20398727? ago

Because if you're rich and like to rape children, they have the cure for your cancer.

20393663? ago

George Alexander Trebek[1] OC (/trəˈbɛk/; born July 22, 1940) is a Canadian-American television personality. He has been the host of the syndicated game show Jeopardy! since it was revived in 1984, and has also hosted a number of other game shows, including The Wizard of Odds, Double Dare, High Rollers, Battlestars, Classic Concentration, and To Tell the Truth. Trebek is contracted to host Jeopardy! until 2022.[2] Trebek has also made appearances in numerous television series, in which he usually played himself. A native of Canada, he became a naturalized American citizen in 1998.


20390208? ago

Gerson method works for PANCREATIC cancer as long as no chemo has happened. GcMAF would do it too.

20388974? ago

The powers that be have the cure. They only give it to those THEY are not pissed off at. You don't piss off the Overlords like No Name did. If you piss them off they will either eliminate you or take away everything you have gained by being in the Club.

People in the Club who pissed off the Overlords recently.




No Name

Bush 43


David Koch

Joshua Lee Rosbach

Michael Kittredge II

Gabe Khouth

John Paul Stevens

Emily Hartridge

Denise Nickerson

Cameron Boyce

Philippe Zdar

DJ Official

Gloria Vanderbilt

Mary Duggar

Leon Redbone

Ashley Massaro

and many more.

20388786? ago

Baby blood

20388705? ago

or.. trebek is a pedo, and he he thought he was going to get the no name treatment... but he flipped and now he wont...

20388675? ago

Dewormer and vitamins.

20388559? ago

Low dose worming pills for dogs and vitamins.

20388096? ago

I guess RBG will be the next to "beat it". She'll probably live to 150.

20387955? ago

Same way RBG is treated and recovers. Cures available to the few. Chemo is BIG business. The AMA and Big Pharma ensure us peons pay up big then die anyway.

20387766? ago

Clone beats cancer ??

20387726? ago

Rick Simpson Oil

20387354? ago

On a side note, I was rooting for Jeopardy James to break the record.

20387235? ago

Guess Patrick Swayze didn't play their game.

20387195? ago

Amazing, isn't it?

20387062? ago

Great question

20386876? ago

Cannabis Kills Cancer and you can get those results without Chemo. Not saying that was what they treated him with but it is known that Cancer can be beaten with Cannabis.

Peace Y

20386995? ago

Not entirely accurate

20392380? ago

Yes , entirely accurate.

Sauce : 1) https://naturalsociety.com/marijuana-kills-cancer-cells-admits-the-u-s-national-cancer-institute/


3) https://dailyhealthpost.com/cannabis-cancer-studies/

Shall I go on ?

Peace Y

20386745? ago

Easy, it’s called fenbendazole. Off market dog dewormer combined with vitamins. Same drug they are keeping RBG alive and cancer free with.

20386249? ago

Watch Trebeck CAREFULLY now. Does he or his show start promoting the communist-leftist agenda? Deal made?

20386118? ago


20386081? ago

canned parenthood donation

20386016? ago

Alex, I'll take "Cancer Cures" for $1000

20385828? ago

It was a fucking DOG DEWORMER. It is the cancer cure (one of many). That is how Ginsjew has lived so long. There have been cancer cures floating around for a while ANon... John B Wells, Caravan to midnight (subscription) or Forum Borealis (free on jewtube) has info like this. I think the F.B. one is titled "These are the supressed cancer cures".

Everything is fake as fuck. Wake up dude. there are aliens

20385600? ago

He lost his hair, he wore a very good stage wig.

He didn't say he "beat" cancer, he said he finished chemo and was going back to work.

20385479? ago

When it's your time to go, you go.

20385401? ago

Hemp oil, baking soda. Rick Simpson, Run From the Cure.

20385106? ago

I’ll take “I’m rich, cure me bitch” for $1000

20385453? ago


20385021? ago

Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer, no less.....and, no cure. It's fatal 100%, or close to that. Those who do survive (> 5yr), would not be well enough to get back to work. Story is fishy.

