20372336? ago

OP - you are an idiot.

20352768? ago

Hitler was a puppet and did exactly what the enemy wanted. Trump WILL NOT make the same mistakes. Get over it and fall in line patriots.

20352760? ago

And law abiding Jews today hold what responsibility again?

20380474? ago

To leave Talmudic Judaism and reject the religious term Jew, convert to Christianity ! Jew is not a race contrary to what they have tried to do since WWII. Discard and rip up your "fake Race" and "Perpetual Victim" cards ! Take responsibility for your actions and quit blaming your ancestors actions on other races ! Quit faking hate crimes to blame on fellow white people. Quit supporting your Golem Islam and understand the moral of that story before it turns on you.

20352430? ago

Hitler wasn't any more "Christian," than Barak Hussain Obama is a "Christian." Get your head out your ass, dumb-dumb.

20352334? ago

So which one of the 12 tribes were the Soviets from? How about the Muslims? The chi-coms?

The biggest mass murders of Christains were communist (atheistic) countries.

20380606? ago

Do research on the leadership of the Soviet Union the truth is out there you just have to wade thru the lies and misdirection. (((Karl Marx))) (((Vladimir Lenin))) 80-95% of the rest of leadership was also Jewish. As for China there were Jews there as well. It was funded by (((Rothschild))). (((Solomon Adler))), a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; (((Israel Epstein))), the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to ferment a revolution was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance); and (((Frank Coe))), a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF. (((Sidney Shapiro))), an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda

In fact communism is a Jewish creation to make everyone else slaves of a jew ruling class.

20351015? ago

Perfectly said and the world will know.

20350106? ago

There couldn’t be an OP to make us look any worse. Congrats OP. Giving them exactly what they want, but you know that don’t you. Fucking pathetic Shill.

20350354? ago

We dont care how we look to your tribe of pedophiles, the truth is the truth. Kvetch harder yoy baby raping kike.

20350015? ago

World Wars goal is for the evil cabal to kill people.

The evil cabal's central banking system can't sustain, meaning it will die. They give it life by killing people to reset their system.

If 100 million people die, all their assets get spread around to the rest of the population, their worthless fake money gets reset, and they play their system again for around round.

killary was going to start world war 3, and reset the banking system.

That's how evil the evil cabal is.

20357037? ago

how exactly does that work?

20362845? ago

What part?

20363651? ago

how does killing people reset the financial system?

20364187? ago

They reset the evil cabal's banking system with world wars.

When you print money from thin air, you're creating money from nothing. Then this money is not real money, but debt money. You'll need to pay it back with interest, and is impossible to be fully paid off.

When you create something from nothing, there's only a limit on how much you can create before the system crashes to nothing.

That's why you see everything going up. It's not because it's more expensive, it's because your money is worth less!

When it gets so bad, the system can't handle it.

They fix this by having world war to do mass killings.

Lots of people die. Millions and millions.

Lots of expenses are used for war.

If you have 10 people in a room. You are the banker. Monopoly money. You print out 100, and give to each 10 people. They pay you back with interest. It's impossible to be fully paid back because where does the interest come from?

So you keep printing, and lending. You keep getting interest as the banker. It comes to a point in time, when the money is worthless.

You kill off 5 people. 5 left in the room. The ones that's killed, all their assets gets given away to their family members or banks/government takes it and foreclose etc.

Where's the money, assets of the other 5 people? It gets spread to everybody else, or it goes back to you the Banker (Government).

Now the dead people's credits have been spread across everybody else. Or the assets was destroyed in the war.

And the game starts again.

This is how they reset the money system. Just 1 part of it.

Another way is printing and lending more money, but you can only do this for a limited time, because money becomes worthless, so you need more money to buy the same stuff.

20349763? ago

You people are more stupid than a pile of steaming cow dung

20350370? ago

Solid kike argument right there. Id expect nothing less from a cult of inbreds who mutilate and suck the dicks of newborn babies.

20350657? ago

Yeah you suck and your stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid.

And to think you actually replied. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜—πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜—πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ€”πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜†πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜…πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰πŸ€£πŸ˜†πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜†πŸ˜ƒπŸ€£πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ˜‰πŸ€£πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ˜†πŸ˜™πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‰πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‰πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‰πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ˜‰πŸ€£πŸ˜‰πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‰πŸ€£

20349313? ago

Posts are being removed?

20349169? ago

To make up mind about validity of what we were told watch the 10 hr ten part series.


20349096? ago

Look at all the zionist downvotes here!! wow. Pathetic fucking trash

20350058? ago

You don’t need to be a Zionist to see how retarded this post is.

What’s they point of these? Y’all post about Jews all day and Bitch and moan and repeat the next day.

I think the people posting about Jews are the shills.

This is a Q board, it’s obvious they’re using the Jewish stuff to distract y’all. It’s very efficient.

20360983? ago

They most certainly are the shills for sure. I would laugh my ass off if somehow they a got doxxed and to explain all the batshit insane antisemetic shit they have been spewing to their family and friends. It makes sense to have anger and ill will towards the elite Jews (AKA: The synogogue of satan) that pollute the world with their satanuc cults, but to go off like 12 year old edge lords and wish death all jews, you have to be either completely fucking psychotic, or a shill.

20747911? ago

I’m glad I read this. Usually I don’t read comment replies because they’re 90% stupid assumptions and insults. Lol

20350344? ago

I think cult member who mutilate and suck the dicks of newborn babies deserve to die in gas chanmbers.

20348443? ago

Then why did the US government propagandize you 75 years ago? Truman and Roosevelt aren't Jewish.

Everyone here likely agrees that 6 million Jews weren't killed. But regardless if 600k, 60k or 6k Jews were killed, they were still killed.

Everyone knows Prescott Bush funded Hitler. That would make the Bush legacy heros in your eyes, am I right? Did you vote for Dubya? 41 had Reagan shot and likely was involved with killing JFK. 43 helped take down the twin towers. They're fucking scumbags, except you think Prescott was furthering your cause?

Everyone knows Merkel is Hitler's daughter. Why is she ramming as many Islamists she can into Germany? These mongrels, who have defective DNA (they're mostly inbred as marrying their cousins is common), are all ushered into Germany by Hitler's daughter, yet you think Hitler was the bees knees.

Hitler and the Bush clan worked together, so you can't pick and choose who you like or don't like. If you loved Hitler then you love Dubya.

You Nazifaggots have to work on your consistency before anyone will believe your drivel.

And aside from all that, it has fuck-all to do with Q. Also has fuck-all to do with the 6 million Jews alive today that didn't do any of the 75 year old shit you're pissing and moaning about.

20359044? ago

Then why did the US government propagandize you 75 years ago? Truman and Roosevelt aren't Jewish.


Simply check things ....

Everyone here likely agrees that 6 million Jews weren't killed. But regardless if 600k, 60k or 6k Jews were killed, they were still killed.

The question has to be asked, by what exactly? Over the course of history, people have died, either by purposefully destroying a group by slaughter or hunger and sickness or all three for any reason, be it religious, political, survival. An honest appraisal of WOII may perhaps lead to a astounding revelation: though interned, these people died of sickness, as a consequence of incessant bombing civilian objects by the Allies, completely destroying the agricultural and logistical base for military purposes. And the same people who lament about turning a Synagog in Berlin into a warehouse or horse stable, lament about returning the Alhambra from museum into a mosque, but care not to turn Aya Sophia back to a church again.

The same people argue Christians slaughtered Muslims, but are silent for all the wars and raids Muslims committed and all destruction, rape and slaves they held

Every warring side has tried to claim moral superiority. And every available avenue has been weaponized, including money.

Everyone knows Prescott Bush funded Hitler.

