20420121? ago

Watch the Brighteon video. The guy is good. Has data, maps, explanations for each of the Ionospheric heaters around the world, along with the Directed Energy Weapons, and the many other toys they've created with our tax dollars to mess with the weather and our lives.

Puerto Rico EHF Ionospheric Heating instrument


PR ionospheric heater


how the PR ionospheric heater works


US ionic atmospheric heaters and DEW


Arrays around the world


Peru array hidden in mtns


Lima Peru scatter radar


20419860? ago

This is worth watching. https://www.brighteon.com/be44f172-624b-41a9-be75-01eecc6add02

about halfway into this video he shows a map of all the weather manipulation stations. Essentially says HAARP is outdated because these stations are more accurate and there are more of them.

20416717? ago

Yes ,Anon this is exactly the case. After the storm comes JUSTICE

20415803? ago


20413711? ago

Honestly if someone is controlling this thing w HARP it’s gota be a %100 space laser grid cuz I’ve seen none of the usual ground-based antics

Example you can go back to his Harvey over Texas. There were tons of visible oddities there on Doppler of Chaf or other radar visible oddities. HAARP needs a reflectivity in the atmosphere to work real well. Aluminum Oxide etc

Look around Houston at the fuzz that just kinda hangs https://youtu.be/-rc89Qeu3TY

Now look for columns of it

20413454? ago

He's nuking the hurricane duh.

20412763? ago

Weather Wars are obfuscated by time when handled correctly. The people at the helm last year were careless - governments can not afford to be blamed for natural occurrences.

Here is an example from history where the Globalist played their hand and the Soviet Union followed up with an acknowledgement that they could do the same thing (TIT-for-TAT). Could they have been using Tesla's modulation technology? Regardless, I suspect that earthquakes are old-school technology.

TIT - 1985 Mexico City earthquake: 9/19/1985.

Before: Mexico was in the 5th year of a debt crisis. The reform government was very vocal in it’s intention to default on debts.

During: Countries stepped in to help make Mexico’s reform government look incompetent. Billions of dollars (loans) were pumped in to fix the infrastructure.

After: The reform government backed away from talking about defaulting on loans. Opposition grew within Mexico to the Reform Government

TAT – 1988 Armenian earthquake: 12/7/1988

Before: Gorbachev wanted Armenia to unify under Russian rule. Riots were breaking out and there was strong opposition throughout Armenia.

During: Russia along with many other countries jumped in to help. Members of the opposition party were arrested that same month.

After: Unification declared and the previously arrested opposition members were released.

20412303? ago

That high pressure system just off the east coast of Florida is highly suspect. It's going to swing the storm directly up the coast.

20411714? ago

just watch the first 10-15 minutes and you see all the weather manipulation sites around the world.


20411558? ago

No. But God has.

20411476? ago

Sure makes me wonder, began to think about it after they said it would avoid a direct hit.

20411429? ago


All planes dump the chems, but watch the spray turns on and off in flight.

If you dump in the right places you can make high and low pressure systems. You can steer a hurricane, maybe not perfectly. HAARP would only increase the ability to make high pressure.

20419966? ago

The video on Dorian shows hundreds of laser type "heaters" that shoot energy into clouds formed by chemtrails. [[[They]]] are very busy managing the weather, and not always in our best interests

20411482? ago

Few things piss me off more than seeing chemtrails being sprayed in the glow of a full moon.

20412551? ago

I'm away at a cottage for the weekend. I was out in the water swimming, clear blue skies above and a few planes flying north, and their trails fan out into a big track of clouds and then a few pass over east to west, each just dumping for a couple miles and I just watched those trails for 30 minutes expand and merge. Now it's cloudy and cold.

I'm sick of this shit.

20411415? ago

Let's hope so, or either God has used his influence, we'll take either one.

20411271? ago

Lol. So are you OK?

The forecast path of Hurricane Earl was said to be going to smash into Florida, it turned and went back out to sea. That was in 2010.

Hurricane Edouard was predicted to smash into North Carolina it turned back out to sea. That was in 2014.

