20355905? ago

Reminder the Feds run this site now.

20355414? ago

I don't mean to change the subject but it's related to cryptos -- could there be a way for an "altcoin" be tied to requests to connect with a server and charge like 1/1000th of a penny? Sure, we anons would get a bill at the end of the year for like 7 cents, OR just pre-buy the crypto to use...that would cut waaaay down on DdOS attacks if all those requests came with a fee. It would make ppl think twice before spending 20 grand or whatever to attempt it...just was wondering.

20354982? ago

Lots of connection issues throughout the day here.

20354780? ago

Check with your ISP. They tend to take their DNS down for maintenance overnight.

20354405? ago

Voat is also hosted by cloudflare. How is this website still up

20354112? ago

I wonder if voat is accessible by IP address. Wont need dns then

20354086? ago

I show the cert up on 09/28, we should probably make a note of that. Maybe even remind @puttitout to renew

20354038? ago

Honest, Im on the ball CCNA

The most Likely thing that could have haptened... Your Local internet may most likelly went out. Sorry. But the internet was 100% working for at least 12 hours as of midnight eastern time.

Maybe You Tripped over a Whire?

20359188? ago

CCNA is intermediate level networking and you seem unintelligent.

20360100? ago

Oh Yhe?

Whats the difference between IPV4 and IPV6 mr smartass?

I bet You cannot tell the difference between 255 and 192

20361193? ago

numbers vs. hex, more IP address possibilities in v6.

binary bits.

please stop, I went to school for it 13 years ago, never practiced it, and I can still blow you away.

did you just come across a keyboard for the first time this year?

20361564? ago

13 years?

Well then I guess =

Congrats on Your Successful completion of 13 years of school.

20361764? ago

the mook exposes self. didn't even need to try.

it's sad i can sense your intellect from the way you type. be gone. you bore me.

20354755? ago

Surprised you didn't suggest rebooting windows

20354812? ago

My DNS was poisoned, Dont think it came from Voat.

I pulled the wire from my routher stuck it back in and did it again. it rebooted succesfully. Also my Tirade of threats may have played a roll.

Wireless Router working normally.

20354274? ago

For what it is worth, it was down in Malaysia so not localised to US

20353987? ago

JUST NOW got a service is unavailable message for a few seconds--1 22 am PDT.

20353972? ago

I'm sure the Nazifaggots who blame everything on Jews know who did it. Let's ask them.

20355899? ago

The jews

20355427? ago

I usually blame the cat. He is both handy and, very likely, the guilty party in the first place.

20356623? ago

Basement cat! Blame Basement cat. Ceiling cat is the good guy.

20357104? ago

No basements in the swamplands of South Carolina! Old house/solid plaster ceiling! HELP!!!

20359220? ago

Basementcat moves in mysterious ways, including in swampy areas.

20354430? ago

Its the jews

20354347? ago


20353960? ago

Putt is doing some science to try and help with the DDOS - Cloudflare is actually the DNS host so he could have been toggling the cloud flare coverage. Not that unusual overall. He was experimenting with taking the site down and back up again to see how the DDOS responded and it appears to be pretty advanced he has routed the site to alternative locations and the DDOS stops, but within seconds of restoring the site it's back. That's actually pretty unusual behavior for a low or mid tier botnet, which tells us a lot.

20357325? ago


20357342? ago

None it's come up on voat chat a few times from Putt himself.

20354626? ago

time to move on will see u guys maybe on minds, the chans, gab, saidit, medium, poal, the old blogs old free speech forums etc

20355610? ago

Medium. Lol.

Mooooommmm, he said medium!

20354670? ago

Lol you must be new here - you think 4.5 years of being a bastion of free speech online comes without any problems? You think that keeping this site where pizza/pedogate research is focused does not bring enemies down on us.

Grow some balls

20355014? ago


Question is when CloudFlare deplatforms.

Took 8chan being in the news for quite some time so who knows

20354994? ago

Or at least identify as someone with balls...

20353880? ago

Hey, shills need to cover their tracks sometimes

20353839? ago

Any highest ranking anons around tonite to weigh in? Wtf is up? Maybe nothing but I think we are all a little sensitive to webfuckery right now.

20353983? ago

cloudflare is a fail-over service for DNS, as well as its main purpose... anti-DDOS.

however, the scripts and code for DNS fail-over that contact "https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html" need time to do their thing (measures in minutes not seconds) due to DNS caching on OTHER DNS, and the scripts and code for DNS fail-over rarely are used unless a main machine of voat.co is crashed, down, dumping forensic state to study a deadlock, backing up quiescent databases, updating os, etc.

you posted 1.1 hours ago, from now, but 1.1 hours ago and the prior two whole hours, as seen by my comment history... I saw no long duration hiccups on voat.co lasting more than 5 minutes :


my comments in that history go back periodically 12 hours back, so voat was not down for my DNS connection to cloudflare more than 5 mins or so

20361267? ago

Thank you Anon!

20353737? ago

That was weird...

20353739? ago
