20429521? ago

In the amazon, according to msm

20421393? ago

El paso, ohio, arkansas, kentucky, hmmm China. I mean where you been?

20420497? ago

In the amazon jungle

20420416? ago

HOT means Hoe over there, not heat. There were plenty in my town.

20419840? ago

It's in the waters, fueling DORIAN?

20419805? ago


Nice fresh baked bread for you.

20419522? ago

it was only a reminder to keep hydrated folks...wow you guys read so much into everything

20419489? ago

He also said that placeholder starts to fill up starting august. Did i miss something? Anons are different but Q needs to stop date fagging it as well. That shit has made me look like an idiot among friends to the point i don't even bring Q topic anymore.

20421379? ago

My pale just said he thinks q was bait to draw everybody good or bad out, hes just been to busy to read q so hes grasping at straws.

20418592? ago

Hotter than hell where I'm at, in SoCal.

20418470? ago

You must be jew here.

20418441? ago

If only we would've seen record tariffs in the hundreds of BILLIONS imposed on Communist China; if only those tariffs would've proved effective and led to MORE fucking tariffs which would impact our economy NIL and actually result in market bouncebacks of net 4%; if only our GDP wouldn't have grown another 3%; if only the banking cartel (aka "The Fed") would've dropped rates again and taken us down to near record level low interest rates because of Trumps GENIUS plan to out them as useless to our Country and make it obvious that the same Banking Cartel low-key manipulates our political elections. If only THAT happened during this very HOT month....

20418402? ago

If only HONG KONG would erupt in massive protest and civil unrest against the Chinese Communist Party; and then IF ONLY those protesters would wave AMERICAN FUCKING FLAGS all over for the entire world to see and hold up signs for Trump to liberate them. If only the CCP, the backers of the unrest and destabilizing forces within AMERICAN borders, would be scrambling to save face and avert their very fragile grip and grasp on this crisis so that a revolution wouldn't erupt stem to stern within their very fragile borders.

If ONLY that happened in this very HOT month.

20418995? ago

If only justice showed it face in the USA. No Comey or McCabe prosecutions. DOJ still trying to fuck Flynn. No declass. How about Dr Ford never being charged either? But hey at the chimps are restless. Lol

20419229? ago

Are you here as a closet supporter and you just enjoy presenting the most basic and refutable arguments possible? Cuz that's what you're achieving.

No Comey or McCabe prosecutions>

Yet. Flynn has DOJ by the short curlies, rather his pitbull lawyer does.

Prosecutors about to get BTFOd off the DOJ case.

Declass is trickling out...see 302s...

Kavanaugh accuser facing criminal indictment

Seriously, are you a bot? If you are...Christ you are broke.

20421099? ago

Declass is trickling out? You mean Judicial Watch is using the courts to pry documents out of the DOJ that Trump already ordered declassified. And could you tell me whom the prosecutors work for? The DOJ is still completely corrupt.

20422905? ago

No shit, if it wasn’t we’d be done by now. FBI, CIA have got to be dismantled and rebuilt. Don’t get it twisted, I acknowledge there is a lot of work to be done. Good thing we’ll have President Trump in there for another 5-6 years.

20418251? ago

dates and times are for them, don't trust them, even from Q. disinformation is necessary.. he knows we're ready, so we don't need the warning. the dates and times are to make the enemy scramble and panic.

20417776? ago

Hong Hong and Chinese markets and international banks.

20417715? ago

It's probably a marker for next August. The August before the election....who knows what Trump has up his sleeve to obliterate his opponents.

20417693? ago

Q was clearly just talking about the weather.

What’s the problem?

20421371? ago

And poof magically everything is happening, if people cant see they will never see. I often wonder whom watches over me uncanny lead in the right direction, i believe in myself to the fullest but still feel chosen. Gooonish cheech matomielo. Wankantaka wakashla.

20417685? ago

I think it was meant to imply the beginning of the D5 avalanche. Q said August is traditionally very hot and that nature can be unpredictable. What's something nature related that can happen in cold environments? Avalanches. Though, I'm hoping that I'm wrong since the Bruce Ohr 302's and the Comey Report hardly seem to be worth the D5 hype.

20419479? ago

I think it was a reference to all the HOT drops he posted.

20417738? ago

Comey was fired, that was over a year ago...the punishment for his leaking and lying was his removal from power and return to the turd he truly is. He has no lifepreserver for what's coming. I couldn't see pushing for prosecuting him for something he's already been removed from the Bureau for already. Makes no sense. Ohr's 302s prove, yet again, that the books had been cooked and his crooked Russian wife was all up in the mix and he tried to play along.

