20311652? ago

Those seven special places of innovation bla blah blah...

Made me think of the Seven Dwarves ...interesting

20307582? ago

Because Trump wants the natural resources. Nothing more nothing less. Idiot.

20306355? ago


20305276? ago

Here's another taste updated:-


Check out this result in the first Review:-

1) Q If You Do Not Think

That Gematria Can Defeat

The Fallen You Are

Greatly Mistaken 3592 4518 753 13

Uhm... This is a direct message from Q that her comms. have been compromised.

There are more Q results in the 3rd review...

2) Q A Most Unfortunate

Group Of Souls Ever Born 3028 3138 523 255

3) Q The Second Death

Because Of Pride Two

Thousand Nineteen 2800 3138 523 93

4) Q Again The End Is Being

Written From The

Beginning Fate Sealed 2361 3138 523 147

5) Q See You Have All Done A

Good Job At Damning Your

Souls 3850 3138 523 197

6) Q Days Weeks Months For

What Takes One Day G U I

L T Y 4480 3138 523 148

7) Q Hypocrites Their

Actions Are Both Immoral

And Illegal 1963 3138 523 141

8) Q See Mk Ultra Mind

Control Handlers Roasting

In Hell 1764 3138 523 131

Random result but relevant:

Hey Its Your Friendly

Neighborhood Numbers Guy 3273 3138 523 130 (This is a direct confirmation to me - The NumberFag I reckon)

9) Q Can You Just T H I N K

About The Risk Youre

Taking 3478 3138 523 123

10) Q Math Is The Key

Prophecy The Secret

Numeric Proof 2511 3138 523 107

11) Q In Denial That They Are

On Trial G U I L T Y

Going To Hell 2358 3138 523 107

12) Q But The Wicked Really

Do Not Know What Awaits

Them 5439 3138 523 95

13) Q Eike Gezelah And

Yiphtachel Mesonuktion

Correlation 2366 3138 523 271

14) Q Hebrew Name Gematria

Value Of Three Hundred

Forty Five 4256 3138 523 67

15) Q The Word Of God Reveals

That Yhsyk Is The New

Godhead 4588 3138 523 59

16) Q They Record Own Death

Dates Two Thousand

Nineteen 3900 3138 523 57

17) Q And Again Daily

Buffoonery Witnessed From

The Heavens 3817 3138 523 51

18) Q Korean Child Was

Clothed With A Vesture

Dipped In Blood 3996 3138 523 51

19) Q Yhsyk The Newly

Appointed Ruler Of Heaven

And Hell 4083 3138 523 51


20304957? ago

718 551 4121 144 = greenland

so if taken 1=a 2=b..n we get a phone number from ny.. and three numbers left, maybe an extension 144.. will call it tomorrow...

20304948? ago

I think it has something to do with the corn messages the gematria of harvest is 93

20304719? ago

That you, NF?

20304606? ago

That's fairly outstanding work.

20304418? ago

Lol holy fuck you can really see what you wanna see huh?

20304583? ago

And you think you can rebut it all with a bit of snark and no counter whatsoever huh?

20304722? ago

I think you are massively reaching on this one.

20305235? ago

Personally, I appreciate the in shutting faggots down. There's no logic at work....Calgon, take me away.

20306262? ago

misspelled rolcon

20304309? ago


20304035? ago

Nice connections going on here.

Think mirror CORN = NROC = National Reconnaissance Operations Command. They operate expressly under the DNI. And this is where the WIZARDS & WARLOCKS crumbs come into context, highlighted in numerous Q posts.

20303977? ago


20303727? ago

So it's another Snow WHITE and the 7 Dwarfs?

20303804? ago

You're talking about the CIA servers the Patriots took down?

20303865? ago

Yep, the satellites. Greenland could be another Snow White with the 7 locations for ICDK.

20303992? ago

Satellites. That is correct.

20304052? ago

NROC connections no doubt.

20303627? ago

20303583? ago

Recent tweets from Silicon Valley ICDK


20303576? ago

I remember reading about Inés Zorreguieta, sister of the Dutch Queen having found her fathers videos and/or pics in her garage, searched and found this here:


1683194 at 2018-06-10 04:08:50 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #2117: Shills Going Past Redemption

This here CDAN has to be Jorge Zorreguieta, one of General Jorge Rafael Videla's trusted cabinet members. Videla killed 10000-30000 political opponents during his reign and kidnapped women to be the elites' fuck toys. Zorreguieta is the father of Queen Maxime of the Netherlands and his other daughter In�s Zorreguieta JUST COMMITTED SUICIDE! She must've had the videos!



Blind Items Revealed #37

June 9, 2018

He was right in the middle of the kidnapping and murder of tens of thousands of people. If you were female, the chances were good you were going to be sent to a special facility which was frequented not only by members of the elite in the country but also the elite from many other countries too. Those coming from other countries seemed to have the philosophy that they could do as they like with no repercussions because who would ever know.

Ahh, but when you have a regime that corrupt, they want some leverage and many, if not most of these encounters with the females were captured on film or video. The video is grainy stuff and old now, but the films are vivid and you can identify everyone in them.

The person in charge of collecting and cataloging the videos and the subjects belonged to a cabinet level member of the government. Long though destroyed, many of the world's elite who had participated, breathed a sigh of relief last year when the videographer died.

It turns out though, the films and video and who is who in each, was never destroyed. They were all in a garage next to a guest house where they had been for decades. In February, one of his children started digging through it. She told members of her family and lots of her friends, and also, in March told one of her long time friends she had met through her sister . The person she told was a foreign born permanent A list celebrity.

The subject of our blind was not blasting this all on social media, but she was not keeping it quiet either. None of the people she told had really seen much of the films. They were too hard to watch. Two weeks ago, the government of the country came to collect the entire library of films. What they had not recovered were the volumes that named names in each of the films. After such a long time, they needed the volumes to be able to identify every person in the films. They said they wanted them to let relatives of the long dead females know their fate.

No one knows where the volumes are now. What we do know is the woman who held them back is dead.

Country: Argentina/former Argentine army general Luciano Benjamín Menéndez

Cabinet level member of the government: Jorge Zorreguieta

Who found the library: Inés Zorreguieta

Sister: Queen Máxima of the Netherlands

A list celebrity: Avicci

20306161? ago

Whoa!! I remember reading about her “suicide” in the Pizzagate forum. Now we know.

20305843? ago


20303539? ago

Hmmmmm.... Most logical I've seen yet. Been watching Thule videos. A lot more than meets the eye in Greenland for sure.

20303423? ago

Something to keep an eye on. Nicely done!

20303277? ago

Nice decode. Q's 93 dk post is definitely relevant to something. And POTUS wouldn't bring up greenland like this for no reason.

20306275? ago

  • Q's 93 dk post is definitely relevant to something.

  • POTUS wouldn't bring up Greenland for no reason.

I firmly believe those two comments to be 100% accurate.

20303798? ago

Solid logic.