20422038? ago

Trying to steer a cat 4 hurricane with a 3.6 Megawatt atmosphere heater would be like try to move an 18-wheeler with a spaghetti noodle. I think Haarp is only useful for starting them, and only marginally useful for controlling them. Maybe if you got all the HAARP-like stations in the world working on the same project you could do that.

20421965? ago

The true north and pole north are fucked up for a few months from some article I read

20421993? ago

Magnetic north is moving very fast toward Siberia. Pole shifts?

20422075? ago

Read the book Adam and eve. It discusses this. Says solar shit weakens our magnetic field in doing so causes the magma to be more fluid and the big earthquakes will hit and liquefy the ground. Ask the whooly mammoths that dround then froze so that 5000 years later people could eat mammoth steaks in Alaska at restaurants.

20422328? ago


20421687? ago

For a few minutes of space weather every morning. https://www.youtube.com/user/Suspicious0bservers/videos

20420262? ago

Is Trump pushing Dorian away from Mar a Lago?


Only a faggot would claim that Trump doesn't control all of the natural elements.

Here's photographic proof.

20422264? ago

Where the fuck is his magic wand? Fake news

20420685? ago

Revelation 11:5-6

If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.

Enjoy the show anon.

20420796? ago

that's aspicy meata ball!

20420219? ago

This might be what you are looking for. https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/communities/space-weather-enthusiasts

scroll down for Northern light map.

20420373? ago

Cool! great link

20420181? ago

What? Took me 3 tries (maybe more) to get to where I could comment. Trump isn't doing it. You keep trying to be a fag, you'll regret it dumbass.

20420210? ago

Hahahaha ^^^^

20420279? ago

Shhhh. We're trying to keep a low profile retard.

20420159? ago

here's the big picture
