20341286? ago

Psychologists are not doctors.

20339262? ago

The same "high-level psychologist" who medicate the mass shooters?

20338415? ago

So we're supposed to just accept what any old site publishes as fact????

Never heard of Hot Air before. Suspect.

20333652? ago

More like "high level stupidity"

20333637? ago

This was THE question I wanted answered in the wake of this supposed death: who was the psychologist that took him off suicide watch after a matter of days? I looked into it a bit, as we all did, I'm sure, the only people who would usually be involved in that kind of decision are the prisons chief psychologist (also called a "SPU Coordinator" at the nearby MDC) and the prison warden. The warden was named but the psych wasn't. So who was the psych?

20337061? ago

The BBC news https://voat.co/v/QRV/3400025/20334255 Ms Maxwell isn't getting a pass.

20333415? ago

Did he or didn't he? Is he alive, or dead? Who did what? Lots of questions and we'll be entertained for a long time with all this back and forth.

This is reported from NBC by a site called "hot air". The best advice I have is to quit wasting time being distracted by this Epstein tale. You're wasting time. There's no way to confirm any of it one way or another. Move on!

20334574? ago

Personally, I'm not entertained by any of it. I'm sick of the deception, outright lies, corruption, inaction...all of it! None of this is entertainment to me. It's anxiety provoking at the worst level.

20333256? ago

This "top-level" murderer will hang eventually.

20333072? ago

Name the psychologist or......


Tired of this coverup ploy whatever you want to call it.

Has anyone seen a signed pathologist report ??

All conjecture!!

20333154? ago

Looks like we hit a nerve.

20333732? ago

Yea a dead one

20332638? ago

I keep wondering how suicidal tendencies fit with the "sound mind" required for a valid will???

20337016? ago

The religion?


Its the cause of the African Migration. As long as their fertility gods are kept Prisoner in the west, they will travel and breed here.


20337314? ago

Not relevant to my pondering.

My issue is a question of legality. I thought a will required someone to be "of sound mind" to be valid.

20332325? ago

What the fuck is a "high level" psychologist?

20334423? ago

Same type of psychologist CPS uses to justify stealing children.

20334196? ago

The Church of Scientology swears it is not the politicians, lawyers, and judges but the psychologists who are behind everything dystopian.

They are competitors in the mind fuckery biz and would know.

20334400? ago

psychologists who are behind everything dystopian.

Well, yeah.

Freemasons don't worship blocks and masonry for nothing, they chose it from Ancient Egypt.

Where do you think the ideas of Psychology come from? The "Book of the Dead" depicts in great detail; how to achieve Mind Control over Human Subjects. The "Priest" Class of old, hated Aten because He decreed the original Law of One, banishing away the multitude of Gods and removing the power the Priests wielded. They kept their religion going strong.

Of course it's the Psychologists winning. You'd have to be daft to believe otherwise. We literally study human nature, human thought, human brain patterns, cognition and more and yet when I tell you all the Truth, half of you still solipsistically believe that you know better. It's pathetic and it's why you lot are so easy to control. Because you've had your god complex fueled subtly throughout your lives. You've been trained to mock and attack anything foreign and unknown to you. This is anything BUT human nature. Ask yourself, how does a child approach new things? How does a Man? What's the difference? One has had CULTure indoctrinated into them, the other is a free and sovereign being.

Return to the mind of a Child, lest you be lost for all time to the madness of our "CULT"ure.

20333680? ago

One who just dropped acid and is laying on his back.

20333457? ago

Entertainment fed to the public by the controlled media. A waste of time.

20332530? ago

Seriously! High level? He must have been high!

20333274? ago


20332059? ago

Was it the same psychologist who was in charge of Sirhan Sirhan and Timothy McVeigh etc etc?

20331897? ago

He was still fighting the case and it had only begun.

As Q said, that is not the type of person to commit suicide....

Having said that, all points regarding the Psychologist are accurate....Who is the one that took him off suicide watch?

20334029? ago

June 26 last year Macron flew in to Bellinzona on the Italian PM helicopter (dont know if Italian PM was there) and he didn't go to a party, but had a private villa and pedo party.

August 10th last year Adam Sandler and the chick from friends was at a 'before' party in the city's ballroom. The pedo party happens after, because the ballroom has a basement that is linked to the city waste tunnels.

....Bellinzona is the where you will find the capitol of pedo criminal organizations.



Sean Penn was married to Charlize Theron. She was abused by her father and uncle and then her mom shot and killed them. She seems like a perfect fit for being a pedo. Also, his mother was an actress and father was a producer so I'm sure he got passed around.


In a 2006 court filing, Palm Beach police noted that a search of Epstein’s home uncovered two hidden cameras. The Mirror reported that in 2015, a 6-year-old civil lawsuit filed by “Jane Doe No. 3,” believed to be the now-married Giuffre, alleged that Epstein wired his mansion with hidden cameras, secretly recording orgies involving his prominent friends and underage girls. The ultimate purpose: blackmail, according to court papers.



OP I feel for you and I believe you. I'm just a poor young burger man who grew up near San Francisco. You're right about that city being completely full of faggots and trash, and I had over a two-decade long front seat to watch the decay and ruin of what was the birthplace of my father and the product of the sweat and toil of his own father and grandfathers become twisted into the abomination that exists there today. I've now completely abandoned California but I'm still in the USA. I have not forgotten what they have done and I will never forgive.

It is run by some jews and others. Thanks to you all, I have learnt the truth about Jews....Deauville




Also there are some towns in Russia, Israel, Morocco, and many many in Ukraine but I dont know the towns

20331615? ago

https://tweetsave.com/kevin_shipp/status/1165974129100673024 :

Kevin Shipp on Twitter: "Epstein taken off suicide watch by a, "High-level psychologist." Kind of like US Atty Acosta ordered not to prosecute because Epstein was connected to intelligence?


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