20345989? ago

It really funny he was chosen by the people not hard to understand, but today everything has to be twisted an shaped. Constantly trying to find flaws you miss the humor in everything. He was chosen by the voter for the voter to lead with action not words.

20306862? ago

Obummer was their chosen one. Chosen to destroy the USA.

20306494? ago



20305514? ago

Muh patriots.

20305011? ago

Check this neet article, not sure what year it's from, really has smth to it... Reagan bought time for Trump, for the internet to arrive, so Trump could lead the people to bypass big tech and MSM (the red sea)

Trump bought Reagan watch

20304705? ago

If you want to know what the Pres meant using the term, ASK HIM. Everything else is a guess or a bias.

20304494? ago

Boy do I have a MASSIVE decode to provide you all on this statement.

I have started doing analysis, and there is A LOT here.


Kindest regards,

The NumberFag.


20304146? ago

So this means the MSM is the sea?

20303909? ago

many are called, few are chosen. to me, that means few actually

choose to be obedient to the call. he chooses to be obedient to the call.

20303850? ago

It was related to having to deal with China.

20303669? ago

His people being 'you know who'.

20303612? ago

Hey what if C before D is China before Declass?

20314741? ago


20303508? ago

Qtards are now literally calling Trump a prophet of God. Maybe it's a sign that you should critically reexamine some of your Q "proofs".

20303358? ago

This is not Prophesy found in the Bible. These are INSTRUCTIONS found in the bible.

20303200? ago

"The Apprentice" was DJT

20302574? ago

Isaiah 42:1-4

1“Here is My Servant, whom I uphold,

My Chosen One, in whom My soul delights.

I will put My Spirit on Him,

and He will bring justice to the nations.

2He will not cry out or raise His voice,

nor make His voice heard in the streets.

3A bruised reed He will not break

and a smoldering wick He will not extinguish;

He will faithfully bring forth justice.

4He will not grow weak or discourageda

before He has established justice on the earth.

In His law the coastlandsb will put their hope.”

20302793? ago

The Chosen One being referred to here is Jesus. He first came to show mercy by His sacrifice on the cross to bring salvation to those who accept and follow Him. He will come a second time to bring justice, to punish the evil ones and cast Satan down to hell.

20302694? ago

Wow, oh wow!! Thank you for sharing this passage of scripture.

20302477? ago

The most important thing is that God wins! I'm not sure what it's going to look like, getting there, but I'm at peace knowing that when all is said and done, He was, is, and always be in control 💜

20302381? ago

POTUS in control trolling the msm. Hilarious!

20308498? ago

POTUS in control trolling the msm. Hilarious!>

True, and also we can choose what we want to know. It can be taken as a joke or not.

20302402? ago

Literally the exact intention he had.

20302040? ago

Prophet Moses, chosen by God to lead his people out of bondage. Trump was also chosen by our patriots in the military

Ok, I have just one little problem with this. Didn't Moses kinda genocide those people for celebrating the golden calf and such?

20308525? ago

Didn't Moses kinda genocide those people for celebrating the golden calf and such?>

No, he pleaded with God to have mercy on them and went back for another 40 days and came back with a second set of Tablets.

20309039? ago

Kek! Cuz the bible and weirdos in robes told you that?

20303818? ago

We need to do that again

20306752? ago

yeah like some sort of time warp

20303381? ago

The people that were celebrating the golden calf are the same people we are fighting. The golden calf was Moloch. Yes Moses killed them, just like we are going to do.

20308576? ago

Moloch is not a Golden Calf it's symbol is an Owl. Molock is associated with Human Sacrifice.

20309261? ago

Minerva is the owl. The burrowing owl. The night hunter

20309403? ago

Minerva is the owl. The burrowing owl. The night hunter>

Minerva is a Roman Goddess.symbolized by the Owl, and not usually associated with Child Sacrifice as Molock is. The Bible specifically calls out worshippers of Molock. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minerva

20313870? ago

Funny how you think that things have changed, "Roman" These people are not Roman, they live in your fucking neighborhood. Seriously go to a car dealership of valet, somewhere with lots of key rings. Look for one of these https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owl_of_Athena I see these fucking challenge coins all the time.

