21017140? ago

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20468533? ago


21017152? ago

A Bigger Story about to Drop...The Plan is Beyond 5D Chess https://voat.co/v/QRV/3478548

20475305? ago

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20466939? ago

Dude might want to change the first page of his Facebook account -- pic of a young girl on it... https://www.facebook.com/KeithThomasProducer/

21017161? ago

I pulled all the pieces together. Are we about to witness the head being chopped off the snake? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3478537/21012846 Good post OP. Nice summary

20466917? ago

Love how the shills will go after this woman, but none of them doubted Blasey Ford for one second. I believe her because I have always worried about kids in the music business with these creeps who are "producers" that couldn't get a date in high school. "Let me teach you how to be a good kisser." Sounds a little like Creepy Joe Biden.

20465215? ago

Some creepy comments posted under that article.

20465096? ago

I've posted a number of times about a guy named Trey McIntyre that had connections to Killary's state department, Comet Ping Pong, the White Oak Conservancy in Yulee Florida, and the CEO of Alert Sense, where Laura Silsby works. No one seems interested, I think he's a very big deal.

20475281? ago

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20465080? ago

I did some modeling/acting late teens/early 20's. The whole industry is loaded with CREEPS and PEDOS. I reported one to an agency, he was definitely pursuing underage boys. CREEP.

21017145? ago

https://voat.co/v/AnonNews/3432650 Democratic donor Ed Buck ARRESTED for running a drug den and 'being a violent sexual predator'

20465251? ago

A close friend of mine raised a girl (now a beautiful woman) who was so attractive that people were trying to get into the NY modeling biz as a teenager. My friend wouldn't let her, and I didn't understand why until now, reading these stories.

21018519? ago

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20466060? ago

Many years ago my daughter was advised by a friend's eldest daughter to NOT pursue a career in modeling. I now know why.

20464864? ago

So so many are empowered to speak now! It’s everywhere which we know but still it’s astounding how often we hear it.

21028918? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3401187/20345295 And, "Ghislaine Maxwell". That's it. No one else.

Such a predictable side show circus.

20464804? ago

#metoo #metoo

20464570? ago


Note how it is delivered SNEAKY A number of Anons working this way SNEAKY

Anon(s) working with Fox to take down the BEAST. BET ON IT !! SNEAKY Anons to boot.

Dark to light, They are soon to be finished. The boot(s) are on the black hat's throats now. ENJOY the show

20464489? ago

What a great place to harvest loo sh. A scary ride, under a movie theatre, do cinemas change rooms or all all the horror films displayed by the same projector.

20464242? ago

Wew. Want to see who runs Disney? http://magaimg.net/img/7rbf.jpg

Also this has happened before, sadly, with much worse results...

Child actress Heather Orourkes, 12,  raped to death by (((Hollywood executives))).


It's all related to the (((pedos))) who run the world

Pizzagate 101




Newfag rundown on the players


It all started with Hawaii bro and secret pedo media distribution bunker


Comet ping pong connection


Comet ping pong was hacked during the election and Anons found this download portal but couldn't get further


On a separate page Anons found pizza menu items in detail


And these pictures. They've essentially been completely blacked out. NSFL


Comet ping pong false flag shooter



HRC Moloch sacrifice chicken. Comet Ping Pong #ChickenLover


Elsagate rundown


The CIA has been running child trafficking rings since the beginning. Definitely NSFL


Men Who Hate Women: The Franklin Scandal and the Truth About Our Leaders





Unknown source, NSFL



They've been threatened before and they killed a sitting senator and her husband


It's all about the adrenochrome


Justin Beiber snaps because he was (((pimped out)))


Child actress Heather Orourkes, 12,  raped to death by (((Hollywood executives))).


The Child-Rape (((Assembly Line)))


The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal: Anatomy of the Zionist-Illuminati Sexual Blackmail System



Sex trafficking of children on YouTube


More #pizzagate






Tony Podesta smocking Trump tweet


Anderson Cooper slips up, #pizzagate


Israel children farming


Allister Crowley and human sacrifice


21017187? ago

meanwhile on reddit ... Porn is Black Magic ... will they mention the company & (((people))) running the smuggling, drugs, the exploitation, pimping and prostitution https://voat.co/v/QRV/3478646

20464179? ago

The constant drip drip of Disney's victim's keep coming forth.

21017168? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3478592/21015154 When did QRV become a creative writing forum?

20465715? ago

Heard this drip drip chant on English msm as well. The Drip drip of Andrew's crimes. World Wide awakening, many drips at a time. Drip, drip another Comm of the All is well shout out to those that listen