20306388? ago

THEY use gematria every day. Those who cannot SEE, ridicule (or are shills trying to throw us off the scent).

And it's not about just choosing alignments that you want. It's about finding a pattern of how THEY use it.

Patriots are using it too. Why do you think we're being trained to look for 17s? or 23s? or 5:5s? Why did Q say the stock market drop of 666 points wasn't a coincidence?

There is something deeper going on here (which they know and manipulate to gain favor from their 'gods'), something "organic", based on the sun, moon, and eclipses... This is ancient knowledge that has been held back from us, the worker bees. Do you think it's a coincidence that the moon is 108 moon-diameters from the earth and the sun is 108 sun-diameters from the earth (also diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the earth)?? Look it up - that's what 'science' tells us... No wonder it was thought that the earth was the center of the universe. And maybe it is.

I encourage everyone to check out Gematrinator.com's blog: http:// gematrinator.com/blog/

Also look at this: http:// gematrinator.com/blog/index.php/2018/01/16/huge-1331-discovery/

The gematrinator.com guy thinks he has figured out THEIR code (and I tend to agree) - and if it isn't intentional manipulation by those in power, then something much, much bigger is going on in our 'world' than we're aware of - and it's all based on numbers and astronomy.

You will see deaths in relation to the numbers 44 (often in relation to shootings), 38/83 (look up the movie poster for Murder By Numbers - THEY put the numbers 3/8 in the title for a reason - replaced E with 3 and B with 8), 218 (a death number)... It can't be coincidence. Q says there are no coincidences.


Q referenced As The World Turns (the soap opera) - what we SEE everyday is a live action soap opera, written ahead of time, and scheduled to air on specific dates based on numerology/gematria. The people we watch every day are ACTORS (whether they know it or not). They "die" (by the numbers), they make gaffs (by the numbers), they make news (by the numbers), they resign (by the numbers), they are indicted (by the numbers), etc...

We are in some sort of a simulation (think SimCity), where THEY are the player and WE are the sims. THEY orchestrate sports events (by the numbers) to keep us entertained. THEY orchestrate mass shootings (by the numbers) to keep us in fear. Everything that happens on a national level is pre-planned.

I'm just hoping that Q is right and PATRIOTS are in CONTROL now. (And yes, they're still using the same numerology/gematria code to unroll the Plan.)

Remember, DJT said the following at the American Farm Bureau speech on 1/14/2019:

"That didn't happen by accident. People think it does; it doesn't. Nothing happens -- very few, very little happens by accident."

https:// files.catbox.moe/rbt185.png

https:// factba.se/search#%22very%2Blittle%2Bhappens%22

(sorry it won't let me put links in yet)

20306741? ago

You will see deaths in relation to the numbers 44.... in China the number four is death.

Oh yeah and 9/11 and then london 7/7 just coincidences too.

People need to wake up.

The amount of headlines in the MSM with the number 33 regulary its a joke!

20307110? ago

What about on 9/11 - flight 77 hit the 77 foot tall Pentagon (which lies on the 77th meridian) exactly 77 minutes after takeoff?


(source: 9/11 commission report)

Hah! They shove it in our faces, and most still deny.

o7 patriot

20307278? ago

on 7/7 the bus that was bombed at Tavistock!

two books about Tavistock Institute.

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural and Political (2006) by John Coleman and Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses (2015) by Daniel Estulin.

20307214? ago

https:// files.catbox.moe/x0ohv4.png Super Bowl 53 coincidences (Superb Owl 53) graphic

https:// files.catbox.moe/r6qnbo.png Graphic of 9/11 coincidences by the numbers

20305304? ago

Kek. Of course there is gematria. I'm just not so sure it works like Cereal for Brains decodes it.

20305330? ago

I agree!

People saying its retarded! nope its a cipher meant to be decoded, probably helps if your in their club so to speak.

SB2 is entertainment only for me, maybe he gets some things right ? Only time will tell.

20305328? ago

The good thing about gematria is there are no rules.

Calculate a number and then link it to whatever you want... and BOOM! You're 100% correct every time!

If someone disagrees with your baseless connections then accuse them of being a shill!

20305286? ago

The fun thing about gematria is there are no rules - so you can just keep bending everything straight until you get a result you're happy with.

For example, I'm gonna mash my keyboard: adshjgdjkhgdsagjhsdafgjhkfdsagjksdfagjhsdfjhgsdfjhgfsdgjhfsdefr7iewuikfwk

I can choose from four different types of gematria, but I'll chose Full Reduction for no specific reason...

