20430190? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/ErIOtJTU7cfO/ 'Can not Serve 2 Masters'? What Really Happened When the House Stenographer Was Pulled Off the Floor?.... Do Masons have lots of symbolism Triangles, Orbs, All-Seeing-eye?

20430176? ago

Q's a 33 degree mason.

20430175? ago

What the Freemasonic Shriners really believe https://www.bitchute.com/video/riBiNP5fR2Ko/

20429699? ago

Jeezus fucking Christ.

Not this faggot bullshit again. Look, for the millionth time you dumb niggers, Freemasons are ordinary people. They are a lot of prior military, most are family men, and work in decent jobs. They are all you losers wish you could be.

Leaders are elected, based on time in organization and activity. The square and compass represent being better men. If you fucking retards think that sounds like the successful breeding ground for evil, you’re way to retarded to be civil with.

Seriously, just kill yourselves.

20431859? ago

Shrine Circus clown was arrested on charges of molesting? Gacy's involvement with the Waterloo chapter of the Jaycees represents his connection with the underground networks of the power elite that are under examination here.

By any rational estimation, the Jaycees are one of many Masonic societies operating ostensibly as a 'civic society.' Only males are permitted and its gatherings are all fraternal in nature. Many of their members are drawn from Masonic Lodges. Even the founder of the Junior Chamber, Henry Giessenbier, was a member of the Tuscan Lodge of the Masons.

Some of the prominent names in their membership roles are also men directly tied to the "senseless violence" occurring throughout the streets of our cities.

John Wayne Gacy the Killer and Clown?

On March 11, 1968, Donald Voorhees, Jr. gave a statement to the police in which he alleged that Gacy had assaulted and sodomized him. Voorhees' father was an Illinois state senator and also a Jaycee.

Gacy had served as the city's lighting commissioner and as chairman of local precinct of the Democratic Party.

He was known to be on friendly terms with Illinois Attorney General William Scott, and claimed to serve as an aide to Chicago Mayor Richard Daley. He claimed that Mike Rokyo, a local columnist, and Walter Jacobson, a local TV anchorman, were among his "good friends." He also claimed that he had worked for "the Syndicate" and that he was a cousin of local mob figure Tony Accardo.

Most impressively, he was photographed with First Lady Rosalynn Carter. He is wearing a lapel with credentials from the Secret Service, indicating that he received a special, high-level security clearance despite his history of violent crime. Furthermore, one of his prosecutors would later observe: "Two items on [Gacy's] Chicago Police report were blacked out, indicating they were FBI matters."

There are many 'clandestine' lodges and also bodies that are not officially a part of Freemasonry but well-understood to be appendage groups.

In Chicago, Gacy was still continually surrounded by young teenagers. He frequently entertained as a clown - an important symbol in the occult practices of Freemasonry - at hospitals, orphanages and at elite private parties. He hired many teenage boys to work for his construction firm, and three of them would disappear.

"The Ripper Crew" was indeed led by Robin Gecht, a man who had been one of Gacy's teenage employees. Gecht, it turns out, was born at the Illinois Masonic Hospital. One of his victims would later be treated there before providing information to police that led to his capture.

See, Masonic symbolism weaves its way through these stories without any help.

20431966? ago

Whoopdefuckingdoo you complete unstoppable force for stupid!


Mother fucking damn!!

You are ONE stupid ass pile of shit! Hey, guess what nigger! All those guys are WHITE TOO!! Holy fuck! By your retard logic, all whites are pedos!

You really are the stupidest fuck here. Seriously, congrats?

20430152? ago

Have you noticed how some of them got busted for criminality even pedo shit ... the Order of Arabic Mystic pray to a Moongod al Lah say prayer to mahoomed? https://voat.co/v/theawakening/3405681 THE SHRINERS' DIRTY LITTLE SECRET - ROYAL ORDER OF JESTERS

20431765? ago


You got em! Arabs and Jews also! Fuck!!

Retard. BTW, just because your incel brain managed to find this derp on the internet, doesn’t make it true, or point to a massive movement by Masons for some nefarious shit.

You really, really wanna believe this so bad, any intellect you may have is fucked. BTW, the Shriners have done more for kids than any other organization ever. And fuck you in the ass if you say it’s a perfect cover. Seriously, you dense pile of shit.

And linking to a article on VOAT? GTFOH with that shit. Lame fucker.

20429661? ago

Catholics all need eliminating