20323653? ago

6% of nothing is still nothing...

20321995? ago

“Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means… We have a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state… It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government… This ruthless power-seeking elite is a disease of our century… This group…is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable.” – Senator William Jenner, 1954 speech

20321999? ago

“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” —J. Edgar Hoover, The Elks Magazine, 1956

20321933? ago

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today.” - Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, An Autobiography, 1913 (Appendix B)

20321855? ago

"Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its power. But the truth is, the Federal Reserve Board has usurped the government of the United States. It controls everything here; and it controls our foreign relations. It makes or breaks governments at will. No man, and no body of men, is more entrenched in power than the arrogant credit monopoly which operates the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. These evildoers have robbed this country of more than enough money to pay the national debt. ... Faithless government officers who have violated their oaths of office should be impeached and brought to trial." -- Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency, before the House of Representatives, in the midst of the Great Depression, 1932.

20321808? ago

“It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning” — Attributed to Henry Ford

20321818? ago

“The financial system has been turned over to the Federal Reserve Board. That Board administers the finance system by authority of a purely profiteering group. The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people’s money,” Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr., 1923

20321830? ago

"When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of the U.S. did not perceive that this country was to supply financial power to an International Superstate controlled by International Bankers and International Industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure." Congressman Louis T. McFadden 1932

20321221? ago

6 There is that number again.

20320923? ago

As long as people refuse to educate themselves about money it will never change, I can't even get them to do the Audible version Creature From Jekyll Island for goodness sake (yet they spend ten hours a day in a job that pays in money).

20320369? ago

It specifically says:

"(2) For the payment to stockholders (who are member banks exclusively) of cumulative dividends at the rate of six percent per annum on paid-in capital."


Originally, there were secret owners of the Fed, because it was set up as a trust. But in 1927, it was changed to a corporation, and the "owners" became the member banks.

It no longer matters who OWNS the Fed, but rather who CONTROLS the Fed.

Who CONTROLS the Fed is whoever controls the New York Federal Reserve Bank, as 100% of the power of "open market operations" is run through them, and that is how the printing of money is done.

That's why the US Treasury Secretary is usually a former NY Fed president, and it is why the NY Fed president is the ONLY permanent member of the Federal Open Market Committee.

So ... who controls the NY Fed?

Citibank and JP Morgan. This is why Obama's cabinet was chosen by Citibank.

So ... who controls Citibank and JP Morgan?

Whoever it is, they keep that shit hidden. Certainly, the Saudis are part of it (with Prince Dopey having owned a significant portion of Citibank). The 3 legs of the triangle that Q mentioned are probably the ones who control Citibank and JP Morgan, and they therefore control the Fed and profit from it by ... SIPHONING OFF THE PROFITS THROUGH "CONTRACTING COMPANIES" BEFORE ANY DIVIDEND IS EVER PAID.


1) Stealing money from the fed through consultancy fees before any dividends are paid to member banks, and

2) Borrowing from the big banks (who borrow from the Fed), and then being subsidized for losses by US taxpayers, and

3) The corporations who do the borrowing from the big banks are owned/controlled by the "hidden hand" and that money is used to control governments (see: "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins to understand how).

THIS ... IS ... THE ... SECRET ... TO ... CONTROLLING ... THE ... WORLD.

20320476? ago

Wow! So, those 'g'ods are in control of America? We can't cut them off?

20320591? ago

We have to take back control of the banking system, and audit everything in a transparent way so we can see where all the money is going.

20318062? ago

Watch and learn team

https://invidio.us/watch?v=MUyWmmWtcFM :

Connecting the Dots (FULL) - How the Financial World Will Collapse (1991 Lecture at USC) - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

20317468? ago

pray tell? What's six percent of NEGATIVE 22 TRILLION dollars, and counting??? That is the national debt...

20316877? ago

6% of what?

20320544? ago

6% of what?

Of paid-in capital (original investment), which might only be $1 or some other nominal amount.

20316986? ago

Your tax dollars paying the interest on the national debt

20316792? ago

And unlike any other corporation, are allowed to be anonymous.

20316631? ago

This helps answer the question posted Thursday...

Who Receives US Federal Reserve Profit (Interest Collected)?

United States is being charged higher interest rates than the rest of the world via the Federal Reserve, wouldn’t that indicate the US economy is booming compared to other countries?

