20304296? ago


20304260? ago

1 down....millions to go

20304149? ago


20304212? ago

Like "Curly Bill" Brocius (Powers Boothe) said in Tombstone.

20304083? ago

Good ! No racism in Ghana. Unless they catch one of those fucking Nigerians -- everybody in Africa hates them -- crooks and con men. They boil those fuckers and get the kids to help.................

20303961? ago

Too much freedoms for meh

20303529? ago

They look happy, so what is the deal?

20303874? ago

The headline was almost readable and kinda made sense, bbc pidgin is typically ebonics jive-talk unga boonga gibberish

20303360? ago


In fact, Ghana is the first country in Sub-Saharan Africa to achieve the Millenium Development Goal 1, which is the target of halving extreme poverty. Ghana has recently become a middle income country. ... The IMF said the Ghanaian economy had proved to be relatively resilient because of the high prices of cocoa and gold.

20303907? ago

Can he speak 'Bantu' or Konkomba or Dangme or Akan language or does he just grab things and fuck and hit, while using the tried and tested Rapper hip hop speak

20303313? ago

Typical BBC race baiting

20303616? ago

Anon -Taylor Swift vid https://voat.co/v/QRV/3396670/20303223 Yes. A great redpill. The media ignores the shit that happens in Africa and the normies think its a bunch of natives riding lions.

20303301? ago

Nigger probably already had aids before he left.

20303275? ago

Look how happy they are among their own kind.

Let's be honest: it's cruel and unusual to expect the Congoids to live under civilized laws they're unable to comprehend or follow.

Release them back into the wild where they can hunt, gather, rape and howl at the moon in peace.

20303859? ago

20303260? ago

We need to be encouraging this, not bashing this lol

20303328? ago

tongue in cheek...this needs to get meme'd the fuck out. Keep showing them the sunshine and smiles of Ghana...it's practically Wakanda. Problem solves itself...but we can't be toooooooo giddy and overly suggestive.