For years a hurricane as it approached shore would seem to take aim at where it would do the most harm, or sway the election to the Democrats by hitting the red areas just before the election. They would seem to be on a rather harmless path, only to strengthen and turn into a populated area at the last minute. The scuttlebutt was that the cabal was controlling them and using them as a weapon against the people.
Now Dorian, which was forecast to hit Florida, is being forecast to turn away and possibly miss the entire US. I am wondering if the patriots have finally gotten control of the weather manipulation systems.
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20411271? ago
Lol. So are you OK?
The forecast path of Hurricane Earl was said to be going to smash into Florida, it turned and went back out to sea. That was in 2010.
Hurricane Edouard was predicted to smash into North Carolina it turned back out to sea. That was in 2014.
Hurricane Irene was predicted to smash into S.C it turned and went up the East Coast. that was in 1999.
Hurricane Ophelia is another example of turning and going up the east coast. That was in 2017.
Hurricane Arthur curved up the East coast as well. That was in 2014
Many Hurricanes over the past century have either curved back out to sea or followed a path up the east coast. Lol
You're one stupid individual.
20411681? ago
at least for the past decade, every hurricane hitting the US was deliberate.
20411753? ago
Nope. Maybe in your world. All one has to do is research the past decade. Not all of em panned out the way they foretasted. That is why some people do not evacuate. Use your thinking cap. That is what it's there for. To critically think things through before spewing conspiracy theories.
Not saying Conspiracy theories are not a fact of life either.
As of right now. The DEW theory producing and controlling Hurricanes is not proved.
20412341? ago
You are highly uninformed. What controls the movement of a hurricane? Is it possible to create high pressure areas?
20419938? ago
Today is Tuesday, August 27, 2019 It's been 5 years since CDC whistleblower gave his press release where he admitted omitting statistically significant data...