20457488? ago

UPCOMING!!! Is that just like soon, almost, around the corner, imminent, etc. Arrests or GTFO.

20454609? ago

Says they might not be 'released at all'. Sorry pal, no panic.

20451984? ago

How is this going to reverse the non-white tide flooding across our borders, and out of the vaginas of those among us? If you peel your eyes off this oh-so-compelling spectacle, you might notice a number of real world events are still going against us.

20451980? ago

Well, maybe things will change.. we'll have to wait and see I suppose...

20451645? ago

Article concludes:

While the case was dismissed against Epstein, Judge Preska must now consider how to release the sealed records - and from the looks of it, the possibility remains that they may not be released at all.

20451408? ago

Doesn't mean shit if those "names" aren't punished and removed from the society!

20451374? ago

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah, blah ... probably another nothing burger as usual. Lol

20451002? ago

Please Justin be on the list - election is comming up soon.

20450997? ago


20450880? ago

Names will be left out. Watch.

20452155? ago

Because last time they were?

20454633? ago

Doesn't matter if they aren't. Nothing ever came of it, and nothing ever will.

20461857? ago

Try to bring hopelessness won‘t work here. Personally, watching the DOJ and FBI dismantling was my favorite part of the sho so far. But as FISA declass gets closer, seeing shills like yourself going crazy for 50 cents a post is better. Enjoy the arrests WAY before the election.

20450779? ago

Any day now.

20450631? ago

It will be redacted or never released. Why do you fuck tards keep falling for this shit?

20451013? ago

Just like the last Epstein document dump?

20454648? ago

Which brought ZERO justice.

20450630? ago


20450192? ago

let It Rain Pain on these evil bastards that would harm the Little Ones!

20450124? ago

So when is a decision made/material released?

20450122? ago

Alec Baldwin pooping his pants.

20454660? ago

No he's not. He's got a big roast coming up.

20450000? ago


20463031? ago

0000? Yes they panic.

20449955? ago

Strangely, all of the jewish names have been removed

20450232? ago

To be fair, the jews all know Epstein ran the honeypot, so they didnt go to his. They rape and murder goyim in other places/cults

20453637? ago

The antisemites should have been raped.

20464755? ago

Found the nervous shill. antisemite is not a real thing. just a word invented by jews to stop people from questioning the shitty/evil things jews do to people.

20460861? ago

kvetching intensifies

20449689? ago

1 pedo, hundreds of victims!

How many more are out there?

20449719? ago

I'm more interested in learning which of our politicians become a (((Mossad))) puppet after attending one of (((Epstein's))) "pizza" parties.

20449742? ago

That's classified

20449745? ago

For national security

20449755? ago

For your protection

20449952? ago

For their protection from US.

How many laws and rules would be overturned and put into question when the names of the policy makers are seen as being influenced by their handlers?

How many Americans are in those jobs/fields and what burden would that be on the current system?

I saw the President should introduce a new version of Court TV. Paying is fine, but broadcast everything that happens on a government run network. I said government, not Federal...