Do revenues and profits generated by lending to US gov, US companies, and its citizens, repaid to the Federal Reserve get filtered outside the US permanently?

Are revenue/profits generated and collected from the US Federal Reserve interest charges, used to subsidize negative interest rates for countries such as Germany (where bond holders are paid to borrow money), or are they used to subsidize lower interest rates for other countries? If so, is that not discriminatory lending and behaviour; or theft?


Maybe Q sees these questions?

Maybe POTUS can tweet these questions?

Maybe its time to Audit the US Federal Reserve?

20316888? ago

If by audit you mean dissolve, then yes.

20316849? ago

Did you read the part that said it was "earned on paid in capital" how many banks are paying into the Fed?

20320621? ago

All the banks with a national charter are members of the fed. That's most banks, but not all.

Some banks are state chartered, and then there are credit unions. Those are not part of the fed system. All national banks are.

20320513? ago

Most people don't understand what "paid-in capital" means.

It means their original investment.

If you pay $100 in to be a member/shareholder, then your 6% dividend each year is $6.

If the corporation earns a profit of $1 billion dollars, you do NOT get 6% of that ($60,000,000). Instead, you STILL get the $6 because the dividend is on "paid-in capital" (i.e. original investment) and NOT on the "profit."

This dividend was once a big deal, but now it is misinfo. It is a distraction from how the system REALLY runs.

Here is how it really runs:

1) Government appoints figureheads to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. They have ZERO control of the Fed. Figureheads only.

2) The REAL power of the Fed's ability to control the money supply is in the New York Federal Reserve Bank through their "open market operations."

  1. The president of the NY Fed REALLY controls the money supply, and that person is determined by its member banks, the two largest being Citibank and JP Morgan.

  2. Prince Dopey (and Q's triangle) are the ones who control the NY Fed, which means they control the ENTIRE FED -- regardless who the "owners on paper" are (makes no difference who the owners are).

  3. The people who control it make money off of it by borrowing money from the big banks to the big corporations, who then control governments around the world, as well as siphoning off profits through consulting contracts, which are never audited.

20318017? ago

Probably every bank that's a member of the Federal Reserve or the FDIC. So that would include all banks in the U.S. except credit unions, I believe.

20316914? ago

Every bank that borrows from the Fed to access their lending rate? Once they get that money, then think how exponential it gets due to fractional reserve banking?

20320720? ago

For the most part, only the BIG BANKS get to borrow from the Fed at the Fed's Discount Rate, and then they have to pay back quickly.

The real trick is not the borrowing from the fed, but rather the "Reserve Requirement." That is where they can create money out of thin air.

20316963? ago

Find out how much is"paid in capital".

20316412? ago

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20316241? ago

This should be all over the news. This is again rage inducing...

Remember emotions cloud judgment

20316666? ago

This part is gross.

“No payment can be made into the surplus fund unless the earnings for the current year are sufficient to pay in full the dividends for that year and any dividends for past years that may remain unpaid. Thus Congress has directed that the payment of current and past dividends shall take precedence over the accumulation of a surplus fund. In the absence of any indication to the contrary, it would be natural to assume from this that Congress intended also that the payment of current and past dividends should take precedence over the maintenance of a surplus fund already accumulated.

It is to be noted that the provision in the second paragraph of Section 7, regarding the disposition of the surplus fund in the event of the dissolution or liquidation of a Federal reserve bank, makes it clear that the surplus fund of a Federal reserve bank will be available ultimately to pay the cumulative dividends in full.

It is clear also that the payment of dividends out of surplus can result in no loss of revenue to the United States, for no franchise tax can become due until the six percent cumulative dividends have been paid in full”

20320672? ago

Nothing gross about that. It's how any normal business contract would read. However, in the case of the Fed, it is for show only. There is no real substance to it because it is not audited, so there is no way to know of what it pays out is the right amount and there is no assurance that money is not being skimmed off the top before any amounts are paid out.

20316831? ago

Wait a sec, Congress is dictating this? I thought the Fed was a private company, separate from the government and run by secret secret shareholders? I feel like I've been lied to.

20316873? ago

Federal Reserve Act 1913

20316879? ago

Holy fucking shit are you telling me these people were appointed by the government?