There were many more who funded the NSDAP. Governments are partisan, however you look. When you read up on the story of Boabdil in Grenada and what happened there, you will find when groups of people bind together, there are both converging and diverging interests. Putting blinders on and decreeing one section bad and the other good, does not help any argument. What counts is the eventual outcome.

Everyone knows Merkel is Hitler's daughter.

That has been the question ..... and it is not resolved, yet.

Why is she ramming as many Islamists she can into Germany?

If you would know the slightest of Hitlers views, permanently settling Muslims was not one of his views. Just claiming she is Hitler's daughter and thus condemned, is just poor judgement. When you look up the population makeup in Germany, you will find there is a problem. It can be solved by technology, and fiscal credits easily. BUT, this problem can also be exacerbated and exploited for other means. Read: "Deutschland schafft sich" ab by Thilo Sarazin. The long term goal is a weak Germany. By importing mass amounts of other cultural adherents without a unifying idea, there can only be division. Division leads to weakness. Weakness to being controlled. Look at a map of 16th Century - 19th Century Germany. And you'll understand division. If every people have the right to determine their own destiny and be sovereign, you start to understand there is 1. no definition of what a people is, 2. The more you infuse a nation with strangers over a longer period of time, the whole idea of sovereignty goes out the window. This is EU policy, designed for it's own survival to please the financial interests.

Hitler and the Bush clan worked together, so you can't pick and choose who you like or don't like. If you loved Hitler then you love Dubya.

I fail to see the logic in that, or in other terms non-sequitur. Dubya was under control of Booze Hamilton and Carlyle. He left their influence intact, better yet, he enhanced it, while Hitler diminished the same interest behind these type of corporations in favor of the German peoples. .....

You Nazifaggots have to work on your consistency before anyone will believe your drivel.

Opinion, but ok. I'll bite. From an objective perspective, tossing aside all personal political views, you do not have to be a NAZI as a designation for a political movement, to see, what did occur in the years 1922 - 1938 in domestic Germany. However, you are betraying your own emotions in this matter, by calling upon a derogatory term promulgated by a Jewish journalist in Germany, exporting it to America, where his term was incorporated with Glee. It does conform to Alinsky's rules of radicals. You are simply keeping alive a concocted view in order to perpetuate brainwashing.

And aside from all that, it has fuck-all to do with Q

Yes it does, as Q points to a subsection of the NSDAP movement.

And this is where it gets interesting: co-option. How does that work over time?

Also has fuck-all to do with the 6 million Jews alive today that didn't do any of the 75 year old shit you're pissing and moaning about.

Everybody has to stand for his or her own acts or the lack thereof. Is it not interesting that in today's world, we are discussing white privilege, white supremacy, bad Christians, right wing ideologies that should be suppressed, but totally forget to discuss equally and worse ideologies that are easily spread under the guise of freedom of religion.

To give a funny example: look up the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Or the lawsuits filed to be able to have a colander on your head for official photos under the guise of freedom of religion.

You could argue, that it is important to all have the same basic point of view: like the Decl. of independence, Bill of Rights, the first 13 amendments. What it makes clear is that differing opinions, differing interests will always exist. pair this with political expedience and you suddenly understand why the brilliant Thomas Jefferson, made such huge mistakes while being president. We therefore deduce that morals cannot be legislated. So, there will always be an ebb and flood movement between freedom and suppression. I would certainly recommend to read some more books written by Machiavelli (Il Principe; arte della guerra) I am not promoting this, to turn you into a nihilist, but a realist. And a realist assessment of the time in which we operate is dictating the next step.

Whatever the religiously motivated reasons for establishing a Jewish etno state, I understand the reasons based on 1043 expulsions. It is simply realism. These decree founded in realism, can also be used to claim victimhood. And when you add to that the developments of ideas over the course of say 1870 - 1948, you will understand the pressure of having your own State, instead of just a association where you can talk.

This idea of peoples having their own state is like every person wanting his own home.

Tie this in with factions, converging and diverging interest, that lead to different methods and outcomes. Consider this: at the advent of the Jewish state, why did not all Jews move there promptly? Why continue and exacerbate the diaspora? Quite amazing, is it not? And with all the influence they can muster, they are not really any further down the line of the implementation of the original goals as laid down in international law.

In a way, this is a interesting topic to consider from the family unit, via families, tribes, nations, country, supranational entities, etc. If no political ambitions would exist, the natural state in this is flexible enough to allow for a gradual ebb and flood of the several populations, like with the wolves, and herds. But I digress.

This all brings us back to Trump and Q. There is a message of unity, to find common ground firstly within the national borders of the US, and secondly between friendly states. But you can only succeed if you built up your powerbase and control the chessboard: full spectrum domination.

In history, there have been many liberation movements. But only two true ones. Of course the 1776 American Revolution and the 1581 Dutch independence. Both were successful and highly riddled with problems, as they did not occur in an international vacuum. While we are at it, I should add a third. The one we are now witnessing. One which is way more complex and concerns billions of people from all walks of life. And when Q encourages us to research, think for ourselves, and employ logical thinking, the onus is on us, to do so, and come to a better understanding of the eventual goals and methods.

This entails a discussion, debate over the issues. And yes, we will not agree on everything. I am being mild here. But without this discussion, without the meeting of mind and fact, we are nothing but auto vaccum cleaners equipped with only two sensors: bumb left and bumb right.

20362719? ago


20368684? ago

√(C + A) = shill, where c<144, A<5min

20348724? ago

They don't have to be jews to be CONTROLLED by jews.

20353308? ago

But who controls the Jews? And who controls them?

And when did humans lose all right to free choice so that you could explain away all bad actions of a person by saying they are controlled?

And how do these Jews, collectively as an entire population, do the controlling? Do they communicate with each other through ESP? Do they have a meeting every Monday night as a group of 6 million to decide how to best screw you over?

Inquiring minds want to know.

20354370? ago

Their genetics and beliefs control them.

They are EXTREMELY nepotistic. Which is why the dual citizenship is flawed and they only truly represent other jews.

They don't need ESP, because they are naturally very tribal while they deny the same right of tribalism to Whites.

20348532? ago

But the 6 million Jews alive today never waste a moment to guilt shame every non-Jew on the planet for something that not only did they NOT do, but didn't actually happen at ALL!

Plus, there are about a million other super shitty things that Jews do to non Jews. They are just about the worst world neighbors a human could ask for shy of a secret canibal (which, yes, throught history Jews have ALSO be realistically associated with). In short, these are BAD people who do everything in their power to make sure non Jews don't find out how shitty they are.

But, if you are Jewish then you already knew all this anyway.

20353282? ago

But the 6 million Jews alive today never waste a moment to guilt shame every non-Jew on the planet

That's patently false. I get that you're using hyperbole, but it's false nonetheless.

for something that not only did they NOT do, but didn't actually happen at ALL!

Some died. Not 6 million. But whether that figure is 600k, 60k or 6k, the holocaust still happened and it was a tragedy for those it happened to.

Plus, there are about a million other super shitty things that Jews do to non Jews.

Vague FTW.

They are just about the worst world neighbors a human could ask for

As long as we're trading anecdotals, I never had a problem.

20354885? ago

goalpost exertion detected

20348374? ago

5 years ago I would have said you were crazy. Now? Knowing what I know? After countless hours of my own research, I have to reluctantly say you are 100% correct. There is just no denying it. Facts are facts. β€œEvery. Damn. Time.” gets bandied about frequently because it is true. They are Jewish race but they do not worship God. Not the God of the old and New Testaments. That much I know. I also am not sure who Gos’s Chosen people are anymore except for Christians (including Jews who are Christians). Didn’t Jesus say repeatedly no one comes to the Father except through Him? That whoever denies Jesus will be denied by God? How can Jews who are not believers get into heaven? Especially the ones who follow the Talmud? The answer is they will not be going to heaven; they will be going to hell. Jesus was a game changer. Jews are no longer His chosen people. However, Israel is still holy ground, and there are still many good Christians there, Jewish and otherwise. There will also be a great conversion of Jews (millions and millions) along with the 144K converted Jews who will preach throughout the world... all this foretells the end times. Meaning the END OF SATANIC TIMES but the painful but necessary birth pangs of the 1000 years of awesomeness before eternity with The Lord. We are at the beginning of the pangs. Believe it. This is a SPIRITUAL war. God has made the choice to follow Him or Lucifer crystal clear. The wheat is being separated from the chaff. Time to wake up your family, friends, co-workers, neighbors... their life depends on being awake and making that choice.

