20419476? ago

there's a line (electrical prob) leading into the water, right at the beginning :06secs, runs from water into/under one of the hit buildings at :15 secs there is a hidden (foliage canopy) structure behind the garage with two industrial looking stacks for exhaust or air intake.

Underwater structure??

20415658? ago

Evidence needs to be gathered and then have Hank Johnson work to flip the island upside down.

20417387? ago

he's the boss!

20414906? ago

You think they are gonna stop raping kids and murdering them on pedophile island just because papa Jeff is gone? They are so blatent about their crimes that Comey will be head of ceremonies at the next eyes wide shut party now that he walked away from abother treason charge.

20411866? ago

Rusty: fighting virii and doing God's work.

20417375? ago

Read that as "vrill" at first -- and, wouldn't be far from the mark! :)

20411118? ago

Why are there people still doing upkeep and who is paying them?

20411915? ago

Today show do piece on Epstein's Island, didnt mention CIA/Jews/Brits Saudi, DeepState, but show every other building many times. They excluded trafficking reports, tunnels & the creepy temple. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3350826/19885577 The Temple might be of Babylon Masonic origin, under age models were also coming from France. Palm Beach National Bank. Who is H Loy Anderson Jr, Board Member of this Bank? Do they still have Epstein money? Some of these weirdos connect to a weird mix of religion, Arab paganism, the Jewish Occult, freemasonry. Somebody else looked at the old pizzagate stories, car-i-s-james= Caribbean-Island-St.James? Vactican is another pedo group, each twisted system connects to all of the corrupt? Perhaps collections of the same underlying religion of evil, also Mossad blackmail. One conspiracy says the Temple has tunnels below, a "Synagogue of Satan" ...what a re they praying to?

20411064? ago

Who cares? Dude is dead and the FBI has already conducted searches.

20411955? ago

and Hoover a homosexual Shriner, a group who allowed the WTC attacks of February 1993

20411994? ago

Do you live in the past? Because as far as I can tell this is 2019 09 01. Live in the moment. You will find yourself much happier.

20412300? ago

You're either a shill or a fool....either way, take your own advice and move along now Billy

20410931? ago

Time to bring the skid loader jack-hammers out and start breaking up all that concrete on the hunt for human fossils.

20411938? ago

They are digging on the beach? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3398494/20388290 Baal or Moloch is the bull /goat god it connects to Saturn / Cronus the guy who ate his kids. The owl is Lilith demon woman, ISIS or Minerva

20411191? ago

Why not bury them at sea? Wouldn't it be eaiser for the fish to clean up the dismembered bodies, than bury hundreds of children.

20411295? ago


20417252? ago

(otheranon here) yeah, exactly -- mass graves are easier to investigate! if the evidence is "floating" then it could end up miles, even centuries, away!

(Yeah that's an attack on "light-years" because, it's slowing down...)

20410543? ago

Likelihood of it doing any real damage to the structures there is very small. Likelihood of it being blamed for loss of evidence, though is high.

20413793? ago

The island and New Mex Ranch? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3408073/20410911 Not even a raid as of yet.

20411899? ago

Blackmail, Pedos, Satanic Luciferians? Paradise Papers are a set of 13.4 million documents relating to offshore investment. Among those mentioned are Queen Elizabeth II and the last two US Secretaries of Commerce https://voat.co/v/anon/3285751 Masonics, Shriners? The Emissaries Of Jahbulon part 4 of 4

20410979? ago

Yeah, the structures were built to withstand, but look at all those trees. No damage whatever. No churned up mess along the shore etc.. No cat 4 or 5 was there.

20433470? ago

It was a category 1 at the time it was there, so 60-80 mph winds approximately.

20410533? ago

Who the fuck is still paying these people to maintain the island? And for what purpose? Are people still going here to utilize the facilities?

20996616? ago

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20411876? ago

Dutch Netherlands Banker Exposes The Highest Levels Of The Zionist Luciferian Satanic Rituals (English Audio) https://voat.co/v/AnonNews/3307298

20410609? ago

The American taxpayers are paying for it, everyone knows that. Americans have been burdened with financing the jews pedo parties ever since we were duped into saving them in ww2.

20410992? ago

ummm....... THIS! ^^^

20410503? ago

Good times.

20411336? ago

That looks more like Epstein than the dead guy on the gurney.

20415018? ago

Does it look like this guy?


20415072? ago

Who is it?

20415107? ago

That's the caretaker from the news video

20412052? ago

Does his brother look just like him?

20413092? ago


20413690? ago

Is it the caretaker?

Does the old caretaker that told the reporter Lisa to leave look like Epstein?