I thought they were no more Federal than Federal Express.

20320435? ago

Those who are appointed by government HAVE ZERO POWER OVER THE FED. THEY ARE FIGUREHEADS ONLY.

You been duped, dumbass.

20317068? ago

You again,

fuck you

I told you that congress is bought off for years now by them

and their "influence" and


20317120? ago

Ooooooooh the poor defenseless rulemakers being "bought off". Yes that's a very sensible way to look at it, not that they are rotten tyrants assuming powers which were never granted to them in the constitution. And never mind they're ALL members of secret societies who have each other in blackmail.

Yes it's all about the evil money. Bad bad private companies!

It couldn't possibly be that the problem is the destruction of money.

20317186? ago

it's the international jewery

to paraphrase Ford

And you, poor you know this very well.

all semitic tribes both muslim and jewish are into this wold dominance circuss

20317277? ago

And there we have it. Muh jooz

20317392? ago


20316898? ago

Lol.. Nice try shill?

20316906? ago

Wow great argument! Thanks for sorting out all the confusion as to what exactly the Fed is and how it is administered. Yes I'm just a shill, you got me!

20316984? ago

You may be somewhat correct, it may be a bit more Federal than Federal Reserve, but it has private owners that receive profits via dividends, before US Gov can get money? Is there any money in the surplus fund? Lets audit the Fed. Who decides how expenses are paid out?

20317080? ago

So there's people with guns who take lots of money by force of law. And they call this a dividend.

How is that really different than and other government agency or contractor taking the people's wealth via salaries and bonuses?

This idea of the Fed as a "private company" is a totally superficial legal fiction. It is not in practice organized or run like any other "private company" in the world.

This dividend is just one of countless ways the government's looting takes place.

One of the points that we might get to eventually here is that central planning, central banking, and fiat currency are morally WRONG no matter how you organize it or who runs it.

There are a lot of people around here who seem to think we should just put Congress in charge of inflation and then it would work for the people. Once people understand it is less a matter of the organizational structure than what is being done, they might reject that idea.

20316672? ago

TLDR: “Pay yourself first”

Imagine if Politicians weren’t paid until we’re outta debt

20316118? ago

Except you (normal people) can't buy stock in it. It's a privately owned organization.

20320692? ago

If you have about $20,000,000 and the right business plan, you can start a bank, get a national charter, and become a member of the Fed.

However, you will have ZERO control as an owner.

Ownership in the Fed MEANS NOTHING.

It is all about the CONTROL.

"Own nothing, control everything." -- John D. Rockefeller

20321349? ago

In a normal private company the shareholders vote on things, right?

But it sounds like that's not what the Fed is.

Suppose we agree that "Ownership in the Fed MEANS NOTHING." then how is it controlled?

I am taking you very seriously here because of your use of caps lock. Please continue to use lots of caps lock as I find it makes your words much more convincing. Thank you!

20321407? ago

Pfft. Tell me about the Class A, Class B, and Class C memberships of the Fed. Tell me what each membership entitles a member to do. Tell me what the directors of a Fed bank have authority to do. Tell me what the 12 member banks have authority to do. Tell me what the Board of Governors can or cannot do. Tell me who has to listen to them. Tell me how we know if anyone listens to them at all.

Tell me you are not a shill, and maybe we can discuss it. Even though it is obvious you have no clue ... or interest.

How about ... THAT?

20321786? ago

Hey man I’m not the one that’s so sure about things I’m just questioning all the conclusions that get thrown around here. The control seems to lie in secret societies and anyone who isn’t a party to those doesn’t know yet , that’s what I’m thinking at this point.

20316890? ago

I have a privately owned company. Does that mean I can do what the Fed does?

20317750? ago

It takes 15 minutes to start your own cryptocurrency...

20317793? ago

Is that what the Fed does? Commodity money that anyone is free to use, or not use?

20316942? ago

Yes, you can pay yourself a 6% dividend. ;)

20327133? ago

Great, I’ll just increase my wealth by 6% per year, every year, guaranteed while inflation stays at 2%. See you in a few hundred years. Hope you enjoy being servants to my great grandchildren.

20316949? ago

Oh goodie!! And I can just print that currency with my HP inkjet? I bought it at the Staples, where the other private company people shop.