But yes, the Satan-worshipping jews (which are a lot, and even more know and either do nothing or enable them) have been the cause of everything evil for millennia. They caused all the wars in the past hundreds of years, and are directly responsible for the destruction of everything God holds dear in the past 100-200 years, with an all-out push in the past 20. And it keeps accelerating. If Q team doesn’t do something soon, then everyone who is awake and traumatized will start to take it into their own hands. We can only wait for justice so long. I am waiting and trusting the plan but I am also ready to go should the 2nd global revolutionary war break out - slaves vs. satanic Jews. Good vs. evil.

20358312? ago

Great post anon.

Right on target and resonates with everything I have found through my own research and background knowledge.

If you can, I would encourage you to to create a separate post with analysis as the main content.

20347874? ago

Well this has certainly brought (((them))) out of the woodwork.

20350012? ago

Why are you guys so scared of us? We love America just as much as you.

It seems like you’re confusing a sect of very religious satanic Jews with normal American Jews.

That’s like me comparing normal American Christians to the pedophiles in the highest roles of the church.

20352476? ago

That’s like me conflating normal American Christians to the pedophiles in the highest roles of the church.

You're supposed to say it like this, to better trigger the nazi boys.

(((All Christians))) Every. Single. Time.

20350331? ago

Maybe we just hate pedophiles? You ever thought of that? Is your jewish inbred hubris so great that you really cant fathom us disliking a cult of pedos who mutilate and suck the penises of newborn babies?

20360873? ago

Its almost as if you didnt even read his fucking post.

20347683? ago

everyone here is an idiot....the farther you get from a historical period the easier it is for fools to pretend the lie is reality. I am only 53 years old and have watched over the years as you idiots have lied and built on the Lie.....truly vile. thank god most look upon you guys with contempt

20348030? ago

You just said a lot....without actually saying anything. WHICH is the lie?

20347647? ago

People need this to sink in.

20347352? ago

2% = ((( the 1% ))) would be more like it if you wanted to name the jew cryptically.

20347332? ago

It always bothered me the bolshevik jews in China and Russia are never called out for the mass slaughter of nearly 200 million lives.

20347291? ago

starting to believe this is all true, can someone pm me links i can look up

20346994? ago

Yep the Jews (Luciferians.. Been around since Babylon and even before) and they also killed alot of actual Jews while at it. But yes tons of Christians.why blame all Jews when it was Luciferians?

Either OP is shiller or an idiot..

20348752? ago

Lucifer is Jesus though. Lucifer means light-bearer. They are both the morning and evening star. It's a mistranslation purposly pushed by the Catholic church. They associated Lucifer with Satan and that's the end of the story.

"As above, so below".

20379937? ago

Partly right the only mention of Lucifer is in Isiah ... it is an incomplete translation that is used to obfuscate by satanists and antichrists/jews who Jesus is.

20347280? ago

Yup. All orchestrated to create the state of Israel... bible prophecy.

Ezekiel quoted God as saying: When I have brought them back from the nations and have gathered them from the countries of their enemies, I will be proved holy through them in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord their God, for though I sent them into exile among the nations, I will gather them to their own land, not leaving any behind. I will no longer hide my face from them, for I will pour out my Spirit on the people of Israel, declares the Sovereign Lord.” (Ezekiel 39:27-29; NIV)

20346828? ago

The Holocaust - the mass sacrifice of over eighteen million innocent Protestants, Orthodox Christians, ethnic Jews and minority groups by burning them alive in ovens in Poland and Russia less than seventy years ago by Catholic dictators Adolf Hitler S.J. and Fr Joseph Stalin S.J. represents the largest and most expensive act of mass human sacrifice in history.

Stalin and Hilter were both working for the same master, the Jesuit supreme general Ledochowski, organizing the great holocaust.

More research here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3392655

20346557? ago


The entirety of ww2 was created by the Vatican

20346389? ago

It's more like Jews got Christians to fight Christians.

20347417? ago

Not only that, they got Christian Americans, over 50% of who had German ancestry, to fight and genocide their German cousins on the continent in not one but TWO world wars.

It was the Germans and the Russians who were genocided in the 20th century NOT the Jews!

The Jews have manage to completely invert reality using their monopoly control of all forms of media.

20353052? ago

Very underrated comment. Well said!

20346279? ago

In terms of race, Jews genocided 60 million whites, jedi mindtricked everyone with their media control that THEY WERE THE 6 GORILLION victim, and we have been fucked over by those satanic mother fuckers ever since.

20350845? ago

consider that all the fake holocaust information came out of the soviet union.

consider that putin now controls all the records of the former soviet union.

how much leverage does he have against israel?

what would happen if he were to reveal the extermination camp hoax?

20354794? ago

good things?

20346965? ago

Jews genocided 60 million whites? Stalin wasn't even a Jew, what are you talking about? And Ukrainians at that time weren't even considered "white" by the Nazis, they were Slavic untermenschen.

20347982? ago

OP said Christians, did not say anything about whites.

20348032? ago

In terms of race, Jews genocided 60 million whites

Look at the comment to which I had replied.

20348126? ago

Gotcha. Starting to question the whole posts. Interesting but difficult to swallow without sauce.

20347395? ago

Read "The Secret Behind Communism" by Duke and "200 Years Together" by Nobel Laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Stalin himself was a Mason and very likely of Jewish ancestry. But whether Stalin was a Jew or not, the "Russian" revolution was run 80% by Jews, most of whom were foreign born and they directed the killing of some 60 million Christians across Russia and the Ukraine.

20347654? ago

The holodomor

20347645? ago

I don't deny that Bolsheviks were 80% Jewish, but Stalin actually had most of them killed in his purges. Please show me the evidence that Stalin was a Mason. There is actually more evidence for Hitler being a Jew (via his paternal grandmother) and being involved in the occult (see the origins of the Nazi party).

The killing of Ukrainians was not religiously motivated. Stalin simply wanted to reinforce Soviet control in what was perceived to be a rebellious territory. Additionally, Ukraine was a valuable buffer zone against potential Western invasion and offered numerous warm water ports on the Black Sea.

Solzhenitsyn emphatically denies that Jews were responsible for the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. At the end of chapter nine, Solzhenitsyn denounces "the superstitious faith in the historical potency of conspiracies" that leads some to blame the Russian revolutions on the Jews and to ignore the "Russian failings that determined our sad historical decline."[9]

Also, 60 million Christians? At most 10 million died in Ukraine as part of the Holodomor. Another 10 million or so may have died in Russia, but this would have been over the course of 20-30 years. So 60 million Christians is like saying 6 gorillion jews lol

20348587? ago

"Solzhenitsyn emphatically denies that Jews were responsible for the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. "

That quote is no doubt fake as he wrote AN ENTIRE BOOK arguing the exact opposite.

20349170? ago

In his 1974 essay "Repentance and Self-Limitation in the Life of Nations",[82] Solzhenitsyn called for Russian Gentiles and Jews alike to take moral responsibility for the "renegades" from both communities who enthusiastically created a Marxist–Leninist police state after the October Revolution.