The Full Reduction Gematria value of that random string of letters and numbers is 311:

  • Revelation 3:11 - I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.

  • John 3:11 - Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony.

  • Genesis 3:11 - Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”

  • March 11 1918 - Moscow becomes capital of revolutionary Russia

  • March 11 2019 - Australia Adelaide Cup Dat

On and on and on and on... until I find a date or scripture or flight number or a postcode or a law code or a address that matches the random value.

Pure retardation.

20305290? ago

Yes Francis Bacon was a retard. Thanks

20305275? ago

From what I've seen, gematria people make up two phrases and find that the numbers add up the same. I've never seen where they got the phrases. They can't be derived from the numbers, as there are thousands of possibilities. Do they pull these phrases out of their asses? There is no process for taking a phrase, finding the numbers, and then finding the one and only matching phrase that somehow means something special.

In other words, BS.

20306565? ago

The phrases match a context. It is intentionally vague so those who do not know the context do not know the which phrase is correct.

20312496? ago

There are thousands of possible phrases that would fit any given context and match the numbers as well. It's all BS.

That's just as much crap as the double digits on the chans. Does it really mean that every 11th message is somehow special? Nope. More BS.

20312783? ago

OK, if you say so. I guess it has been used for thousands of years because it's BS.

20317942? ago

Astrology has been used for thousands of years, and it's BS.

Tarot has been used for thousands of years, and it's BS.

There have always been a lot of gullible people in the world.

20319396? ago

Astrology and Tarots are not ciphers.

20321821? ago

Neither is gematria.

20323478? ago

Yes it is

20323533? ago

No it isn't.

20305342? ago

Queen Elizabeth I would send John Dee on missions to Europe, he was the spy master who would sign his letters 007.

So.... she could decode his gematria using context of the mission. or she just pulled it out of her ass got lucky and the British Empire was born.

20305238? ago

Yeah Boi. Comms. learned Mon Capitain!

20305233? ago

FYI - Just posted this:-

Here's another taste updated:-


Check out this result in the first Review:-

1) Q If You Do Not Think

That Gematria Can Defeat

The Fallen You Are

Greatly Mistaken 3592 4518 753 13

Uhm... This is a direct message from Q that her comms. have been compromised.

There are more Q results in the 3rd review...

2) Q A Most Unfortunate

Group Of Souls Ever Born 3028 3138 523 255

3) Q The Second Death

Because Of Pride Two

Thousand Nineteen 2800 3138 523 93

4) Q Again The End Is Being

Written From The

Beginning Fate Sealed 2361 3138 523 147

5) Q See You Have All Done A

Good Job At Damning Your

Souls 3850 3138 523 197

6) Q Days Weeks Months For

What Takes One Day G U I

L T Y 4480 3138 523 148

7) Q Hypocrites Their

Actions Are Both Immoral

And Illegal 1963 3138 523 141

8) Q See Mk Ultra Mind

Control Handlers Roasting

In Hell 1764 3138 523 131

Random result but relevant:

Hey Its Your Friendly

Neighborhood Numbers Guy 3273 3138 523 130 (This is a direct confirmation to me - The NumberFag I reckon)

9) Q Can You Just T H I N K

About The Risk Youre

Taking 3478 3138 523 123

10) Q Math Is The Key

Prophecy The Secret

Numeric Proof 2511 3138 523 107

11) Q In Denial That They Are

On Trial G U I L T Y

Going To Hell 2358 3138 523 107

12) Q But The Wicked Really

Do Not Know What Awaits

Them 5439 3138 523 95

13) Q Eike Gezelah And

Yiphtachel Mesonuktion

Correlation 2366 3138 523 271

14) Q Hebrew Name Gematria

Value Of Three Hundred

Forty Five 4256 3138 523 67

15) Q The Word Of God Reveals

That Yhsyk Is The New

Godhead 4588 3138 523 59

16) Q They Record Own Death

Dates Two Thousand

Nineteen 3900 3138 523 57

17) Q And Again Daily

Buffoonery Witnessed From

The Heavens 3817 3138 523 51

18) Q Korean Child Was

Clothed With A Vesture

Dipped In Blood 3996 3138 523 51

19) Q Yhsyk The Newly

Appointed Ruler Of Heaven

And Hell 4083 3138 523 51

20305208? ago

Others known to use the cipher of gematria from history

Isaac Newton

John Dee (007)

Queen Elizabeth I

the list is many if you study some history.