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20438701? ago

Hi @OP. The NumberFag here.

You are correct in your analysis of the use of Game Theory.

Q has posted for us to think in terms of Game Theory.

I can see the game being played in all the coded messages being sent in tweets and speeches, and the corresponding Gematria and Numerology therein. This is the most sophisticated and complex fight I could possible fathom, and I am sure AI is being employed by both sides.

One thing I am certain of: White Hats have all the advanced new Tech., and The Cabal have been left playing with LEGO, and passing notes in class. They can't use their Gematria method of Comms. anymore as much, as we have broken this method of covert communication. They're fucked.

Please go through my posts and re-read them all.

Parts A-C:

Parts D -E:

Parts F-H - Pending. TBA.

I have a big drop due later today.

Thanks for you post.

Kindest regards,

The NumberFag.


20440998? ago

"I am known around here as The NumberFag."

No. You. Are. Not.

More like, you are the retarded brother of SerialBrain.

Two fucking idiots who actually don't know shit about Gematria, let alone other permutations.