In his 1998 book Russia in Collapse, Solzhenitsyn excoriated the Russian extreme right's obsession with anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic conspiracy theories.

I mean, I have no doubt that the Jews were heavily involved in Communism, and I'm sure Solzhenitsyn would agree. But to levy 100% of the blame on them and ignore other participants would be inaccurate

20347963? ago

The Jews were in power for 70 years in Russia, not 20-30. Their body politic was like 95%+ Jewish and about that % were foreigners, plenty form Wall Street. All but 2 Gulag commanders were Jewish. To downplay the huge numbers of people that were killed by ruthless Jews is straight up fraud.

20348014? ago

whether Stalin was a Jew or not, the "Russian" revolution was run 80% by Jews, most of whom were foreign born and they directed the killing of some 60 million Christians across Russia and the Ukraine.

Russian revolution up to the Holodomor and post WW2 included is about 20-30 years. 60 million Christians were not killed at that time. At most, 10 million died in Ukraine. Again, had nothing to do with religion. Famine was not religion specific

20346479? ago

The brightest Holocaust were two atomic bombs which killed the largest Christian congregation and largest Christian church is all of Asia.

Jewish ideology killed more than 120 million people during just the 20th century.

20354287? ago


20348705? ago

Had to kill people to save many more American lives.

And TINY compared to how many the jews have murdered.

20346860? ago

in Japan? where did you get this from?

20348207? ago

In other words, no where, pulled it out of his ass. Try to talk about it and they act just like the lib's do these days, just with the bashing and reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! They are not intelligent enough to have an actual conversation or debate. Sad really. But they say "we are the ones brainwashed or conditioned". (now I'll be labeled a jew or whatever) Parents and teachers of this nation have failed miserably!

20348672? ago

Ironically, prior to the bomb exploding directly over the Urakami Cathedral, Nagasaki was the most Christian city in Japan, and the massive cathedral had been the largest Christian church building in the Orient.


20348206? ago

Ironically, prior to the bomb exploding directly over the Urakami Cathedral, Nagasaki was the most Christian city in Japan, and the massive cathedral had been the largest Christian church building in the Orient.


20346913? ago

Truth and reality are to Nazifags as they are to Leftists.

Hateful and foreign.

20347029? ago

i am not sure what you mean

20347067? ago

Truth is hateful.

Reality is foreign.

20349109? ago

Apparently the "Nazifag" shills are back.

Get lost, big-nose

20351280? ago

Your pathetic little minority will get lost.

Q is your enemy not your friend.

20351633? ago

I have no enemies

20346057? ago

I worship a Jew and serve the God of the Jews.

20348619? ago

Well, then you know what that God said about the Jews.

"Oh, Jerusalem..."

They LOST the covenant, Bro. Then they used their trickness to manipulate Christian preachers, teachers and writers to found the idea that they still had it and were still Gods "chosen people". But they are not. And they are using those of us who still think they are. It's a "NEW COVENANT", no longer a "JEW COVENANT".

20346653? ago

Jesus is a Hebrew, Israelite, Judahite of the house of Judah and a Nazareen. He could only be called a Judean because He was born there. He ridiculed the religion of Pharisee's, Judaism. He is not a Jew in any sense other than the idea of being born in Judea. Esau is Edom. Edom is in modern Jewry. The modern day Jews are not Israelites. Believe the scripture, question the world.

20346045? ago

Hitler literally invaded Poland because he believed Christian Slavs were Untermenschen.

You can't boil down WW2 into something so simple as muh Joos vs Christians.

Get a grip

20346454? ago

How stupid can you be? If you do not read but respond without knowing what went down on the ground, you really are willingly stupid.

This was not about slavs. this was about the return of Germans into the Reich. Danzig was a German city. The poles had mandate to administration of the area around it. After 1936, the poles refused to resolve, despite very generous offers, because the Bits thought stirring the poles was a good idea.

And they paid for their stupidity. Because the big bear in their back completely tore them apart.

20346949? ago

So you are justifying the attempted extermination of Poles and other Slavs by the Germans?

Germans literally agreed to the partition of Poland with the USSR based on the Molotov Ribbentropf pact.

So tell me what the bloodshed of innocent Poles has to do with your Christians vs Jew?

20348060? ago

No I don't. Neither do I condone the extermination of innocent Germans or Czechs on their own hometurf by the Poles. And by looking one dimensionally without looking at the international force field of the day, you are missing the point. Conveniently you are forgetting what the Poles themselves did after 1936 South of their border. In total, it was a messy affair, where they were given numerous generous solutions, without war. The first casualty is the truth. And you are perpetuating that casualty by not looking at the whole picture.

Preface: The Soviets are not nationalist. They are internationalist. Do you know the origins of the commies? And their real names? ..... So, the commies lost the battle for Germany in 1933. They had been plotting for decades! Do you really think that the Potemkin modus operandi in Kiel, the strike in Munich and Berlin, were just that, incidents of a small nature? It completely destroyed the status quo. Did you know Bavaria became a communist Peoples Republic, not even capable of servicing water? THere even was a civil war raging with 38.000 fielded soldiers.Commies fighting commies. It was a mess! The only bullwark against a communist take over strong enough to resist its reemergence, was the NSDAP. Note also, the Soviet Union had never repaid the loans made during the time of the Tsar. What do you think would have happened if Germany had turned communist? Besides the killing of "30 million" Germans (not really, just made it up, but you get the picture by comparing what the checkas did in Hungary, Ukraine and Russia) by the checkas,because they were Bourgeois no loan woud ever be repaid. So, certain money interest in the US thought it a good idea to help the NSDAP on it's feet until the elections of 1933 in the hope their loans would be repaid by a prospering Germany.

So, Germany had to be destroyed. One step at a time. And Coincidentally, that is what was in the British and French interest. A strong prospering Germany was a threat to their national security. What Stalin needed was time to produce enough tanks and ammo. So he bought time. Simply look up how many tanks he had in production to be delivered in 1940/1942 period.


Step one: Poles did not want a solution backed by British and French assurances of opening a second front. That is a declaration of war. Brits and French did want to rol back the 1938 Munich agreement and pictured Chamberlain in the worst possible colors. The Versailles treaty was harsh, but the solution for the Poles was more than equitable as the parts under discussion were legally not theirs.

Step 2. Outmaneuvering the Brits and the French, because they too wanted a deal with the Soviet Union on the partition of Europe, to put a stick in a strong Germany wheel, Germany signed that pact you now describe. However, the poles had the bear in the back. And having the Soviets, the communist at your own border, was not a very good idea. A buffer zone is better. Take a look at a map, you will see clearly the military hopeless situation of having the Soviet Army at your border.

By doing this, Hitler gained valuable time to clear things in the west in 1940. After the German army kicked the brits and the french's butt severely, he offered to retreat behind the Rhine, reinstate Poland, pay reparation to The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg and France. The Brits said no. On this, Guederian said he was willing to drive to Gibraltar, to kill off any chance of British reinforcements through the strait. Canaris (Abwehr) whispered in Franco's ear to only agree to this, if Germany would materially support Spain with food, oil and what not. (note, right now Spain Owes Germany and The Netherlands: 450 billion Euro's in Target II, yes, same old, same old). Hitler refused for good reasons.

Step 3: Operation Barbarossa. This had to do with the Communist threat. The Soviets were making overtures to the Brits and the Americans to encircle Germany and have the two front fight. So the soviets had to be crushed. Barbarossa was scheduled to last only 4 months, as by then, there would not be much resources (oil) to continue the blitzkrieg. And here is a major cock up. By not being able to secure peace with Brittain, Western Europe needed to remain occupied. But also Venezuelan oil would not reach Germany thanks to blockade. Yet, in both Germany and occupied France, Belgium etc, the economy needed to be going and lives on oil. Domestic production of oil from coal and import from Bulgaria, was not sufficient. Solution: Grozny and Baku oilfields. Strategically, Stalingrad had to be taken and held, to cut of the oil supplies to the Red army.

