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20422813? ago

Yes! And of course his place was cleaned out of any evidence long before the "authorities" got there. But don't worry, there's nothing to see here.

Oh look! A huge hurricane!

20423008? ago

Politics, Royalty, Woody Allen. He's the original publicly accepted pedophile. He may even proceed (((Roman Polansky))).

20423899? ago

Have you ever heard of the term "in like Flynn"? Way back in the 1930's or 40's, I don't remember which, Errol Flynn and a co-star would have young teenager girls in their dressing trailer for sex. Girls that were from 14 to 17 years old. That's where that term came from. If you were so "in" that you could get away with pedophilia. There were others before him also.

20424027? ago

I never knew that. Gonna stop ever saying that now.

20430013? ago

Yep. This evil has been going on for many many years.