Hurricane Irene was predicted to smash into S.C it turned and went up the East Coast. that was in 1999.

Hurricane Ophelia is another example of turning and going up the east coast. That was in 2017.

Hurricane Arthur curved up the East coast as well. That was in 2014

Many Hurricanes over the past century have either curved back out to sea or followed a path up the east coast. Lol


You're one stupid individual.

20422638? ago

I took a clean shit ONLY under president trump.

20419882? ago

Way to be part of a conversation, anon. You don't need to insult another researcher. We're all working with what info we have. Perhaps you need to watch the video mentioned above... https://www.brighteon.com/be44f172-624b-41a9-be75-01eecc6add02 and then maybe you'll understand HOW these hurricanes "tuned away..."

20412306? ago

Hurricane Ophelia was in Europe and every other example you mentioned happened under Obama when our own DS wasn't waging war on Trump supporters. How about post up what happened to the south once DJT was elected.

20419908? ago

Maybe a better use of time would be to correlate what Obummer was up to when the hurricanes appeared. If the weather guy in the video is right, then perhaps each of those hurricanes were designed as a distraction... ever think about that? If they in fact can manufacture weather (thus the claims about 'manmade climate change' ) Then anything at this point is possible. Remember this that was on BBC about NASA making weather? https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=s5KgYFvsW0c

20412163? ago

The fact that you as a civilian are absolutely convinced one way or the other points to the high likelyhood you are a shill.

20413781? ago

no kidding. fuck ☝ that guy.

20411681? ago

at least for the past decade, every hurricane hitting the US was deliberate.

20411753? ago

Nope. Maybe in your world. All one has to do is research the past decade. Not all of em panned out the way they foretasted. That is why some people do not evacuate. Use your thinking cap. That is what it's there for. To critically think things through before spewing conspiracy theories.

Not saying Conspiracy theories are not a fact of life either.

As of right now. The DEW theory producing and controlling Hurricanes is not proved.

20420134? ago

maybe read a few more of the comments and watch the video before you make such strong statements

20413802? ago

Voter fraud was a conspiracy theory. PROVEN CORRECT. Multiple shooters and bad actors in assassination of JFK. PROVEN CORRECT. Vaccines causing autism. PROVEN CORRECT. Satanic cabals sacrificing humans/children. PROVEN CORRECT. 911 an inside job. PROVEN CORRECT. etc.etc.etc. We don't need some co-opted MSM outlet to give their nod of approval or some Pulitzer prize winning MIT/Stanford scientist to officially state that some "conspiracy theory" is indeed correct. By now anybody that has studied such things for a few years knows that the whole system of "authoritative sources" is bought and paid for by the oligarchs of the Babylonian system of control and deceit. What is needed is common sense, ability to critically think, a somewhat free-speech internet and trusted sources (even if it is some off grid scientist living is a cave). To me when I see something labeled as a conspiracy theory it is a flag marking a dig site. We have know for decades that weather manipulation/modification is real. We don't know all the technical details but have some pretty good ideas. It is very reasonable to suspect the manipulation of hurricanes even their purposeful creation. (P.S. continue to fight for a free and uncensored). internet

20422644? ago

Link for definitive autism+vaccine connection? I'll wait.

20414084? ago

Voter fraud was not proven on a mass scale. Lol Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach said the numbers are between 0.0003 percent and 0.0025 percent. That is less than Pocahontas Warren's claim she was Indian. Given this tiny incident rate for voter impersonation fraud, it is more likely, an American “will be struck by lightning than that he will impersonate another voter at the polls.”

Vaccines was not proven to cause Autism. Lol The FDA hasn’t confirmed a link between DTaP vaccines and autism. That rumors stems from an old (and false) report that was re-reported as “breaking” news in November 2017.

Satanic cabals sacrificing humans/children. Lol There is ZERO hard evidence for specific cases where a satanic church/cult Cabal has been proven guilty (or legitimately claimed responsibility for) of either ritual murder or human sacrifice.

Unless you want to include Planned Parenthood and Abortion. Yeah that is Molech worship.