However, Mussolini threw a spanner in the wheel, by starting a fight in Greece, which he lost, leaving the region open to the Brits as a staging area en route to Baku and Grozny. Resources had to be diverted to Greece to outmaneuver the Brits. It was successful. But, Operation Barbarossa started weeks too late, because of that. So, at the outskirts of Moskow, the severe winter set in, just when victory seemed within grasp. I refer you to the book written by Leon Degrelle for further info and Lost Victories by Erich von Manstein of what happened next. As for the Ukraine, they were glad to be rid of them commies. Check how many enlisted to fight against the commies. (really, a real anti slav thing)

Every move makes a new situation, requiring a strategic re-evaluation. .

20350335? ago

Very good info. I would love a to see a separate post full of the real reasons why world leaders were so eager to destroy Germany.

20348233? ago

Thank you for the thorough and informative post, lots to digest here

20346359? ago

muh joos


20346265? ago

Except world jewry had declared war on Germany in the early 30s.

20346295? ago

And so...why did that lead to Hitler wanting to exterminate Polack and Czech untermenschen again?

20347624? ago

why did that lead to Hitler wanting to exterminate Polack and Czech untermenschen again?

Maybe he was studying the work of jewish bolsheviks? https://holodomorinfo.com

20346340? ago

How about how the Balfour Declaration was written before the end of WW1 and Hitler was a nigger patsy for it's realization (The Creation of Israel) through WW2. Or how about how he sent so many to die in a Russian winter without supplies or even basic necessities such as coats. Hitler was a kike at worst or a willing tool at best.

20346440? ago

I'm thinking this anon is correct. All Hitler did ultimately was accomplish the will of ZOG at the time. He gave them a reason to create the UN, and the nation of Pissrael.

20346537? ago

Hitler can be Zog and the Holocaust can be an exaggerated farce. Neither position is mutually exclusive.

20346355? ago

Ah, there we go. Hit the nail on the head

20346425? ago

It's too easy, the whole 'Jews' thing is a distraction on all sides. Here's another factoid. The Swastika is a symbol that means 'cattle'. The SS knew full well what it meant and relished in the slaughter of Allied and Nazi forces equally as white men destroyed eachother for their benefit.

20350390? ago

Kinda seems like a waste of time for Hitler to spend so much effort building Germany back up from the Great Depression and Versailles just to pull the rug out and want it to be destroyed.

20346011? ago

Nobody wants you here. You don't represent us. Every Jew that ever lived is better than you and your punk-assed race-baiting friends.

20348033? ago

No Jew is better than any other living creature on this planet.

20347391? ago

Some serious shilling going on here, this post is top of the page n the whole comments section is a shillfest

20350659? ago

Yep. I try to ignore, but they're SO fricking stupid.

They have websites for their crap. They're here because they get off on the reactions they generate. Serious personality disorders.

20347027? ago

Get lost, threeskin

20345910? ago

Hitler was pro Catholic, anti-Christian and antisemitic. Having their chosen religion on their dog tags was very useful when decided who goes to the Russian front and who goes to the gas chambers. As for your 60 million Christians killed in WWII, bullshit. Sauce.

20348004? ago

Who gives a shit if someone is anti-Semitic? We all have to love Jews now? Fuck that

20346585? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/QtLvxZ9d0yEY/ ......Europa: The Last Battle.

20346386? ago

Europa: The Last Battle.

Find it on jewtube.

If they haven't taken it down again.

All the sauce you need.

If you can hold your attention span for the 14 hours of documentary.

20346005? ago

who goes to the gas chambers.

For delousing?

20345948? ago

Ever wonder why D-Day was June 6th at 0600 = 666. Books will say that was the only break in the weather at the time, like a sign from God.

20345898? ago

Well many Judeans were killed as well. No one wins in war.

20346088? ago

Propaganda made up by Antisemitic genre on the Web. Proven to be false. The News papers and all. Research proved that the original poster manufactured the old news papers. Lol.

20346300? ago

Shut the fuck up Shlomo... let me guess the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was fabricated as well? Dumb cunt.

20346252? ago


The goyim know schlomo. The goyim know.

20346410? ago

Doesn't change the fact that the Antisemitism News Papers is total Propaganda

Instead of trying to prove the Judean Zionist Agenda by use of propaganda why don't you use real source material to do so? Like this below ...

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginzburg is an interesting individual because he has interesting things to say about the Goyim. He argues that there is an eternal or cosmic gap between the Goyim and β€œThe Chosen.” He declares:

β€œIf every single cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, and is thus part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA…

β€œIf a Jew needs a liver, can he take the liver of an innocent non-Jew to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value. There is something more holy and unique about Jewish life than about non-Jewish life.

In 2010, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef unapologetically declared,

β€œGoyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the worldβ€”only to serve the People of Israel. In Israel, death has no dominion over them…

β€œWith gentiles, it will be like any personβ€”they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity…Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.”

The rabbi, according to Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky, also saw that β€œJews killing non-Jews does not constitute murder according to the Jewish religion and that killing of innocent Arabs for reasons of revenge is a Jewish virtue.”

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Scheerson, known as Lubovitcher Rebbe and the seventh of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, came close to believing in something similar, saying that β€œa non-Jew should be punished by death if he kills an embryo, even if the embryo is non-Jewish, while the Jew should not be, even if the embryo is Jewish.” The great Rabbi expanded on this view in 1965:

β€œThe difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: β€˜Let us differentiate.’ Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of β€œlet us differentiate” between totally different species.

This is REAL research and can be proven.

20345852? ago

Muh juice post, yawn

20346311? ago

Muh JIDF reply...yawn.

20345814? ago

Sounds about right... fucking Bolsheviks.

20353516? ago



They want you DIVIDED.





UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you β™₯. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love β™₯


20346972? ago

Nazis literally made a pact with the Bolsheviks

20347218? ago

Really? So they teamed up and attacked Britain from both sides, then?

20347523? ago

Neither actually initiated an attack on the British. The British declared war on the Nazis following the invasion of Poland. The Bolsheviks did not support the Allied war effort, out of respect for their newly made pact with the Nazis.

20350114? ago

Great Britain declared war on the GERMAN PEOPLE because German's economy and military might was quickly overtaking the British Empire. That's right, Britain had a whole empire, but they had a real problem with Germany taking back some of the land in Poland (inhabited by German people) taken away in the Treaty of Versailles.

20348678? ago

So why then did Britain not declare war on Russia???

20350926? ago

Prolly cause different Zionist Jews bought Churchill to do their bidding https://files.catbox.moe/gg9ean.jpg

20348176? ago

If Britain cared so much about Poland why didn’t Britain fight to give Poland back their country after the war? You never did ask that question did you?

20352429? ago

Because Churchill and the Royal Family were IN ON IT

20345781? ago

Are you antijew. Most jews are not Semites. But most people on this site are fat loser rednecks who can't succeed in life so they hate people behind a keyboard and feel powerful.

20348046? ago

I’m antijew. Is that illegal?

20347508? ago

Most jews are not Semites.