20385542? ago


20385015? ago

Maybe he didn't have cancer, did you see the cancer. Not sure what any more e to lie about tahy could be , but given that he werks for 'them' , all bullshit reasons are on the table. The show is a liberal hell hole anyways for trivial NPC idiots that really don't know shit. We would never be invited to the show.

20384856? ago

It can be done! My Mom was diagnosed stage 4 earlier this year and also beat it fairly quickly, 4-5 months! We are so thankful and amazed, blessings do come!

20385532? ago

And how did you beat it? Dont just come and here claim miracles without saying what they are...

20385612? ago

You don't have to be a dick! Chill out...MY MOM beat it through chemo and vitamins and diet changes etc...

20385778? ago

Not being a dick, just pointing out that you cant withhold shit like that, especially about the #1 disease/killer of all time. I'm happy your mom is still with you, now go spread that shit so hopefully you can help others.

20384685? ago

Hidden medical technology anon.

20384390? ago

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski cures cancer. Feds have raided his place and taken all his research several times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvvh1PErwYc

20385652? ago

Holy shit. The Fucking FDA is severely in the pockets of Big Pharma. This is very disturbing. The FDA is very willing to let people die in extreme agony in order to preserve Pharma's profits. Fuck The FDA.

20386420? ago

It's all connected through the money. Go back and research from the beginning of medical schools in America and keep going forward.

If you think that's sick: Big Pharma, FDA, Big Tobacco, the Medical Industry, CDC, American Cancer Society and more are all tied together too. It doesn't take much research to see it.

There is no money to be made in cures.

20384370? ago

The cure is out there, just not available to the masses yet but POTUS should see to it that NO dies unnecessarily.

20384311? ago


20384114? ago

Probably experimental stem cells or something. Ya know, all the stuff us regular folk don't have access to.

20384287? ago

I have tried stem cell therapy for my concussions (mild traumatic brain injury -- nothing "mild" about the symptoms though!).

They worked, briefly; after 4 to 6 months I was worse off than I had been at the beginning. Four rounds, IIRC.

Last time, about four months ago, I had "exosomes" which are the next iteration of stem cell technology, in this case they're the secretions of the stem cells, which should do a better job. And, should not have the "Herxheimer" "die-off" reaction that made me much more symptomatic. Benefits from exosomes are supposed to continue through eight months. They've healed people of their paralysis. My "nerve damage" (brain cell damage) is not paralyzing, but it is debilitating and I can't work. Hopefully this continues to improve. I still have bad days.

20387873? ago

Thank you, I've heard a lot about this but generally more in the cancer cure column. This is an hour-long video -- do you recommend a specific section of it, in relation to brain injury?

Thank you!

20389185? ago

I recommend the part where they teach you how to make your own medicine

20386989? ago

I wonder if this would be something I could look into, I have TBIs from numerous IED blasts while in the Army

20387832? ago

Good luck to you if you do! Tends to be expensive, and gains (so far, for me) have been fleeting. It's wonderful the day they're injected! Full of giddiness, really neat experience.

Sadly insurance doesn't (yet) cover it -- it's similar to chiropractic a few decades ago. Hopefully, insurance will see just how much it is helping in some instances (like the paralyzed guy walking!), and will prefer to pay for the treatment which will be less expensive than maintenance...

You say you have TBIs -- so, you cracked your skull? Man, I'm having a difficult time (with my MTBI, M for "mild" meaning skull didn't break) dealing with my symptoms -- and I can only imagine what you're going through. Prayers sent; be well, patriot.

20388445? ago

Thank you. I quit calling them Mtbis because the VA doesn’t differentiate between mild or major and they just call it a TBI, but yeah nothing external for me fortunately, Just blast wave damage. It still sucks but it is what it is. . Best of luck.

20388683? ago

You know, that's really sad and infuriating.

Language has different words for "reasons" and by not differentiating (root word there: "different") the various traumas, they are seeming to use less effective "one-size-fits-all" treatments. Glad President Trump has helped with VA doctor choice; hope he can help with this what-seems-systemic issue!

