20415552? ago

Hi The NumberFag here.

I have not seen this post, but it really is exactly what we need to happen.

There are too many data points to gather by hand: That's where this piece of software comes in. It can look like Frankenstein for all I care, as long as it works. It is very exciting. The power of the hive mind. WWG1WGA!

20416125? ago

thanks man, I'm hoping to spend some time on it as soon as I practically can. I code for a living so it can be a little tiresome to work on extra projects outside of that, but I hope to get started very soon.

20416556? ago

I know the feeling, as I am doing this Gematria analysis manually alone every moment I am awake and not working. Combing through every message and speech Trump gives, and analyzing every out of place or accentuated word or phrase. It's hell! BUT, that IS the reason why I am finding the patterns. It's some seriously OCD shit my Fren.

20415446? ago

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20386410? ago

If you can pull it off, great.

I expect this to be a much larger project than you might realize, and the main issue is that this is on the assumption that we are doing proper decodes. I suppose if you used various methods to show different potential decodes using a consistent method, it might be useful or to be able to discard wishful thinking type decodes.

20385630? ago

Yay! Another "Paytriot" trying to make a buck off the Q movement. Anyone who buys this shit (or installs it) so OP can make money is part of the problem too.

20389977? ago

you are a moron who cannot read.

1) I said nothing about money until some shill brought it up, at which point I clearly stated that this is not any kind of commercial venture and will not be monetized by ads or in any other way; will be 100% free and open source.

2) I specifically stated this was for a web app. You obviously don't even know what that really means since you seem to think that some kind of "installation" would be involved.

20388688? ago

I literally said nothing about charging anything. I was intending to write this as a free web app probably mostly in php.

20386147? ago

"Pay" never mentioned, fuck off shill bot. Do something productive with your time, like what this guy's doing.

20388858? ago

thank you.

20389757? ago

Thank you! (I just responded with my email address and Jenkins/Bugzilla/JIRA/etc.)

20386166? ago

Dumbass--- you think he's going to give this shit away for free with no ads? WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!

This is a scam to use QAnons to make money off his Android app.

20388815? ago

1) No, I said literally nothing about charging ANYTHING.

2) I said nothing about an Android app.

3) I don't think you can read.

20389371? ago

You put one ad in it and you are COMPLETELY full of shit!

20389484? ago

but I didn't even say anything about ads... only you did. And for the last time, I've already told you I wasn't planning on monetizing it with ads or otherwise. I didn't even say I was going to make it definitively - that was the point of the thread. Your response is equivalent to, "well, if you do the thing that I asked about 10 times, and you 10 times said you wouldn't, then you're FULL OF SHIT!" Obviously that is true. Now fuck off. You were heard the first time and I responded. There's no need to continue when you are the only one arguing.

20386195? ago

I have already indicated in another comment that, if he does this in an open source method, I will contribute code as much as I can.

You appear to have blinders on. Fuck you loser, try to be helpful.

20386211? ago

Fuck off asshole, don't tell me what to do.

If he puts ads in the app or charges for it -- he's scamming you for money.

20387611? ago

Okay, try to be more of an asshole then.

20385734? ago

Really?? so what are people supposed to do in your Liberal Slothville? Should they just lay around and collect government handouts so they have NO control over their lives?? WTF is wrong with YOU?? Why would you be against people INVENTING something USEFUL and HELPFUL??? This is a FUCKING TOOL YOU RETARD! wow, I can't even believe that SOMEONE PAYS YOU for this CRAP SHILL JOB that you do! what a RETARD!

20386201? ago

Q warned against paytriots.

Anyone using the QAnon audience to make a buck is paytriot.

But, he'll make money because of dumbasses like you.

20389994? ago

Q has also warned against dumbasses making baseless accusations (e.g. calling me a "paytriot" when I've repeatedly stated this isn't a commercial venture and I have no intention of monetizing it, should it even come to fruition).

20388797? ago


20387147? ago

wow you're an idiot. PATRIOTS are NOT PAYTRIOTS you RETARD! 😆

20385166? ago

As an AI developer, I can't imagine what you could accomplish in 1 day for advanced language decoding unless you have access to existing sophisticated algorithms.

20388749? ago

nobody said anything about "advanced language decoding". the techniques that I intended to use are literally listed in the OP. It isn't that hard to find capital letters in a string and their anagrams. Obviously more advanced decoding rules would be needed to create a more automated decoder. All of this is said in my OP.

20386361? ago

Not sure why this got a down vote, regardless of the approach, AI or string manipulation this is a big project. Agreed.

20385146? ago

Half a weekend? Lots of decode rules and permutations to be considered. I think this might be a bigger project than you realize, though I feel you may have a better handle on it than I do. I wrote a lot of code over the years, but I left that profession years ago (retired). Just determining which CAPS are out of place, misspelled words, missing or added characters ... Mind warping amount of code to be written and debugged. Every time I read SB2 I get mind warped!

Would it be beneficial to publish a shell spec on decoding tweets that other Anons can add suggestions/methods to prior to you writing the code? That would evolve into documentation on how to decode and how to use your tool after it is released. Partitioning what can be handled by your tool and how the tool output can be further decoded using methods not included with the tool?

If you code all the "routine" decode tasks it will be a big asset to help us decode faster. Roll it out, take the feedback and add new tools as time and necessity dictates for the next revisions.

Just my thoughts FWIW. Sounds like a great idea!