Debunking the Jewish IQ Myth - https://voat.co/v/whatever/2937385 - http://archive.is/XODJJ

IQ, exaggeration, and over representation - https://voxday.blogspot.com/2017/08/iq-exaggeration-and-overrepresentation.html?m=1 - http://archive.is/teC5Z

The myth of Jewish intelligence - http://voxday.blogspot.com/2018/04/the-myth-of-jewish-intelligence.html - http://archive.is/aEHl9

The myth of Jordan Peterson's integrity - http://voxday.blogspot.com/2018/04/the-myth-of-jordan-petersons-integrity.html - http://archive.is/6EVUZ

Smart Jew Myth infographic - http://imgs.fyi/img/8rll.jpg - https://i.imgtc.ws/MKFg8ec.jpg - https://files.catbox.moe/7a9av6.jpg - http://magaimg.net/img/8rm6.jpg - https://i.imgur.com/j7kPqRz.jpg

Jordan Peterson's theory that Jewish supremacy is due to their high IQ is totally debunked by commentators on his essay "On the so-called Jewish Question" - https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/psychology/on-the-so-called-jewish-question/#comment-3820534634 - http://archive.is/hexf0

Jews are more closely related to Arabs - https://www.imgoat.com/uploads/15f8950313/222932.jpg - https://i.imgtc.ws/kDg7sil.jpg - https://files.catbox.moe/n729xu.jpg - http://magaimg.net/img/8ma9.jpg - https://i.imgur.com/1LuxOBQ.jpg

Jews Are The Genetic Brothers Of Palestinians, Syrians, And Lebanese - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/05/000509003653.htm - http://archive.is/HDdV

Jews and Arabs Share Recent Ancestry - https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2000/10/jews-and-arabs-share-recent-ancestry - http://archive.fo/7CGvY

Genetics Expert Insists 75% of Jews Share Roots in Middle East - https://forward.com/news/israel/209236/genetics-expert-insists-75-of-jews-share-roots-in/ - http://archive.is/L9Z9o

Medical genetics of Jews - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_genetics_of_Jews - http://archive.is/expjI

Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia - https://archive.fo/C6mTp

20349157? ago

Most jews are not Semites. All Palestinians are Semites. Magical hyperlinks don't prove points, they just spread disinformation and make people think they've won arguments online. The internet is garbage. Turn your computer off and walk to a library or public university.

20349702? ago

ignores genetic studies

20346035? ago

fat loser rednecks

Keep telling yourself that. Kike.

20346109? ago

No jews here. You just can't comprehend that white people don't want you either. That's how pathetic you are.

20350397? ago

White person here, were fine with them, its you hooknosed pedophiles we hate.

20350884? ago

faggotron speaks.

20345667? ago

Are you saying ALL Jews are bad? Or, are you saying that Khazarian Jews (Those who say they are Jews, and are not, but are a Synagogue of Satan - Rev 3) who are the money changers and likely heading up the Gov. of Israel, are the bad ones?

20347443? ago

Pretty sure op is saying ALL Jews are bad, along with most of the comments. Think I'll go put a jumper on, feels a bit shilly in here...

20346946? ago

The Sephardi destroyed Spain and Portugal, then reeked havoc in the Americas.

You're all guilty.

20346990? ago

What are you talking about? Spain and Portugal were literally two of the most powerful countries at that time

20347012? ago

At what time?

20347072? ago

Prior to the expulsion of 1492, Spain and Portugal were in good shape. Thanks to the knowledge of marine navigation brought by Jewish merchants from the East, Spain and Portugal were able to become the two dominant naval powers of Europe for the next 200 years or so.

They expelled the Jews, then used the Jews to set up colonies in the New World to generate plenty of wealth. Jews did not destroy Spain and Portugal. If anything, it was the several 100 years of Christian rule after the expulsion that did it

20351265? ago

"In good shape..."

As in totally enslaved by moslems and jews. You fucking jew. lol

20346734? ago

Remember that the good jews called themselves Christians. The bad jews call themselves Pharisees. When that term was demonized by the NT, they changed their name and now call themselves Jews. So by definition, yes, all jews are bad. If there are any good people who call themselves 'jews', it is because those people haven't figured out that the term 'Jew' belongs to satan. When they do, they realize they have a choice to make: bow to satan, or reject their Judaism.

20380299? ago

Jew is a religious term and was always meant to be religious not racial anybody could convert in biblical days. Those who do not get this does not understand Jesus's "Synagogue of Satan" message ! He was saying that they replaced Gods laws (torah) with the (Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud) that were not a burden with Mans laws that was burdensome ! Think of the difference between a modern day bible and a book of Apocrypha (removed books some that directly contradict the trinity) to a book of laws about the size of a set of encyclopedias.

The good among them are no longer Jews !

20348743? ago

EXACTLY, so when jews refuse to call out jews.....then yes they are aligned with satan.

20346540? ago

No. It's the Ashkenazi Jews. They are the pharisees of the bible. According to the bible they are the synagogue of satan. The bible says there are fake Jews. Genetic tests confirm the ashkenazi are of European lineage who intermarried with semetic Jews. This is how they get away with claiming (((white))) status. The pharisee disappeared roughly the same time the ashkenazi appear in history.

The rest of the jews are simply reacting to the lies they've been told just like the rest of us. In this way the ashkenazi use actual Jews as sword and shield.

20346964? ago

No, the Sephardi in Spain and Portugal came from the Roman empire.

Even the turks who later converted to judaism, the khazars are remnants of turk invasions of eastern Europe around 1AD.

Pretty much the same people, that's the scam.

20346707? ago

Hehe, actually they have a stronger link to Togarmah, but they call themselves Khazars and Ashkenazi. "Esau is Edom". "Edom is in modern Jewry". The modern day Jews are not Israelites. Believe the scripture, question the world.

20345724? ago

Jews are a cancer.

If any bit remains it will continue growing.

20346000? ago

Spoken like a true Khazarian jew

20346064? ago

you say something I disagree with, you're a jew!!!

20352452? ago

No, it's just Khazarian behavior to blame the true hebrew jews for the crimes of the Khazars.

20353262? ago

The biblical Israelites either converted to Christianity or were killed off around 70 ad. Either way they were scattered to the wind.

Jews today are Ashkenazi.

20345520? ago

ADL jumped on your thread really fast. Good job anon.

20346276? ago

Yeah this thread stinks of lox and bagels.

20349971? ago

lox is gross but if you don’t like bagels you’re a fucking dumbass.

20354771? ago

mmm, infected gluten...

20345481? ago


20345633? ago

Our entire world of media and finance, owned and controlled by kikes. Using their power to constantly attack and subvert white western society. Thats the source. You live balls deep in the middle of the source. Just open your fucking eyes for 3 seconds. Holy shit.

20364644? ago

You didn't mention anything of historical evidence. So basically you just have a hunch that you trust. Just say that. If nobody has any evidence, stop pretending to have evidence. Just say it makes more sense than the official narrative. There's a lack of honesty in some of these posts that just state everything as though it's irrefutable fact.

20345437? ago


20345620? ago

Stupid not to at least examine the claims. If you were to do so you would find the most stupid thing about this post is you.

20348925? ago

Its like saying i need to look into flat earth.

20349651? ago

Rofl. Except if you openly ask "who owns the media" (elon musk) a bunch of jews accuse you of antisemetism, because they really do own the media. And the banks. And the politicians. And they are using their control to subvert white western society. Look at all the largest proponents of multiculturalism the world over. Jews are 2% of the population. 2%. Their representation among western society destroying open borders globalists is like 60%. Its nothing at all like flat earth. You just think flat earth is dumb because society tells you its dumb, and not because you have any scientific understanding that would help you know why its dumb. Same with the JQ. Except unlike flat earth there is no evidence to suggest the JQ isnt true. Just droves and droves of evidence to suggest it is. Try forming your opinion based on something other than social dogma.

20352346? ago

You are a stupid shill.

20352371? ago

What a deeply intellectual response. Youre not a kike at all... lol.

20352552? ago

Go fuck yourself, you know exactly what you are doing. The place you are trying to take this is 180 degrees opposite of reality. Im not writing a long anything for this. The nazis arent christian. The americans werent jews. I know something about history and corporate global so i know this. Its not from social pressure.

