20351484? ago

Field McConnell talks about how his sister, Kristine Marcy, was head of SES and they would record oath taking ceremonies that involved cannibalism, pedophilia, murder, etc. That Canadian pig farm where Robert Pickman killed women was one of the places this took place. They also had live death betting software where the rich would gamble on death events. City of London Guilds and Livery Companies we’re in charge of setting up many terrorist style events, and it’s bigger than 99.9% of people even imagine. They have backdoor control into Boeing and airbus planes that allow complete remote control that is unable to be overridden by the pilots. Their first ever live snuff film was during 9/11 in building 7, Samantha Cameron was involved in this. I’m rambling, but it’s incredible.

20351325? ago

[MOS] Honeypots --> Complete Compromise. Imagine what goes on, ... Harder.

20351054? ago

Makes one wonder where Scientology fits in too

20370386? ago

same group of weirdos just more modern

20350881? ago

I believe this. I vaguely remember some interview where, once Jay Z had gotten really popular, he was taken to an island and his friends saying he wasn't the same when he returned and he wouldn't talk about it with them. I'm too lazy to search right now, but if I come across it, I'll share.

20353992? ago

I would love to read about it, but if you post it here it will get buried. — start a new thread when you find it!!

20350952? ago

another Masonic Shriner

20350556? ago

Do you include President Trump in this unproven generalization?

20351137? ago

No. He's a greedy, narcissistic, womanizing, bafoon but I believe he's squeaky clean in terms of pedogate. I also think he has 40+ years of incriminating dirt on virtually his entire social/business network. Parties, outings, events, clubs, etc. all while completely sober and aware of what these elites were doing all along.

20351387? ago

I wonder what has been captured on tape during the CELEBRITY APPRENTICE shows...

20350468? ago

So we should start seeing some really enterprising motherfuckers coming right up the ranks of private industry and politics now. No more island. Or NXIVM.

20350064? ago

Hugh Heffner was believed to do the same thing.

20349836? ago

This is why all media has been pretty much ruined for me. I can't enjoy anything anymore.

20353368? ago

And churches.

20349722? ago

We will never know the full truth. If we did riots and a civil war would be the result. That’s why the rich have been in an uptick of building and outfitting bunkers since Obama first took office. They were sure it would happen. At this point I don’t want to know. I don’t want to have that on my soul. I just want (((them))) destroyed and the world turned away from the clowns.

20352070? ago

At this point I don’t want to know. I don’t want to have that on my soul. I just want (((them))) destroyed and the world turned away from the clowns.

You don't want to get your hands dirty, but you want others getting their hands dirty for you. At least show the doers the respect to want to know the truth.

20364297? ago

Correct. I've had my hands dirty 21 years on Active Duty, fighting pointless wars that brought nothing but death to my Brothers and Sisters and hate to our Shores. I'm done man.

20351404? ago

I want the Truth.. God will help me through it... but I WANT the WHOLE truth .. please.....

20364309? ago

I'm glad that you are strong but I don't think that I am.

20365472? ago

The reason we fear Truth is because it exposes OUR OWN faults and failings.. This is why nbc one likes to hear the truth with the exception of Christians.. Christians DESIRE the truth they wANT to know THIER shortcomings so they can DEAL WITH them properly ( we don't always see our own faults) The Holy Spirit gives us that strength.

20366652? ago

I'm working on it, small steps...I wish they could be bigger but it's like learning to walk when all I've done is get pushed around on wheels.

20366805? ago

This might help you understand .. It helped me.. https://www.cfcindia.com/sermon/power-through-being-broken

20353267? ago

After you have studied SRA or cannibalism, it doesn't get much worse. What amazes me is the parallels with what goes on in alien abductions.

20361361? ago

you mean MK ULTRA backfires?

20350440? ago

Maybe we fucking NEED that. So that these dumb fucking sheep can finally see it for themselves and get their head out of the sand. Either that or just die off. Either way we're better off.

20349620? ago

Yeah I'm sure there are a LOT of people sweating pretty hard. It's time to own up to their evil deeds.

20349436? ago

Comped at the highest levels.

20349360? ago

Yes. This is what they mean by selling their soul to the devil. Commit a child sacrifice ritual, and boom your soul is no good anymore. God is finished with you and your soul goes to Moloch.

20353273? ago

BS. Forgiveness is still possible if the heart truly changes.

20355577? ago

Ya, you have to repent. Most people cannot repent enough to get right with god again.

20357248? ago

It's not really possible for them to repent, once you are in you can't really get out.....if you look like you might not want to be part of the club anymore you get destroyed or doorknobbed

20349112? ago


20350452? ago

Go away Trump. Why don't you go send out a stupid tweet or some shit.

20353276? ago

I think he/it just did.

20348990? ago

Epstein Island & NXIVM = pieces of the tip of the iceberg.

20348986? ago

Pure Bull Shit.

Not every actor, actress, politician or head of a major corporation has done anything you have suggested. Do you know how STUPID you are appearing right now? Well.. do you?

List of Conservative Actors and Actresses : https://www.ranker.com/list/actors-republican-actor-and-conservative-actors-list/famous-conservatives

So Trump went to Epstein Island or Nxivm eh?

No wonder they call you Q-tards.

20353299? ago

You are right, but the Q-tard is not necessary.