20413575? ago

So that fucker is alive and well fixing up his island...

20414700? ago

Looks like it.

20411248? ago

If that were Epstein himself he would have ducked TF out of the way.

20412097? ago

Looks like he was trying nonchalantly. He kept leaning back under the roof. Probably doesn't realize the exact angle.

20410953? ago


20410578? ago

Is this in the video I just watched?

20411382? ago

https:// youtu. be/ PyxLEPecNyg this one at 2:30

20417091? ago

"Ambiguity is the devil's volleyball!" -- Emo Philips

20411335? ago

I think it's a different 8/30 video.

20410360? ago

Rusty's comment on the video: "Hang em ALL"

Has he ever made a comment before?

20411002? ago

God Bless Dale Gribble

20413166? ago


20410349? ago

Looks like it weathered it well. What caught my attention is how many people are working there to clean up. Who's paying them now the Jeffy's dead? For that matter, who owns the island now?

20413812? ago

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20412926? ago

Did the clean-up crew just arrive after the hurricane had passed? Or were they on the Island the whole time? If so, where did they stay to weather out the storm????

20410957? ago

Who sold the island to that demon in the first place?

20411214? ago


20411257? ago


I'd never heard that, only that it was a submarine base in the past. The old photos of when it was a base shows the island has grown in size tremendously since the black and white photo days.

20416948? ago

otheranon here, I really liked the "maxwell's demon" conjunction which may have been lost on others :)

20410945? ago

Epstein signed over his assets to a trust 2 days before he "died". Assume that the trust pays the maintenance staff, who controls the trust?

20425175? ago

Well, fuck me. That's sort of convenient timing...

20411277? ago

Epstein is overseeing the cleanup via drone controlled from a D.U.M.B.

20411391? ago

So Rusty Shakelford is/works for Epstein?

20411091? ago

Likely Epstein himself or his brother.

20410601? ago

You guys still think epsteins dead? Lmao

20421219? ago

Got a Video cant Post it "not enough CCP"

My comment in that video

At 2:30 ist that Eppstein on the Island 2 days ago???

Can someone Private Chat me and then Post the Video link here? I cant...

20411239? ago

exactly, Jeff is alive and Ruth is dead.

20416931? ago

nice pattern


news in movies and fiction in news

20410958? ago

He is dead. I swear people like you are the stupidest people on planet earth. A lawyer of one of the victims has info that Epstein was murdered and did not commit suicide. Research it.

You were probably one of the useless idiots saying RBG was dead too. Lol

20411703? ago

I bet you believe the 5 oclock news too, huh.

20411787? ago

Dude she has been seen several times. Has spoken at Universities and done interviews. She has ruled from the bench. Duh .... And no she hasn't been cloned as clones grow at the same rate of speed as humans. Lol. And no she isn't a doppelganger either.

If she was dead Kavanaugh would of informed President Trump and he would of sent Mitch the next pick for Justice. Man you people are STUPID.

20414832? ago

They have a double, an actress basically, who looks very much like her, and plays the role. Just like Hillary has a double who attends funerals and other boring events for her.

20415103? ago

I told you that is not a Doppelganger. Lol

20412372? ago

You are so naive, it's just sad.

20412542? ago

I know you are. It is obvious.

20411457? ago

And you trust. Lawyer? Epstein lawyer at that?? That's what's funny

20411410? ago

So an anonymous person on the internet has told us that Epstein is dead, because he says a lawyer said it.

No, we are not retarded. We have no idea what the fuck happened, and that is why we are here. Pre-911 we trusted what the news said. We trusted that if somebody tried to pull something off, the free press would sniff it out and get the truth to us.

Today our free press either just mimics the 4am talking points, or shows us screen grabs of tweets. Journalism is in a coma, two millimeters from death.

These evil folks have hijacked our institutions. That is what Q is all about.

20411328? ago

she is dead, dipshit

20411483? ago


Even Fox News has reported her as alive and well.


20411878? ago

Haaaaahhhhhaaaaahahaha fox news is FAKE news idiot.

20411909? ago

aaaaaaaaaaahahahaha she has been seen all over the place. Universities, Interviews, on the Bench. Duh ...

20412005? ago

Masons Dindooooooo Nuuuufin.......Freemasons Caught Trying to Blow Up Sears Tower in Chicago https://voat.co/v/anon/3347893 That looks like the John Hancock building in the thumbnail not the Sears tower.

20410444? ago


Has producer Mardi Rustam who directed Evils of the Night which has a Prince Andrew on an island reference.


20410202? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=d13cyxrtV8g :

Post Dorain Little St. James Drone 8/30/19 2 - YouTube

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