20405969? ago

45 SPF?

20403983? ago

Also notice the "45" sunblock

20403094? ago

Want to make a bet that Hurricane Dorian keeps bearing right and will eventually make a beeline for DC? Me gots a feeling...

20405088? ago

THAT would be Amazing.

20403398? ago

I didn't believe it yesterday but today I do.

20402787? ago

I am directing my creativity thoughts energies to a hard eastward turn back out to sea. No damage to anything. I’m not sarcastic either.

20402189? ago

Do we finally have control of HAARP and similar installations?

20403790? ago

It appears so.

20403534? ago

Yeh the way he spoke about the hurricane 2 days ago leads me to believe they have control of HAARP and are signalling the storm is here. I told my GF it will miss bceause of what I thought about HAARP being re-taken. Not the only one! Hopefully we're right!! And the storm begins on/after labor day! WWG1WGA!

20402285? ago

Why else would Trump retweet a beach bag with sunglasses and a flower very similar to the dress Melinda wore🤔Plus the #45 matches the dress!

Then later he tweets this which shows the storm moving away.

20402468? ago

This is great news!

20402222? ago

Let's just say that God is back. Much simpler explanation.

20402807? ago

This assumes the Omniscient and all powerful being took a break from being an Omniscient and all powerful being.

20405077? ago

Make no mistake, many people are praying for the people of Florida! God is not on vacation nor is he taking a break. Our God is an Awesome God.

20405985? ago

... that allows jews to murder rape and subvert societies.

20406122? ago

Choose you this day whom you will serve. Don't blame God for what man chooses to do. He gives free will to mankind but gave his only begotten son to redeem us.

20406420? ago

I serve but it hard to understand why a situational set up like this serve for. Seems mighty crude at best that this is heaven on earth.

20406582? ago

We haven't seen heaven on earth yet.

20408621? ago

Ok why. 5th grade question.

20410581? ago

Heaven on earth can only happen when evil is removed. When Christ returns and defeats satan there will be heaven on earth. I'm not a theologian so my explanation is very simplistic I know.

20410767? ago

Again, 5th grade q, how? Through people like trump you and me and the like acting out the punishments deamed just in the book? Because for the most part, Christians live N let live and be er get thier eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

When a person covets my house what should I do?

Just asking because I am poorly education on biblical personal justice. Thanks.

20411079? ago

We do something directly ie. Praying. There is Power in Prayer. We will fight with Christ when God deems the time is right. Pray and the Father will give us guidance on what, how and when. Ask for ONLY the truth and guidance of our heavenly Father. There is a YouTube channel called Ark of Grace Ministries that is a great place to learn more. Love and peace my fellow Patriot.

20411151? ago

What about justice? 100% forgiveness can not be right.

20411231? ago

God forgives 100% but that doesn't mean there are no consequences. When King David sinned God forgave him but still took his son as punishment. God said vengeance is mine and I will repay. His justice is coming.

20415540? ago

No not my question of God's forgiveness, our own forgiveness to others. Justices is God's job on things we can handle yourself. So what do you do when someone covets your house? What do you you do when they refuse to give it back or replace it. How much damage is just to inflict to then be able to forgive.

20442123? ago

Not ignoring you just watching Dorian cause my daughter lives in Florida.

As for forgiving people, When Jesus prayed he said forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.That doesn't mean we have to let people walk all over us but we must listen to him and do things in a righteous manner. God will intervene on our behalf if needed. Much Love my friend. May God give you the guidance you seek. Amen

20442523? ago

God? TRUMP and space force N shiet steared that cane, remember the interview w/ bush jr? About to or to not start a huricane regarding Katrina by ' playing god'. Sorry this is goona take way more than nigger hope and prayer.

20442682? ago

What is "more" than ALMIGHTY GOD?

There is POWER in Prayer. God is the Answer.

20403875? ago

Ya, it seems he was asleep. No worries, I'm awake now...kinda

20402185? ago

Ahem: Cough cough: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3407203

I wasn't joking or kidding. Welcome to the show.