20466997? ago

here is freshly baked bread.


There is a link in part A to my work on decoding Ghislane Maxwell. Let me know what you think.


20466517? ago

why do people keep posting this shit like it's even halfway understandable? gobbledy fuckin gook

20466732? ago

Not a stenographyfag, so here is what I got out of this. When you're sending coded messages, you need each side to have a decoding ring. When A sends a Message to B, the message is travelling as encoded by A. When B gets the message, he unlocks it with his copy of A's ring, and replys under Code B from his ring

Because you need both the sending and receiving keys, it's harder to break, and you have a better idea who is talking.

Using this as a baseline, the news is building a "off the grid and deniable" comms Network by hiding coded messages in pictures.

Expert wanna jump in?

20463916? ago

there's a thread about this on glp if you're interested...

20464993? ago

Here's the link:

STEGANOGRAPY Possibly Being Used Right Now by NYP Regarding Epstein: Any IT TECHS Out There That Can Decode This???

P.S. Always double-check before clicking anyone's link on Voat.

20463903? ago

https://archive.ph/VJvLu :

Luke Slytalker & The Force on Twitter: "We’ll just get right to the meat& potatoes—I found a thing. Happening currently.

Embedded PGP Encryption Key???

Inside of Jeffrey Epstein photos, uploaded by the NYPost.… /tgpfTFioWg"

This has been an automated message.