20418429? ago

Yeah, makes no sense punishing someone for crimes beyond losing their jobs, especially the elites. No sense...no sense whatsoever.

20418503? ago

If you violate your employers rules egregiously, you get fired. If the resulting violation of those rules is that you broke the law, then you get prosecuted. Comey made up lies in his memos and leaked them in violation of the rules...everybody with 1/4 of a frontal cortex knows that. That violates FBI policy...and while I think it DOES violate public trust in a PUBLIC servant we live in a nation of laws regardless of what the Left has tried to do. If the Attorney General doesn't see that his made up lies leaked to the MSM is against the law or worth the time to prosecute...neither do I. Bigger plans await Jim Comey...you know it too.

20417486? ago

OP, I think...legit...you've been BTFO....run along and debrief that tactics aren't working...we aren't forgetting and we are here in numbers greater than before. You better step it up or go back to the pet store cleaning cages like you were before you took up the banner of the Cabal on social media.

20417478? ago

Nothing happened as usual. Lol

20417456? ago

If only the Vatican and several people with royal ties in Italy and Switzerland were linked to Nicole Junkerman and known foreign intel operative...if only Voat Goats pointed this out and resulted in the site being DDOS'd for like a week straight. If only the sauce flowed so fucking HIGH it resulted in a relatively insignificant anime messaging board being shoah'd by their hosting, who refuses to deplatform ANTIFA and International Child smugglers and Pedophiles the world over, was shut down "ALL FOR A LARP"

20417414? ago

If only an intelligence linked, international child smuggling cabalist was arrested and obviously suicided...if only that cabalist was linked directly to the Royal Crown of England and the Queens 'favorite' son was indicted and had to publicly come out in defense of himself. If only that happened in this HOT month...

20418434? ago

If only POTUS attended the G7 summit and kicked ass.

If only POTUS tariffs on China meant their economy had the worst month in 25 years.

If only Boris Johnson got permission to shut down the government to ensure a meddle free Brexit.

If only the Queen agreed to it.

If only global warming was found to be fraudulent in a court of law.

If only a new study was revealed and can be scientifically tested by anyone, proved global warming is fake.

If only the Amazon on fire was more fake news.

How's that for a start? I swear these fucking shills are actually abortions that somehow managed to survive despite brain injuries.

20429232? ago

Jeeze i saw all this i th8nk 11 11 needs to happen monthly for a bit. Kek.

20424096? ago

Link to the climate change court ruling please.

20429217? ago

We are the media fuck those (((kunts))).

20418457? ago

Yep....if only that had happened during this VERY VERY HOT MONTH. =)

20417378? ago

heard you had a spicy asshole this month, shill bitch

20417346? ago

Comey under Fire

20418963? ago

Oh declined prosecution. Sizzling hot! Lol

20419346? ago

Aw, babys first day shilling on Voat?

20421110? ago

Just call me skeptical. My statement is fact.

20419283? ago

He lost his job for breaking the rules...where the fuck have you been?

20421124? ago

I now he’s written a book and made himself richer off this mess. Taunts us all every chance he gets.

20417198? ago

They were talking about the fires in the Amazon Rainforest, the news didn't really come out about it until mid August.

20417116? ago

Q lies. Constantly.

20417420? ago

Prove it.

20417153? ago

Hot as fuck out here tbh

20421387? ago

No mass shootings either, nor a massive trade war. Trump trolled china into exposing themselves. I mean what do people want ffs. Silver platers i suppose.

20419464? ago

Here too, was 108 today...

20416963? ago

Coolest August I can ever recall.

20416703? ago

It is in August that corn ripens for harvest. "Harvest Moon" this year is Friday, September 13

See Q 3525

20416632? ago

"traditionally" operative word.

20416576? ago

Unethical Sham.

20416508? ago

Q lies... This was the coolest August I ever remember here in Colorado.

20417842? ago

You lie, I'm in Colorado Springs, it was 105....must be nice to be a libtard lefty in the high country completely separated from the real world.

20416618? ago

Same here in Seattle, never turned A/C on once all summer.

20417846? ago

97 the other day in Seattle....just cuz you're a dumb, broke nigger who can't afford A/C.....

20424266? ago

Another flat out lie.

20424623? ago

According to the side who peddles exclusively in lies. Russia Collusion...right around the corner. Polls have her up by 17 points...landslide Clinton...if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it. You have ZERO cognitive dissonance and it shows.

20416898? ago

Depends on where you are, I guess.

20416592? ago

agreed, especially in comparison to last summer