20457757? ago

8chan to be down AT LEAST until 9/5.

20457132? ago

The Storm is now live:-


20458941? ago

Fuck that schizophrenic numberfag shit.

20459184? ago

ACTUALLY, It's very relaxing and satisfying when you have chronic Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, AND Nek Level Synesthesia (OCD/NLS). A way to let it all out so to speak. Better than counting every lamp post/street sign while traveling, and turning light switches on and off 17 times before being able to function, like what used to be the case before I started doing this work... Peace Shill Faggot Fren.

20456949? ago

We now see who is woke and who is sitting thru the whole play.

Grassroots is moving without Q and social media.

No Q didnt start whats gainging steam.

People are looking for the justice spoken of in the Bible,not Q,not media,real truth God justice.

Gods plan was here long before Q,the whole complete plan.

Who's plan you trusting in?(thats a self question)

Where we all will go,very few are staying.

20456983? ago

Just fulfilment of what is to come!

The stone that is and said to be is now!

20456912? ago

Here's to hoping, though 8chan probably won't be back up until well after 9/5

20456932? ago

Why 9/5?

20464714? ago

The owner of 8chan said as much.

20458097? ago

Why not 9/11 ;)

20456859? ago

No dates specified. Earliest "5th Sept".

20456581? ago

Anyone know if this shit is gona be broadcast?

I assume C-SPAN if anywhere

20457254? ago

Closed door hearing.

20458515? ago

To be a fly on the chamber wall : /

20456853? ago

The hearing is supposed to be tomorrow, but C-SPAN's schedule says they aren't broadcasting any congressional hearings until Friday, so I don't know if they aren't going to broadcast the heading at all, or if we have to wait till Friday to see it.

20456494? ago

I'm done w the forecasting and assuming. It leaves me a little hollow and sleepless every time. Just rolling w the plan for now...

20456486? ago

DateFaggin’ Tards make the rockin’ wurld go ‘round...

20456459? ago

Who said 8ch was going to be back up tomorrow?

20456429? ago

Full will not go back up tomorrow...

20456270? ago

Nothing at all says 8chan will be online tomorrow.

A window of that possibility starts. That’s it

20456251? ago

Doubt it

20456160? ago

I just hope the Republicans grow a pair and stick up for free speech. They need him to testify about Instagram posting the manifesto first.

20456083? ago

8ch might not be back tomorrow.

20456452? ago

Agreed. No guarantees.

20456540? ago

Even if they bring it back up, there's no guarantee that Q will post anything right away.

20456034? ago

You're assuming 8chan will go back up.

20456050? ago

Yes, 8chan will be back.

20456390? ago

Isn't the hearing on Friday?

20456611? ago

Reread crumbs