20354602? ago

Lol. Allied nations were and still are a bunch of nations ran by kikes. It is a reasonable statement to call them the jewish team. As a result of having won that war they are now actively seeking to destroy western civilization and christianity. So i think the sides described in this post are pretty accurate moishe.

20357229? ago

I dont believe you believe this, again go fuck yourself.

20359310? ago

Why would i not believe it? We have a pope who is just degenerate. Media openly attacking all traditional values. As i said. The jews out themselves as owners of the media. Social media censoring all anti-black anti-muslim while celbrating anything anti-christian. Who in their right mind would look at our world today and say its NOT happening? Im not even religious and its still clearly what is happening. Traditional white christian society is under direct and obvious attack. Do you just have your hear RAMMED in the sand or something?

20360608? ago

Humans are under attack. They are dividing and conquering. Some jews are there to be "dancing israilis" and own cnn. Jews didnt have a military until israel was established w their big benefactor Britain. How did the jews control britain. I didnt say how many jews married into britain. Im saying how did jews wrest control with no military. "They had a big jew plan, the worlds military was puppeted" why did these puppets continue to be puppets? Over a thousand years of british history. These guys fight conquer and proxify nations, and you say the jews proxified THEM?

See it makes no sense, now please kys

20360785? ago

No thats literally what happened. The rothschilds have owned and used britain for wuite some time. Idiot.

20361478? ago

People renege on any debt that they feel the creditor cant collect on idiot. You think the monarchies created a credit system that was nominally run by "court jews" but were obviously controlled by them, only to owe everything to their employees?

Meyer Amshel Rothchild and Sohnes


Rothschild = Red Shield

Its a contrivance. A proxy. The group may appear to be amassing control, but if control over the group is in fact in the hands of a few powerful players, then this really is a vehicle for the monarchs to consolidate power. Characters Like these Payseur people.

It is really dumb to say that this is a war between jews and christians, the nazis were so anti christian, and the jews have no participation in foriegn affairs on either side outside of these Agents of the Crown? You want to use the fact that jews are held up in front of illuminati crimes to say stupid racist shit.

20362859? ago

So the jews have just been kicked out of 200 nations in history for being nice charitable fellows? They just appear to own everything and be all the people calling for the end of western civilization? They just seem like they are 90% of all national new figures? I mean really. I dont think everyday random jews are in in some giant conspiracy. But yes the people doing this are jewish. Yes they are destroying western civilization and breeding white people out of existance. They are doing so because time and again we keep throwing them out of our societies. So they are attempting to breed us out of existance with low IQ ape people.

20364199? ago

all the folks who own oil and minerals are largely not jewish. Rockefeller-Bush.

They are not trying to breed out whites, they are trying to use the human garbage to destabilize white society and get the people to accept it when they bring it back as a white ethnostate. "The Z society".

Look on the denver airport mural, do you see any jews there? No you see nazis using a great threat to get everyone to accept a brutal "return to order" after letting all the traitors overflow us with low IQ human garbage. After which we will be forced to disarm.

And HRC is KKK, so are you saying that HRC is a christian and Q is a Jew? Or that Q is pro nazi and pro HRC? lol

20364247? ago

LOOOOOL thats fucking hilarious. All around just hilarious. First of all if their goal is a white ethnostate then im on the wrong team. Second of all hrc and her associated group are one of the principle drivers of "multiculturalism". If thats really just their subversive form of accelerationism then damn, good for them.

20364375? ago

You are definitely on the wrong team being here. Q says "no division by religion" "[we are saving israel] for last" ie: we are not going to bust Israel for being the handlers in USA pimping, we are going to handle it so that it stops but not in the way that the JQ people are wanting.

also says no division by race.

20364602? ago

As in "they want you devided by race" really meaning "we are supposed to be one race, white people"

20364571? ago

Im here in the hopes that the kikes destroying our society will get arrested for their pedophillia. If Q is real then his statements on race would be whats called a "necessary deception" religion too.

20364845? ago

You are going to wait a long time and then be disappointed. If that was desired HRC would be in charge. Trump is president and he is not racist.

20365289? ago

Well if he truly isnt and he truly isnt acting in the interests of white america, then we are going to collapse under low IQ ape people.

20365376? ago

Really? Trump stopped the muslim rapefugees and hes building a wall to keep out guatemala and el salvador ms13. Strict criteria for any new us citizens. Social Collapse not coming.

20365535? ago

Paying large population of niggers to breed within our society. Collapse very much coming.

20365821? ago

i dont think so.

20369003? ago

What society of black people, anywhere in himan history, was a nice place to live? They have taken back the parts of africa we gentrified and in a few short decades have turned them to absolute hellholes. Black people are metnally inferior. This is well studied fact. They will destroy our society.

20373181? ago

1st of all black people have been great. You are obviously too stupid to care but uhhh....music? That incredible african american music sound that is the best in the world? And make our white musicians of usa/uk the best in the world?

As far as africa, these people were colonized by the scumbag british. The american indians didnt have the tech euros did, they also didnt have the luciferian false light trying to enslave the world.

Even if they were "mentally inferior" which they arent, i have no problem living with mentally inferior people. I have already had much experience with mentally inferior people and i just do mine.

The only thing that could really destroy society is this attitude you have. Thats why we are together, we are all uniting together to SAVE AMERICA AND THE WORLD. And when we look back on this time we will say it had already happened by now. This has all been planned.

20373620? ago

Looooooool did you just try to cite ghetto ooga boogaing (black music) as a reason to like niggers? Lolololol. Wtf are you even doing on voat?? Also no, you cant live with their mental inferiority. You think you can because they are only 13% of the population. Try being a capable white person in south africa and see if you can still live with their inferiority. As you pick your guts up off the floor while you watch your wife and daughters be raped to death. The ONLY reason niggers are tolerable in western society is expicitly BECAUSE they are a minority. Much like muslims the moment they make up a large portion of the population they act entirely differently. You think their incapability is easy to carry because you are carrying very little of it atm. But that is changing rapidly. Between still letting trash into our country and paying niggers to outbreed us. You will learn how heavy they really are. Right now each white person has to carry only 1/4 of a nigger on their back. Wait until its 1 whole nigger. Or 2. And when they make up more of the population wait and see how violent and intollerant they are. White people are the ONLY group on the planet trying not to be racist. Niggers dont like you. They dont want to share society with you. They want you to THINK they do. But really they want what we have, they dont want to share it, they want to take it. And apparently nothing will prove that to simpletons like you until it is happening. You fucking cuckold trash.

20373767? ago

Low level thinking. Not everyone is like you. Yeah there are racist morons of many colors but many also who do want to share the country.

As far as I'm concerned these black guys who dont want to share, the muslim who doesn't want to share, and you, are all the same to me. It's all of us against all of you. The Great Awakening.

20373816? ago

Looooool you cuckold. I used to think the same. I really did. There is not one non-white majority anywhere in the world that suggests you are correct. There is no instance in history to suggest you are correct. There is zero real world dara supporting you. Just propaganda and feels.

20374035? ago

We have been enslaved, and that is ending.

I made many points that were fact based and you ignored them all, just keep saying the same thing over and over. You never thought like me a day in your life, it will be thousands of years and many hard lives before you reach that level.

20374232? ago

LOOOOOOOL oh i see, you have lived many lives to become so wise eh? ROFL. You have not provided a single piece of actual real world evidence. you have cited platitudes. I am citing all of human history, during which not one society ANYWHERE was non-racist. During which not one group of africans ANYWHERE produced a productive worthwhile society by the western standard of behavior and quality of life. Im aware we have been enslaved. But that doesnt change the fact that theres no evidence at all that africans are capable. Other than a few outliers here and there. The people enslaving us are currently attempting to INUNDATE our society with africans. why? because they are simple minded easily ruled over sub-human ape people. This is REALLY REALLY OBVIOUS. they DESPERATELY hide this data in any way they can. How can you watch the establishment censor and limit any and all data that would suggest racial differences and then simultaneously tell me that our enslavers would be HARMED by race mixing? Its the only thing they are trying to do. In every sense, in every source of media, their goals are to subvert western values and encourage miscagenation of whites. What points based in fact did you actually cite? You cited feelings. Give me one piece of evidence other than a quote from Q. I will happily link to DROVES of data to support my point if you would like.