9'11 has yet to be proven with Hard Evidence by the FBI, CIA, NSA, or HLS as being an inside job. Lol

However I personally suspect that it was a False Flag because of WTC 7.

The list you give is THEORY not fact as of yet. Lol

You want to talk about a conspiracy that has been proven true? We can do that if you would like?

The Dreyfus Affair

The Mafia

MK-ULTRA - Manchurian Candidate

Operation Mockingbird

Operation Fishbowl

Manhattan Project



The Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Operation Northwoods

1990 Testimony of Nayirah

Counter Intelligence Programs Against Activists in the 60s

The Iran-Contra Affair

The BCCI Scandal

CIA Drug Running in LA

Gulf of Tonkin Never Happened

The Business Plot

The White Papers

July 20, 1944 Conspiracy to Assassinate Hitler Valkrie

Operation Ajax

Operation Snow White

Operation Gotham Shield

Majestic Twelve

Operation Gladio

The CIA Assassinates A Lot Of People (Church Committee)

The New World Order

Kennedy Assassination – the 2nd Investigation by Congress Few People Know About, United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA)

1919 World Series Conspiracy

Karen Silkwood

CIA Drug Smuggling in Arkansas

Bohemian Grove

Operation Paperclip

The Round Table [Lou Dobbs Talks about this even today]

The Illuminati [ https://www.illuminatiofficial.org/illuminati-pyramid-symbol/ ]

The Trilateral Commission

Big Brother or the Shadow Government [ The Trump Take Down Attempt - Playing in theaters now ]

The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World

The Report From Iron Mountain

The Federal Reserve Bank

Fast and Furious

Project Stargate


Earth The Closed System - Contoured Egg Shaped Rock http://www.terraconvexa.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/terra_convexa_galeria2.jpg



By the way. I have been researching the NWO and certain questionable incidents since 1981 when Reagan was shot. I am not NEW at this game.

20502636? ago

What more evidence do you need that 911 was an inside job that involved elements of our government, intelligence agencies, military, foreign countries and some corporations. Do you really trust any of these agencies (FBI, CIA, NSA, or HLS ) to affirm this was an inside job. The tangible and circumstantial evidences and proofs are legion. While I mostly agree with the ones you have listed I am somewhat baffled by your deference to government entities (that we know have be compromised and co-opted) for affirmation of some "conspiracy "theories" as factual.

20502756? ago

You're delusional. Hurricanes come and go. They have been since the inception of Earth. lol I said nothing about 9/11 and WTC 7. I was talking about your delusional idea that HAARP is controlling hurricanes. lol

20412341? ago

You are highly uninformed. What controls the movement of a hurricane? Is it possible to create high pressure areas?

20420144? ago


20419938? ago



Today is Tuesday, August 27, 2019 It's been 5 years since CDC whistleblower gave his press release where he admitted omitting statistically significant data... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3401895

20412350? ago

I am well informed. History has my back.

20412516? ago

Lmao History is mostly fabricated lies


20412525? ago

In your delusions.

20412898? ago

You literally are on a forum that is at war with the Cabal, that has controlled every aspect of your existence since the moment of your birth.


Jesus Fucking Christ. You are the worst kind of person.

20412975? ago

Do not use the Lords Name in vain. Doesn't look good on you.

20412569? ago


20412584? ago

The forecast path of Hurricane Earl was said to be going to smash into Florida, it turned and went back out to sea. That was in 2010.

Hurricane Edouard was predicted to smash into North Carolina it turned back out to sea. That was in 2014.

Hurricane Irene was predicted to smash into S.C it turned and went up the East Coast. that was in 1999.

Hurricane Ophelia is another example of turning and going up the east coast. That was in 2017.

Hurricane Arthur curved up the East coast as well. That was in 2014

Many Hurricanes over the past century have either curved back out to sea or followed a path up the east coast. Lol

20412175? ago

Nor disproved.

20411512? ago

go eat some mercury-infused fish and chips, limey bastard

20411553? ago

Ope there it is. TRIGGERED by facts. Q-tards and Libertards hate facts.

20411727? ago

it's "oop", fucking brexit pussy

20411800? ago


Now go weep in your oatmeal kid.

