real thing. You're ignoring reality because you feel dumb.

20471420? ago

You fuck off shill boy. We know your comms deal with it.

20471261? ago

simple english gematria

Gematria is jewish. Don't get it twisted

20470906? ago

Great work Anon

20470409? ago
