20305533? ago

The cabal is Freemasonry.

20305960? ago

That's one of its organs, but there seem to be many of these cults.

20304280? ago


20304416? ago

and the Shriners who pray to Mahomet? http://magaimg.net/img/7v87.jpg

20303901? ago


20304211? ago

Biankka and Ray Chandler? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3386437/20206223 Jeffrey Epstein kept a creepy home office in his Upper East Side townhouse that was decorated with a $5.9 million painting of a woman cupping her bare breast – along with a taxidermied tiger and poodle, photos obtained by The Post revealed Thursday.

20303760? ago

Man that is something only a SHILL would say. Why would we want to take back our world or not let these evil people stay in power? That's thoughts only a shill would have, you've been outted. Sit back and enjoy the damn show, a new marvel movie is always just around the corner.

20303318? ago

“who wanted to destroy the monarchies of Europe”

Uh, they WERE the monarchies of Europe. Still are, in part.


20302150? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=fLZu4gK0Pgw :

Never stop fighting the cabal until we take back our world. - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

20301927? ago

20304951? ago

That meme of yours is curious. I see the Nazifaggots only blame the Jews and nobody else.

Including Hillary, democrats, liberals, abortionists and globalists.

20304980? ago

Jews are the biggest evil in the world and Hillary and the democrats are on (((their))) payroll.

Globalism is a euphemism for Noahide Law a.k.a Jew World Order.

Focusing on the symptoms rather than the cause won't save western civilization.

If you're too feeble to name the enemy then you are also part of the problem.

20304997? ago

You speak as though they all have a meeting every Monday evening to decide, collectively, how to destroy the world.

So you don't like the banks? Your target is the Rothchilds. Everyone should be pissed off about the Rothchilds. There should be protests held about the Rothchilds. There should be a laser-beam of focus on the Rothchild family to bring them to justice. Yet, you divert that attention from them by citing "Jews", of whom 99.999999% had nothing to do with the banking system.

Focusing on the symptoms rather than the cause won't save western civilization

Focusing on Jews is their shield. They've been working on that shield for a long time. Some 25 years ago I had to read Anne Frank in highschool. Hitler has been demonized as the most evil person who ever lived. The American public has a massive cognitive dissonance barrier against believing anything bad about "Jews". Therefore, when you blame "Jews" ...

1) It's so vague that nothing ever comes from it.

2) The actual bad guys aren't named (Rothchild family) so they skate free.

Calling out Jews instead of the actual Moloch worshipers who are guilty of crimes is done for the advantage of, probably at the direction of the Rothchild family.

20304182? ago

the Jew, the islamic Shriner rituals, Masons ...is there a connection? and the Media tells you Wakanda was Kangz n Sheeeeit

20304286? ago

The Jews own 192 of 195 of the world's central banks.

The Jews own the mainstream media in every western nation.

The Jews fund most of the Democrats and dominate positions of power within the Democrat House and Senate and committees... likely because of Epstein/Mossad style political bribery.

So the question is: if the Jews own all the money, influence and power... what part do the Moslems and Congoids play (the Masons are Jews)?

The answer is they are funded by the Jews to help their white-gencoide Zionist World Order agenda.

20304968? ago

The way it works is the Rothchilds hired trolls and inspired useful idiots into blaming Jews instead of the Rothchilds.

Because blaming millions of people who didn't do the shit you're complaining about makes sense somehow.

20305673? ago