20411265? ago

Last summer the DC area was overcast and rainy almost the entire summer.

We had two weeks of sunlight the whole summer.

That was totally fucked, felt like punishment.

20411524? ago

Gay, muslim Nigrama did that to the midwest for years

20411198? ago

Katrina, 2006 was proof of concept

20411172? ago

I think it’s possible prayers are being answered to turn Dorian away from the US mainland and reduce its intensity.

20411559? ago

I believe that prayers are being answered. God is guiding POTUS and Q and is taking control of "things".

20411204? ago


people have been praying for the incarceration of HRC for years

20413547? ago

people have been praying for the incarceration of HRC for years

If it's cognitive manifestation, we need more prayers and less satan worshipers.

20411661? ago

I a-prayed a-for a nice-a, hot-a bowl of a-pasta fagiul, a-but I a-no a-get it-a.

20414232? ago

sounds like you need a mushroom

20412672? ago

God can say "no". Your prayer was still answered.

20412095? ago

Exactly. Patience is a virtue

20411505? ago

That would be a logical fallacy..just because those 'prayers' weren't answered, likely has no bearing on the other. In my opinion.

20412291? ago

Praying for revenge isn't really humanity's place. Praying for our nation and to saved loved ones, otoh . . .

20420161? ago

i pray for judgement, not revenge

20421961? ago

Why don't you say prayers of repentance for the things you judge?

20411705? ago

my point

20411736? ago

Whatever the case, everything is beautiful in its season. When the right time comes... (tho I'm getting weary admittedly, very hard to wait).

20411149? ago

When trump was posting oddly and facetious about the hurricane, I immediately knew they had the power to change its course, and it’s doing exactly that after the little “fear porn” the MSM keeps pumping out.

20412136? ago

So would this correlate to Trump using the phrase "[D]ead [C]enter" yesterday?

20411147? ago

This submission was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer comment by @TheBuddha.

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20411124? ago

Unrelated note:


20411047? ago

patriots control very little

the FBI still not under patriot control, they're coveringup FFs and calling conspiracy therorists "terrorists" and this even after POTUS took them to task publically, removed top officials

if you can't get even the FBI brought into line I doubt you have HAARP and the glowies mastered either

20411113? ago

Thank goodness for remote viewing!

20411037? ago

And then of course there is the crazy notion that Hurricane Dorian is just a hurricane happening during hurricane season. I know, crazy right?

20411597? ago

Wow, downvotes. Amazing.

20411127? ago

yea... hurricanes always take hard right turns

20410997? ago

Space Force.

20411741? ago

Space Command.

20412724? ago



20410873? ago

In addition to Florida - South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated. Looking like one of the largest hurricanes ever. Already category 5. BE CAREFUL! GOD BLESS EVERYONE!


Not sure it is going to miss.

But yes, I think that HAARP and similar sites all around the world are used to steer them.

I would guess that their level of control is not great. 3.6 Megawatts is like poking an aircraft carrier with a dusting feather. They probably can do a lot more when it is forming an everything is chaotic and depends on the minute details. Once it gets going they probably have much less control.


20411911? ago

(((they))) have small, mobile HAARPs now

not a joke

20421869? ago

(((they))) have small, mobile HAARPs now, the AK array is basically obsolete

As a physicist this is pretty doubtful. HAARP is a phased array. To make a beam of RF that doesn't spread, you need to have an array that is much better than the wavelength at the frequencies that you are working at. Also, producing 3.6 million watts for sustained periods of time is not something you can do easily in a mobile system.

20414203? ago

NEXRAD I knew of a few years ago -- wonder what is now?

20410866? ago

Trump has control of HAARP and is sending Dorian to obammys new place in Martha's Vinyard.

20414274? ago

... erecting the storm clouds to a giant middle finger.

20411729? ago

That would be awesome!

20410801? ago

If patriots are jews then yes

20410755? ago

I think a college has control of HAARP

20411215? ago

Yep, see the DARPA request for several blocks underground 'for testing' and the first ones they asked were Universities.

20411465? ago