I can still write a nice sentence or two, but remembering what my wife told me yesterday? Good luck! (Yes, I understand that's every man's dream, ... :) )

Mine were "routine", a car accident, a door, a door frame, and a bookcase. "Each more surprising than the last!" "Pipe down in there, Hutz!" (I'm using humor, but, what I'm trying to say is -- a second concussion can be much less force, but cause much more damage, due to structures already being damaged and thus less "bounce-back-ability".)


20384567? ago

In my thoughts anon, Best of luck to you. Hope you stick around with us.

20385855? ago

Thank you. I plan to, but sometimes want the suffering to end. Still, I plan to.

20384350? ago

Best of luck to you friend. Try to remember that everything happens for a reason. Your struggle isn't meaningless.

20384432? ago

Thank you. What a powerful ending! And it sure is a struggle. Used to be great at software development, now I broke my laptop's graphics driver (Ubuntu 16.04) and am running from a live USB stick, and can't reinstall. (Well, I did yesterday but it shuts the laptop down after 5 or 10 minutes which is fucking ridiculous and making me symptomatic, so I'm just plodding along with the live USB stick approach, for now, but it constantly grates at me that I can't do what I used to do...)

Anyway, thanks, this is happening for a reason. I am learning a lot about gardening lately! And spending more time with my parents, in their later days which is sad but also, they're caring for me to an extent as well.

20384649? ago

I've noticed throughout my life that sometimes we are resistant to finding the true meaning of our lives, and we fight to maintain the false meaning that society forces upon us. God will help us find our true meaning, though sometimes in extreme ways. Good luck to you.

20384331? ago

Here's wishing you the best, Patriot!

20384357? ago

Thank you! It is nice that "previous me" gathered some resources, so that "broken me" can spend them on getting better.

Not so much fun watching them dwindle -- but would be even less fun to be broken, and broke, with no hope. (There's always hope, but resources can help to achieve goals...)

20383987? ago

We should all know those people that look for doctors to save them and not ask how it's happening. Likely got a young blood transfusion. Mel Gibson said stem cell therapy save him. Money buys access to doctors with solutions, we get doctors tantamount to teachers. They have limits and no common sense.

20383974? ago

I don't know his story, personally. However, I do know many other's story personally. It's very possible. It's just not a path people want to take. Most people don't want to change their lifestyle. Just like people who smoke, don't want to quit, because it's their lifestyle.




20383970? ago

there is a cure for cancer that's been hidden for many years, Israel says they will release it in the next 10 years. How can you guarantee to release a cure by a certain deadline if you don't already know you have the Cure. Trump knows there's a cure. you would think he would sign an executive order to have it released but he won't. Israel's going to make a fortune on the treatment patents that's the plan. Trust the plan!

20385416? ago

shut it down.exe

20383956? ago


20384374? ago

Daily Double.

20384830? ago


20383927? ago

Pet dewormer Fenbendazole. It has been speculated RBG was given this medication as well. The drug has been around for decades.

I wonder if Alex has a stent in his bile duct too? I'm pretty sure I'd retire to spend my time with friends and family after a life event like that.

20383921? ago

RBG They are setting the stage for her Miricle Cure! what's the odds???

Didn't she just get that diagnosis??

20383911? ago

stage 4 PANCREATIC cancer

has nearly a 98% fatality outcome

20385702? ago

That 2% are in the 1% club.

It's a big club, and youuuuuu ain't in it.

20388103? ago

Same thing happened with Jimmy Carter. I didn't even think he was in the big club.

20396497? ago

They all are. Even JFK was but he was breaking away and starting to do good things and (((they))) can't have that.

20385992? ago

you and me, are not in the Big Club

Carlin was correct. He died quick from an aggressive onset of cancer.

20388916? ago

Probably an aggressive onset of ingesting radioactive material.

20386384? ago

Yep. He was speaking too much truth.

20383906? ago

The story I heard was that he was done with chemo not that he beat it, and is it really surprising RBG has had THREE cases of usually fatal cancers. Not one, Not two. Three

20383891? ago


20383861? ago

Is he a club member? On ICE? A clone?

