20466547? ago

Says the man with a full bank account and free room & board. Isolate this dude

20465967? ago

Post the podcast clip from sound cloud faggot. Stop being a niggerfaggot.

20466006? ago

If you want posted, post it instead of whining about what others post.


20463398? ago

Frederick Brennan....not John Brennan.

20462327? ago

This is Frederick Brennan, not John Brennan are they related?

20461766? ago

I haven't seen an emptier threat in a long time.

20460741? ago

I thought this was talking about John Brennan and I was very confused as to why he’d be living in Jim Watkins apartment.

20467893? ago

Seconding the call for unambiguous headlines!

20460793? ago

Nope. Just the midget cripple who forked 8chan off of 4chan.

20460629? ago

I never liked Hotwheels. Except for the 69 camaro. Orange (stripes). I THINK it was the LAST toy I played with.

20460480? ago

Did you hear that woman with the raspy voice say Watkins hates Philippinos, and then a few minutes later was making fun of the fact that he hires non English speaking people ?

20460138? ago

He doesnt live in an apartment owned by jim anymore.

20460545? ago

Good info. Thanks, fren.

20459470? ago

Link to the podcast faggot where states Jim gives employees apartments as a means of control

20459237? ago

What is this? I am inclined to think this is not an organic change of mind on this guy's part. Something or someone is influencing him to say these things.

20460641? ago

I think I heard that he hooked up with some girl that introduced him to pills. If the woman's an asset manipulating him then that would explain some things. Moot of 4chan let the SJWs take control after he got romantically involved with a likely operative.

20459363? ago

Plants need water...and sometimes a free apartment.

20459332? ago

Right? I remember a looooong time ago he was super Patriotic, and like, Q's agents even planted things in the dudes house like a big-ass letter "Q" one time, he posted a pic of it....I knew that picture was worth saving, fuck!

20462879? ago

Ya I have been trying to track down that screen grab!! Any Anons have it???

21075670? ago

The image is over here https://voat.co/v/QRV/3485166

20460132? ago

According to him that was a fake that jim watkins made him go along with.

20459844? ago

That’s right! I remember that. So what made him have such a change of attitude? Think psychotronic or gang stalking? Threats? Or an agent?

20461442? ago


Digits Confirm. Hot wheels was targeted. (But 4's signify Angels or higher guidance/protection, just FYI)

I had a feeling it was this 1st time I heard it. If he has anyone he Loves, they probably threatened them. I don't think they could threaten him very effectively, so family, pets, who knows. If you listen to what he says, it sounds overboard, exagirated, over the top TDS, NPC, LARPing.

We'll know eventually, but remember we ARE watching a "Show", good actors make a great show after all.

20458906? ago

PATRIOTS! Our entire operation relies on securing our comms against a crippled midget! Remember!!! The entirety of humanity is at stake!

20459032? ago

Those who scream the loudest

What if 8chan is down to take out Hotwheels' back doors?

20460418? ago

Shame NSA doesn't have budget or authority to have a working website.

20463047? ago

They should consider crowdfunding for NSAchan perhaps

20460140? ago

It wouldnt need to be down this long for that.

20458987? ago

he is the top of the pyramid...

Pepe Orsini gets his orders from Brennan

20462822? ago

Freddy looks terrible there. I feel sorry for him but he doesn't need to attack 8chn.

He must be on some bad meds