20313921? ago

They like to talk if they think you are one of them or curious. Tell them you love Owls because they are so wise. Tell them you are still learning, they might give you something.

20305237? ago

Actually they were celebrating the symbol of the previous age, Taurus the bull. Moses was the prophet of the new Arian age. Aries the Ram. Jesus is the prophet of the current age, which is Pisces. That's why Jesus is associated with fish symbolism. All of that is called Astro-theology, which is sun worship, which is Lucifer, Satan (Saturn), which is child sacrifice, etc.

So Technically, Moses and his new age gang were the 4000 year old version of the people we are fighting. Except its all allegory.

allegory | ˈaləˌɡôrē |

noun (plural allegories)

a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one: Pilgrim's Progress is an allegory of the spiritual journey.

a symbol.

Moses was a character in a story given to the masses to get them to worship the elites religion of the stars without them knowing it.

  • The truth would put 99% of the population in the hospital.

  • Those you trust the most...

20308654? ago

We are no longer in the Age of Pisces, we are in the age of Aquarius now. Pisces was the last Millenia, you say Moses was Age of Aries? I think the eras last about 2000 years. I believe Rams were sacred to the Egyptians which is why they were symbolically used in the Exodus.

20309029? ago

The exact dates of the ages is debatable. It's a little more than 2000 years. The ram is the symbol of Aries. Moses was the prophet of the Arian age that replaced the age of Taurus, the bull. That's why the story of Moses includes the destruction of those who would still worship bull symbolism. That is the esoteric truth fren. Moses, Jesus, and whoever the Aquarian prophet is all essentially have the same story, which is made to fit the age. It's the story of the heavens, aka what happens in the sky and the earthly seasons. 12 signs of the Zodiac with the sun in the middle, the Sun of God. 12 months = 12 Disciples, 4 seasons = 4 suits. 52 weeks in a year = 52 cards and on and on. Western civilization is modeled on the esoteric system of astro-theology. The evidence in right in your face. Seek and ye shall find, the truth, again because its everywhere. Religion is a trick. The Greatest Story Ever Told. Sorry that's facts not "faith".

BTW, have faith is the same as saying, "trust us despite all lack of evidence, logic, and reason.

20301968? ago

Gah what a gay fucking faggot op.. Shit was about China

20301923? ago

No Anon...POTUS was specific. Actual Quote: "I am the chosen one...to take on China."

Let's not make more of this then it is in fact.

20305869? ago

Also let's note that he said it in a tongue-in-cheek sort of tone

20304251? ago

This. So many Christian fags in this thread saying dumb shit

20303664? ago

Exactly. Trump has a justifiably big ego, but he doesn't believe he is God and doesn't believe he is the Christ. But clearly Trump was chosen by God to deal with China.

20304346? ago

Like exactly my bro, everything is normal here. Just me whistling, minding my own business.. so how about that Dallas cowboys game bro?

20302722? ago

Double meanings exist. He also looked up at God when he said that.

20305695? ago

Yes I saw that. Very telling.

20302792? ago

only to make a point. I don't read more into it than the face value of it. Double meanings in this case may not exist. Who knows? Only POTUS and God himself....and maybe Q team. :)

20301687? ago

Does that mean he will change the 13th amendment to stop the US government from enslaving our people for any crime they are convicted of?

20301685? ago

Oh fuck off. The "chosen one" comment was regarding China and him being elected to do something to fix the trade imbalance, currency manipulation, intellectual property theft, and all their other commie fucking issues China has been getting away with for 3 decades.

Prophet moses my fucking ass. Did you see the context it was mentioned in? I did and there is no bullshit religious connotation.

20305058? ago

Helen Gurley Brown? When Human Trafficking Pedophile Epstein was the Magazine Cosmo's 'Bachelor of the Month'. Stockholm School of Economics, seeking a "cute Texas girl." https://voat.co/v/QRV/3358580/19956345 Wow, that's creepy. Epstein looks young- wonder when this was published.

20302323? ago

Come on, everyone knows context, just like facts, don't matter. Common core 101