20383965? ago

He's worked for Merv Griffin Production his entire professional life.

20383991? ago

Have you watched "Magnolia"?

20384399? ago

Yeah, there was a Jepardy-like gameshow, and the host had some acute health disaster while on screen.

20384422? ago

And the executive producer was dying of.cancer (Tom Cruises dad)

20383998? ago

the movie w/ Tom Cruise ? no

20384030? ago

That's the one. Remember you must give evil your conscent. Hollywood has told US over and over their intent.

20383859? ago

He and RGB have been hitting the same bar, clearly.

20383804? ago

Great point. A few observations. He hasn't missed an episode: The Jepardy episodes seem to be recorded almost in real time, since I've heard him provide updates on his health & apparent miraculous cure! Also, I've noticed that his behavior has changed, somewhat euphoric, which I assumed was the result of approaching death, but perhaps the result of miracle drugs.

20385449? ago

Or, he never had cancer to begin with. I just lost my best friend to pancreatic cancer. In the end, he was almost unrecognizable, and looked older than his father. Skin over bones.

You dont stand up and work when you have stage 4 PC.

20383716? ago

he had stage 4 pancreatic cancer. there is less than 5% survival rate. draw your own conclusions.

20384657? ago

He could be one of the 5% survival rate. That does mean some survive.

20383803? ago

1% look it up.

20383778? ago

Human-prenatal-child-sacrifice-stem-cell-therapy for 500, Alex.

20384325? ago

I'm sorry. You did not answer in the form of a question.

20384396? ago

Correction above ^

20383714? ago



20385987? ago

I'm sorry, that is incorrect. "What is Fenbendazole?" is what we were looking for.

20386793? ago

You have google. Do the research yourself

20387764? ago

Duuhhhhhhhhhh....have another Twinkie LOL!

20386966? ago

He was making a joke about Jeopardy, Alex Trebec's gameshow - everything must be in the form of a question.

20384363? ago

Explain this to me. Seriously?

Billions of dollars thrown at gigantic and elite cancer research comes in at a distant second place to the winner, which is a combo of dollar-store vitamin E with pet-shop dog de-wormer ?

20396530? ago

(((cancer research)))

Just like we have Fake News, we have Fake Medicine.

Look at ancient times or even the Amish (who reject western medicine entirely) and what do you see? Autism and cancer and obesity basically do not exist.

Step 1. Get the goyim sick by poisoning their food, water, air, soil and morality

Step 2: Convince goyim their disease is permanent and progressive.

Step 3: Sell them the treatment they need to take rest of life. Convince goyim that all alternate medicine is dangerous, bad and "not backed by science"

Step 4: Profit

20388696? ago

Yep, as simple & cheap as that .

20385848? ago

Welcome to the war my friend. The hour is later than you know.

20385081? ago

There's exponentially more money to be made in treatments than cures. Always follow the money.

20390274? ago

And "Awareness". Don't forget "Awareness"....

20383868? ago

You have to take it with vitamin E succinate but this is a correct answer. Fenbenzadol is a wormer and it works by choking out the worms. It does the same thing to cancer. 1 gram a day, 3 days in 4 days off.

20407318? ago

take what with what now?

20408250? ago

Vitamin E succinate. Succinate is a more bioavailable form of a mineral. That plus fenbenzadol. You take the vitamin E every day and take the fenbenzadol 3 days on and 4 days off. Get safeguard horse wormer is the easiest way to take it. The syringe is 25 grams but only take one gram when you take it. Does that make sense my friend?

20408644? ago

mostly thank you. where do i get all this stuff

20421416? ago

Amazon or a health food store for the vitamin E succinate and a feed store or Amazon for the wormer personally I say fuck Amazon.

20423445? ago

Thank you for the info

20433156? ago

Anytime my fellow Patriot.

20383979? ago

Where do you get it?

How much is it?

Does it have side effects?

20386762? ago

It’s like 8 bucks online. Cheap as shit. Look at the studies done behind it too. It would kill big pharma

20396620? ago

Then, of course, Why is it still available for purchase by us?