20348931? ago

There are other places for sure in SA, Paris, London, LA, but the island was like their play pen.

20349486? ago

^^^THIS^^^ There is more than one island, there is more than one 'ranch'. These places exist all over the world at all levels.

20353374? ago

IIRC I've seen a couple more private islands mentioned so will look for sauce. My impression is that its a world-wide problem; accordingly there are likely to be active honeypots world-wide. How many sick people see blackmail as the way to make the big time?

20353235? ago

Dreaming, or sauce?

20354385? ago

Do you really think Epstein's LSJ and Hefner's Mansion are the only honey pots? Wake up, these are just the two that we got to find out about.

20348841? ago


20348753? ago

It predates Epstein too. This online book has more info about this stuff:


Specifically the sections “The Pedophocracy” and “Cults and Child Abuse”

20348649? ago

Martha's vineyard..... .. ?

20350894? ago

Hadn't thought of that, but it fits the pattern

20350418? ago

If Teddy Kennedy can get away with killing some bitch in Martha's Vinyard, Mike and his wife Barry can certainly get away with diddling some kids at their new Neverland Ranch.

20348557? ago

High Hefner. US military, becomes cia asset, Georgetown psych degree, becomes publisher, builds the mansion, biggest honeypot the worlds ever seen.

20350937? ago

Tunnel, Easter Festival? https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3190829 Connections Literally Everywhere! Will keep studying. Definitely one of their lairs!

20348298? ago

This is how they got total control.

20348093? ago

I believe there was another option. You could visit the Playboy Mansion, instead.

20351981? ago

The evil are very much into tunnels. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3391483/20255526

20349288? ago

I think this was lower echelons. For the initiates not the bloodlines.

20348074? ago

Yet we've never seen one video.


20348464? ago

Right, it's called mutually assured destruction. We've never had one nuclear capable nation nuke another capable nation.

20348328? ago

True but look who controls them.

20348061? ago

Where is your sauce on this? Not that I don’t believe you, but I think you should always put a source to your comments for some type of validation.

20348035? ago

Where is the next Lolita island?

20348534? ago

Necker Island.

20348478? ago

Steven Spielberg Island? David Copperfield Island? Lots of cabal people own islands

20348025? ago

CIA brown and black ops - they've been setting up honeypot houses to trap political and other leaders for decades. CIA is a FILTHY organization, right alongside Mossad and British intel agencies.

20348357? ago

They even ran a S&M brothel for 9 years as part of MK Ultra. They would secretly give the John's doses of LSD to find the right amount of that, pain and sex gets someone to spill the beans. Still don't know.

20347979? ago

I have run out of alternate explanations that feel even half as believable as this.

20347816? ago

I believe this to be so. Religious leaders as well.

20353585? ago

Anyone who wants to be a major politition, movie star or head of a major corporation must visit Epstein Island or Nxivm and be recorded performing horrible things.

Do you have any source(s) to support claim?

20351022? ago

Age of Liberalism and Degeneracy Grateful Dead https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ske6lNRdkHHO/ spiked the coffee urn with LSD.

20365677? ago

LSD doesn't work like that.

20350896? ago

A grotto is a satanic group, like a coven. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3399914/20338337

20354631? ago

You can’t make a statement like that then reference another comment without a source.

I am familiar with all of the imagery except movpar. I can say that the 5 pointed star of various colors is OES. The 6 point star is Jewish so these movpar guys are probably Jews. I’ll research my old books today.

20357985? ago

I have seen a lot of masonic info but I'm not in the masons, never been in masons but I known ex masons and I've read lots and lots of material. The Grotto or Movpar could be like the Shriners but more Iranian, some zoroastrianism, they seem to have a lot of weird pagan or babylon or 'satanic' stuff thrown in for want of a better term. They are without doubt Freemasons but removed, i guess if they get caught doing criminal stuff the other lodges can deny any connection to the Grotto, they pray to some islam dude with the jihadi turban on his head.

20368929? ago

Agreed. MOVPAR is middle eastern. Shriners were caught with underage prostitutes while on fishing trips a few years ago. I think that historically Catholics and Masons have big beef, so they mightve went underground with the grottos and sex shit, to avoid being crusaded. I'm sure this all comes down to nimrod worship. Point of being in the grotto is sex, and i believe he's the one with the cut off dick.

20347518? ago

That island was for pure sex orgies...a wonderland of lust. Satanic overtones, visions of Aleppo.

However, it wasn't where they take their blood oaths.

20347990? ago

Your wording is creepy. You have personal knowledge of this shit or something?

20347965? ago

Where would that be?

20348368? ago

Pool at the Vanderbelt mansion and others places that are easy to clean.

20348489? ago

Meh, why do it somewhere like that, where they even have to worry about cleaning? Epstein's island was only open to these people, so cleaning wouldn't be a concern.

20350487? ago

You ever seen the Vanderbilt mansion? First of all it sits on a plot of land larger than the fucking city of Asheville where it's located. Back in the day when it was built anyone going anywhere near that land could be shot and probably were. All these rich cocksuckers had county sized plots where NOBODY was allowed without an invute.

Secondly the pool is in the BASEMENT of a giant mansion with hundreds of rooms in it. They could fill that pool with the blood of children and swim laps in that shit without getting caught.

20347431? ago

Anyone or many anon?

20347401? ago


20347754? ago
