WW2 was Jews vs. Christians. Jews won, killed 60 million Christians, rewrote history, convinced you we perpetrated their crimes and brainwash you to hate the people who most resisted the antichrists. (QRV)
submitted 5.4 years ago by 3401298?
If your knee-jerk reaction is to call me antisemitic, that's the brainwashing in action.
Why else would you be defending antichrists who recently killed 60 million of us in ways more sadistic than you can imagine?
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20345214? 5.4 years ago
Jesuits playing everybody, everybody else loses. Learn something before you open your mouth, dumbass.
20346834? 5.4 years ago
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20345214? ago
Jesuits playing everybody, everybody else loses. Learn something before you open your mouth, dumbass.
20346834? ago