The EU, grand protectors that they are, have banned borax in the EU zone, and borax is only 1/3rd as dangerous as table salt, and useful against fungi.

20384503? ago

No side effects at all. Any local farm supply store. Horse wormer safeguard has 25 grams of fenbenzadol in it. So 25 days worth and vitamin E succinate can be found at a health food store or Amazon. Plus the horse wormer is apple flavored. You can find that in Amazon too if you want, but I really try not to give them my money. 14.99 it so for the wormer and like 25 for succinate vitamin E. Less than 100 bucks for 3 months and stage 4 cancer should be gone by then.

20385414? ago

Also baking soda, and hemp oil.

20387179? ago

Hot wine enemas. I do one every day. Never had cancer, either.

20396604? ago

Never had integrity, either.

20397274? ago

Why don't you go have a nice long douche? You'll feel SO much better!

20388421? ago

Seems to such a waste for wine.

20387404? ago

I love me some Saki.

20385996? ago

Really what you wanna do it alkaline the body. Organic apple cider vinegar, lemons, blueberries, dandilions. Antioxidants, eleminates free radicals, lower sugar intake and cancer won't happen

20386066? ago

Exactly. Thank you.

20388636? ago

Anytime my fellow Patriot

20385876? ago

do you take baking soda and hemp oil daily ? even if youre healthy?

20385946? ago


I also take supplements - garlic, oregano, turmeric, ginger, olive leaf, vitamin c, fish oil, and a couple others, and haven't been ill in over 5 years, even when surrounded by people with the flu.

I believe the body needs to have a certain amount of these things in it, levels, and that it boosts the immune system so when you come in contact with a virus, it doesn't really stand a chance. Just my personal observation, nothing scientific. Also, I try to eat organic as much as possible, and try to keep a garden going.

20388666? ago

Add Elderberry to that list .Goldenseal is the "poor man's" Ginseng & will boost the effects of the other herbs & Spices .

20389921? ago

Will do. Where and how do you buy it? Ebay? Amazon? Tablets?

20386571? ago

Do you find that you are healthier? Give us some details, do you get what someone unhealthy (like me) might think are super-powers?

20386831? ago

I dont get sick, so yes, IMO I'm healthier. No super-powers other than the ones I was born with :-)

20386879? ago

Damn it! So it's not worth it for me without the super-powers. Kudos to you though, I couldn't do it.

20387015? ago

Think of it this way, it allows you to keep doing all the unhealthy shit you're currently doing, for longer. So you dont have to give up your lifestyle :-)

Or should we just call you Lemmy?

20388159? ago

Lemmy is good, but I really don't want to be here any longer than I have to.

20384199? ago

The vet. $5 a month. ¯\(ツ)

Throw in some turkey tail and lions main just to be safe

20385220? ago

The vet. $5 a month. Covfefe?

20390643? ago

No ¯\(ツ)/¯ is idk or I give up

Covfefe would be something closer to

\\ _

   \( •_•) F

    < ⌒ヽ A

   /   へ\ B

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20396612? ago

From what website do you find text-graphics creations?

20383690? ago

Many people get better you have clinics for cancer that are all natural in the USA. Diet ,counselling , clean air no drugs vegan raw food.. All of these combined can finish cancer.

20385419? ago


Just bury me. I’d rather die than be surrounded by vegans.

20396747? ago

Surrounded by vegans = 9th circle of hell?

20385866? ago

Whatever for ? If veganism cures cancer and I know it helps.. Then why not.. Im not vegan. I do love vegan ice cream made from coconut milk.. better than the milk version.. Raw chocolate ..amazing.. Raw Chocolate and cbd oil ... Wow you can feel it doing good as you eat.it.. Farm meat is mostly toxic unatural crap... Boar venison and game is the real deal. I think a balance is good.. .

20384035? ago


20384439? ago

No you.. Twat

20383612? ago

I'll go with

What is about to have a bad time? for 200 Alex

20383571? ago

Apparently he wore a wig, but I still think he never had it in the first place.