20415576? ago

The NumberFag here. Yes, I will provide the framework you Code Anons need to start work. This will include exactly what data to be drawing in for analysis. I will do the analysis/decode itself. Thank you.

20386138? ago

I like this. Also former software developer (concussions took me out).

I really like the "Unix way" of using small tools which do "one thing well" to build up some awesome structures. By this I mean -- it would be great if this project was open sourced, and made of several components. That way people with expertise in one area can help with that component (e.g., "finding the capital letters that aren't normal" for one; "calling out to the gematria API" for another; etc).

A couple hours with WordPress should get the framework started. I would love to help out on this, to the extent of my remaining abilities that is.

20388720? ago

not going to use wordpress, but was intending to use a LAMP stack and something like php with the many components modularized as you suggested (gematria API, NLP APIs, other command line tools, etc).

20389734? ago

Let me know if I can help. You can email me at [email protected] (and, maybe reply here when you email, as I don't check it often since it's mostly "throwaway" -- and, a joke domain, at that!).

Only reason I suggested WordPress is they make "accounts" fairly simple, but I'm sure you can find a library for that these days. :)

I can set up a Jenkins instance to run tests etc, as well as a Bugzilla or other bug tracker you prefer (IIRC, JIRA is free for one or two users). The bug tracker should be particularly helpful in marshalling the modular parts across the finish line.

I really like the idea of the modular components, because, as someone else said -- this game might be over in a few weeks, but by doing it in a reusable fashion, the effort won't be completely wasted.

I can also help writing two documents: the "functional spec" which is how a user interacts with the system; and a "technical spec" which is the technologies that the developers will use to bring it to fruition. (Man I miss this stuff!)

Thank you for your response.

20389920? ago

thanks man, I will be in touch!

I've written a lot of php web apps over the years and I've always handled accounts/registration with the built-in session handling and standard authentication using stored usernames/password hashes in a mysql db table. I do think this could benefit from something like what auth0.com offers (lets you register an account using other services you may already have, like google/fb/twitter).

20390733? ago

Cool, you got the email address and I will now edit it out to avoid spam and such. :)

20391926? ago

np. i sent you an email whenever you have a chance to take a look.

20391962? ago

Will do!

20386628? ago

Our biggest asset is our hive mind.

One thing that worries me is timing. We could create a kick ass decoder ring in a few weeks or months, but the storm (and related tweets with embedded knowledge) may be over in a few months. Much effort into a tool with a limited lifespan.

Here is where a published decode methodology spec would be immediately beneficial to those who wish to decode tweets. An expert knowledge base from which to generate the code to create the decoder ring as well as an instrument to immediately grow the human capability within Qanon. This would allow Anons to expertly decode now while the code is constructed to process the easier/redundant tasks of a decode. Thoughts anybody? Anyone an expert tweet decoder? I'd doubt SB2 would want to provide his expertise because it would reduce his clicks if everyone had the manual of rules and methodology at their fingertips.

20387623? ago

I once wanted to write software to help with Elliot Waves, in investing. Turns out it's not so easy. I'd imagine the "SB2 script" is similarly, "not so easy"...

20388060? ago

I lived for cool projects back in my day. I absolutely loved conquering complex issues and developing the architecture and scripts to automate those complex things that had never been done before in my industry. I do miss that great feeling of accomplishment!

Yes, occasionally I would underestimate how long a project would take. Overly optimistic project plans can translate to working nights, weekends and a missed vacation to meet the deadline I had agreed to. Good thing I loved the work!

20388076? ago

Yeah. I miss the 80+ hour weeks, somewhat. The divorces? Not so much.

20388118? ago

Oh yes! You've been there and done that too! Funny how most wives just don't understand.

20388573? ago

Yeah, had the million-dollar account before 30 as well!

My other siblings, though -- they have families.

20385121? ago

Are you speaking in code? Isn't "half a weekend" one day?

20385748? ago

bet it's Friday after work, til Monday morning...

20390575? ago

That's half a day they way coders get paid.

20385103? ago

You programmers are amazing! Thank you in advance.

20385640? ago

No, he's a money-grubbing fuckwad trying to cash in on the Q movement.

20386073? ago

Where did he say anything about money? You seem to have blinders on.

20386180? ago


You boomer retards crack me up.

20388775? ago

no, I was intending to release it free, with source code, hosted on a server that I personally own, without monetizing it for ads. I said literally nothing money. Stop making dumb assumptions.

20387601? ago

Well, this conversation is going in circles. Fine, take my money!

20389399? ago

You're fucking retarded. Stop giving your money away to fake paytriots.

20389789? ago

No, you failed reading comprehension. I want you to take my money, not the guy I'm planning to develop this shit with. Fuck you, asshole. Hey -- there's a new Terminator movie coming out, the previous sentence is historic!

20389563? ago

nobody's giving me any money... for the last time, this thread was about a POSSIBLE app. I didn't even say definitively I was going to make it. If I do, it will NOT contain ads, nor will it cost any money, it will be 100% free and open source. I've said this over and over but there seems to be one shill in this thread who keeps accusing me of being a "paytriot" and has serious issues with reading comprehension.

20384890? ago

That's a great idea. Related tweets of people of interest from POTUS/Q posts.

20384725? ago

Some of us need all the help we can get.

20384697? ago

hell yeah! anything that's easier to read than the Q clock. Though I do like all the SB2 decodes and gematria, it's a ton to keep up with.

20384637? ago

Good idea. Potentially useful. I'd definitely add the +/- 1200/2400 rule SB uses for the time stamps.