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20347816? ago

I believe this to be so. Religious leaders as well.

20350896? ago

A grotto is a satanic group, like a coven.

20354631? ago

You can’t make a statement like that then reference another comment without a source.

I am familiar with all of the imagery except movpar. I can say that the 5 pointed star of various colors is OES. The 6 point star is Jewish so these movpar guys are probably Jews. I’ll research my old books today.

20357985? ago

I have seen a lot of masonic info but I'm not in the masons, never been in masons but I known ex masons and I've read lots and lots of material. The Grotto or Movpar could be like the Shriners but more Iranian, some zoroastrianism, they seem to have a lot of weird pagan or babylon or 'satanic' stuff thrown in for want of a better term. They are without doubt Freemasons but removed, i guess if they get caught doing criminal stuff the other lodges can deny any connection to the Grotto, they pray to some islam dude with the jihadi turban on his head.

20368929? ago

Agreed. MOVPAR is middle eastern. Shriners were caught with underage prostitutes while on fishing trips a few years ago. I think that historically Catholics and Masons have big beef, so they mightve went underground with the grottos and sex shit, to avoid being crusaded. I'm sure this all comes down to nimrod worship. Point of being in the grotto is sex, and i believe he's the one with the cut off dick.