20374434? ago

Yes I am funny.

I didn't say you didn't make points, i just saying i actually dealt with them.

You don't have to mix race. The awakening is not that we need to mix races, but awaken to the fact that its not whites that don't need blacks, smart blacks and smart whites don't need dumb blacks and dumb white people.

The difference between Q and P is that we take a cultural approach rather than a genetic approach.

20374953? ago

Also, your unwillingness to cite evidence and instead citing "common sense" is some of the most kikey left wing shit ive ever seen. Truth is becoming the currency of the day, i highly doubt your "its just common sense, nevermind an entire world of evidence to the contrary" form of argument is going to keep working. And thank god. Because its one of the most NPC pre-programmed refusing to acknowledge reality, cognitive dissonance displaying responses ive ever seen. you fucking NPC.

20375300? ago

Evidence that the nazis arent christian?

I gave you evidence the americans werent jews and not the british either.

20375356? ago

You did not give me evidence the americans arent jews. You baselessly denied jewish ownership of the western world when the jews themselves admit to it.

20376626? ago

America wasnt jews because they are anglo Saxon amd christian. Allen dulles was not jewish. Rockefeller not jewish. HRC not jewish. Lyndon Johnson not jewish. Payseur not jewish. Are there many jews in conspiracy, disproportionately? Sure, and there will be the same disproportion in gitmo. Simple.

You make such an outrageous statement as usa iz the joos, and i have to prove it otherwise with "data"? No data isnt the issue here.

The issue is you dont think well, and today ive tried despite myself to give you some tools to think about these strains on society in a more productive way than sayimg we need to round up all the wrong races and resegregate. Without racists like LBJ corrupting us, we will have a happy functional integrated society in america, its not going to be here next 5 years, but it is coming.

20377321? ago

Except all of this corruption has been repeated before. Like 200 times before. Because at its core it is a bunch of jews. Thats why the holocaust has been proped up as the worst event in history despite many other events of similar or worse. It ensures their position as the consumate victim ensuring they are unassailable. They will continue to subvert our society and i agree. The solution is to throw them and all the non-jews helping them in gitmo for their subversive corruption. I dont want to genocide the jews. But we cant handle this issue by ignoring its roots (largely jews) its history (jews again) or its symptoms (niggers and their genetic inferiority)

You think we can convince people to stop supporting useless breeders while they think we are all equal? Fat chance.

20377603? ago

200 times they threw out some jews and tried to act like they cleaned up society. Do you understand there is a concept of narrative? The royals are guilty too right? The pope? These kind of people ever get thrown out? Not really. So they have the big kikes like Epstein and zuckerfuckersburg and weinstein, this is to titillate you and distract from oil and gas rights, mineral rights. As for banking i bet you will find rothscild on the fed bank slip, youll also find dupont and rockefeller and them.

Welfare and that stuff is going away. The ponzi is going away and all of its fakery too. When that happens its going to be very tough. You will get the pleasure of seeimg some black people and jews unable to make it in this new world they didnt prepare for. Im not looking forward to witnessing that in any person.

20378818? ago

Well im not so confident as you that they are going away. And i dont WANT anyone to die. Our society NEEDS incapable people to stop being paid to propagate. It is not a desire for death but an acceptance of what will have to take place.

And yes. Ousting them has been ineffective repeatedly. They also have never actually lost control of the vast economic control they have. Just been ousted from nations they were attempting to subvert.

20379040? ago

I don't give a shit what you are confident in, you will not advance.

20382908? ago

Lol well here i thought we were reaching common ground.

20387116? ago

Not even close.

20387178? ago

Rofl of course. Because you are still pretending this authoritarian utopia you describe wont be an orwellian nightmare. I disagree.

20374920? ago

Ok but how does your cultural approach make 90% of the black population stop being genetically inferior? You can ignore the truth all you want, as its clear from yourvstatement you intend to do. But how will that change anything? There are like 5 smart black people in every city. And you are pahing them to breed more retards. How will your good will and kindness rectify that physical genetic issue?

20375259? ago

You dont know who is smart and who is dumb until you let them compete so lets do it. Lets have a big economic struggle in tjis country. Can you program? If so you will have a job. This world of entitlements is already in the past. You are still thinking about them as if they matter. Think about the future not the past. We are moving to a world where automation does many things for humans and the only way to get ahead at all is to use brain. Security will be semiautomated too and very efficient so no more crime. Will it be a free society or a totalitarian one? The only question that matters. So all your concerns to the extent they have any basis are going to leave. There will be no drug dealers in 50 years except at a pharmacy. There will be rich people poor people and in the middle programmers running everything and doing all the work.

So if you are right then these inferior people will be leaving us. Along with many other people of many colors. But it wont happen by a forced exodus from the KKK.

Im sorry you dont feel i gave you enough facts, i feel like i gave you enough. I notice people who dont like to think like to talk about "show me some data" so they can avoid.

Q vs P

Quality vs Precision

You see things differently than i do thats clear.

I believe that creativity rules this world, i want free markets to decide who is inferior, not you and your bs data.

20375302? ago

Oh now on that we agree. My ONLY actual advocated action is to remove all forms of welfare and support for useless parasites and FORCE them to provide for themselves. The result will be all the minorities becoming insanely violent when their resources run out and they lack the capability to produce more. At that point they will attack us and we will be forced to kill them in self defense. That is the predictable outcome of no longer supporting them. I wish it was not. But it is. I do not and will not advocate for authoritarian racist actions. As you said, nature will solve it. But we would have to stop giving them money so they can breed more uselesz people. To do that we would have to convince people that paying them to breed is harmful, which is what im here doing.

20345964? ago


20345214? ago

Jesuits playing everybody, everybody else loses. Learn something before you open your mouth, dumbass.

20346713? ago

Why is it so heavily downvoted? So many shills from Jesuit Community Georgetown University?

20346770? ago

The site is ran by jesuits.

20346785? ago

Or by servers?

20354766? ago

kek, daemons then

20345355? ago

The Jesuit order was founded by Jewish β€œconverts”.

20346649? ago

U have to dig anon, and go back further. They originally actually come from the assassins order from Afghanistan in the 11th century


20346704? ago

No anon, Assassins are still around today as Green Dragon Society.

20346717? ago

I know they r still around, in fact barrack hussein Obama is one.

20346739? ago

No, Obama was from joint Rockefeller + Rothschild group. Different faction anon.

20346805? ago

Yes but almost all of these early factions like jesuits, assassims, order of rose and cross, order of the snake had morphed and in many cases infiltrated each other and were consolidated (central planning just like they want their one world govt) under the Illuminati umbrella by Adam wisehapt (sp?) and today are mostly 3 allied groups representing the pyramid of the eye of providence (Horus).

20346491? ago

They're called muranos.

20349994? ago


20345823? ago

That’s why we call them Jewsuits 🎯

20345139? ago

There is a lot of hidden truth out there...

20347406? ago

Alot of BS as well...

20349962? ago

And these nazi retards eat it up.

20350296? ago

Name calling and censorship is all you kike pedophiles have left.

20353043? ago

Words are the best weapon against them and their luciferian God. Words are the punch to the kike's pussy solar plexus. Keep your words a coming!

20345065? ago


20345368? ago


20344960? ago

the only one who will call you 'antisemitic' is CLK...