20309550? ago

You ignoramus morons said she was dead months ago. Uh Oh ... what happened? You Q'tard's are the STUPIDEST Troglodytes on the Internet.

20314840? ago

i didn't say anything about RBG being dead. I did say you were a faggot though.

Look there. I just said it again. Faggot.

20318516? ago

Yawn ..

20306366? ago

Roberts has been voting like he has cancer too.

20303543? ago

I'm hoping she waits until 2020 so Trump can replace her with a Christian male

20303498? ago

The FOX News graphic will pull through!

20303269? ago

I really dont give a shit about her unless she's dead.

20303039? ago

Don't get your hopes up, vampires live forever. #garlic

20302548? ago

Hope they gave a discount on her clone. This one has cancer too.

20302422? ago

Is this part of the HOT August?

20302326? ago

They couldn't get the replacement "Alpha v1.1.2" model running in time. Had to be destroyed for research purposes.

20302127? ago

Yeah, I saw her in n the news tonight talk to my about how she's gonna keep on keepin' on. I'm like, fuck you Nazi. And then I did some stuff.

20301718? ago

they surely must be prepping another clone soon. bring on the memes

20300387? ago

Since it's not in the public domain it's still ammo. She could easily take up 2 or 3 days of news headlines.

20300360? ago

Imagine the pressure the media would be putting on a Dem President if say Clarence Thomas were in the same situation? I must say something feels different this time though. Actually pics everywhere of RBG slumped over. Maybe the public is just being prepared this time because she not looking like she’ll last much longer.

20300193? ago

Again.. and again... and again...

They say only the good die young.

20299990? ago

I'm convinced she's an animatronic. She looks like one of those ugly lopsa opso dogs with the massive underbite. How that thing is serving America with any ounce of fidelity is beyond me.

20299830? ago

Probably waiting to find out the date the IG report is going to come out, and have her die a couple days before so the funeral can be that day and it get postponed again

20299791? ago

Even if she did, the dems are going to cry and say it is too close to an election to elect anyone to replace her. Do what we did to them.

20299654? ago

Hillary ai'nt sharing her organic kuru infected adrenochrome no more ..

20299436? ago


So we didn’t get any arrests, oh well. The sick cabal dying of old age seems the best we can get in terms of justice. Yay Q!

20299408? ago

She’s more machine than woman now...twisted and evil...or they’ve shipped her to Japan for inspiration for anime RBG Gundam

20299390? ago

And they will say Trump cant nominate a successor during an election campaign

20301329? ago

Who ever controls the Senate makes that call.

20300664? ago

Zero couldn't nominate because it was an election he couldn't run in. He was a lame duck no matter what. Trump's not a lame duck so that argument doesn't fly.

20299359? ago

When are the rest of the SC judges going to say anything?

20299344? ago

Yea she should die just in time for the IG report.

20299330? ago

RBG had colorectal cancer in 1999 and pancreatic cancer in 2009. And yet again, she survives cancer. I'm not a medical professional but...WTF!?

Article talking about RBG's various health issues


20303419? ago

The baal worshippers and satanists have access to treatments that us proles can only dream of. Adrenochrome could keep her going another 20 years.

20298944? ago

Nothing like a good funeral to distract the sheeple . baaaaah

20298898? ago

The sooner that perverted jew goes to hebrew hell the better. Fucking cunt.

20298893? ago

Cant wait for the supreme court to be ruthless.

20306200? ago

Fucking lawls

20304930? ago

The jihadi Shriner ritual, the Occult Jew and Mason, is there a connection? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3350519/19882939 MSM starts to report truth or FO business!

20298870? ago

Enter Amy Coney Barrett.

20303148? ago


20298834? ago


20298827? ago

4 time cancer victim.

20298799? ago

Dont worry they will probably spawn up another RBG in a test tube. Her and Alex Trebek are curable....

20298699? ago

pancreatic cancer kills quickly

20299078? ago

Not unless the cure already exists. Which it probably does.

20298698? ago

Im a little confused, just about 3 weeks ago, they told us she was out on the town with Padma Lakshmi. They had salmon and champagne. Am i to understand that as she was receiving radiation therapy, she was running around trying to prove that shes fine? Does radiation therapy give you energy?

20301001? ago

Well, that was in mid July

20300246? ago

Woman is incredible. Almost like there were two of her.

20306227? ago

still lol

20299978? ago

She must have been guzzling Redbulls.

20298315? ago

No Time To Die

20298227? ago

I can hear liberal voices crying out loud, "hang on RUTHIE! just hang on for one more election! We're sure to have this next one rigged!"

20298199? ago

She's kept on life support so her body can die when they need it to.

20298139? ago

That destructive cunt has been dead. No one has seen her. No photos. No videos. no proof of life. She didn't even make an appearance for her birthday.

20304734? ago

They showed a clip today of her at a Georgetown function July 2. People said she is on ICE. That’s a term for chemo.

20304803? ago

Hey, thanks for that! I had not see any proof of life. Great find.

20298070? ago

Too much time from the last cancer operation so they had to operate 'again' to keep the ruse that she is reported to be still breathing.

20297974? ago

They’re now saying that it’s pancreatic cancer. I doubt she’s actually alive, but if so, from my 15 years of nursing, I can say she’s done. Six months max.

20302688? ago

She is likely getting the top experimental treatments out there. Remember that Jimmy Carter was pretty far gone and made a full recovery. My guess is stem cell therapy or something like that.

20304751? ago

Damn that "right to try" legislation now - LOL! Just kidding - we all know she's been getting body parts and/or animatronic parts for probably decades now.

20301176? ago

Lost a friend to that. He was a strong, young man with a heart of gold. When he found out, his skin was already turning a sickly hue. In less than three months, this twenty three year old athlete was gone. (I miss you, buddy.)

No way she is pulling out of that...

Although, Alex trebeck magically recovered, if you believe that.

I think she is already maggot food, though.

20301147? ago

There are articles around that say she beat pancreatic cancer in 2009. Hard to believe she beat it once. Can't believe there's a chance in hell anyone could beat it twice.

20300944? ago

I heard six months for someone who is 20 years younger and weighs much more.

20299045? ago

She's probably just a slab of meat with a pulse at this point

20299839? ago

She didn't have any meat on her old bones, to begin with.

20300232? ago

And I doubt much of a pulse.

20298129? ago

Yes pancreatic cancer is THE fastest and deadliest cancer from what I remember.

20301539? ago

Yep. Had a friend at work diagnosed with that. 6 weeks was all he got.

20298298? ago

Without a working pancreas you cant digest the food as its supposed to.. u litterally starve to death

20298194? ago

My MIL had pancreatic cancer; she died two weeks after she was diagnosed with it.

20297966? ago

Better start thawing her out now. Larry king will be happy he can stop wearing dresses. Lol

20298032? ago

Dude, too funny.

20297398? ago

They know something big is dropping soon. That is surely why this is being revealed now. I believe she died in the fall and they kept her "alive" until they needed her. It must be huge news they are covering to give up that seat

20304760? ago

She was at GHW Bush's funeral on 12-5-18, so I think it was sometime in December when she croaked and has been on ice on this time, They're just waiting to pull her body out at the best time for the cabal to take over the news cycle with her big ole "legacy" shit and endless funeral coverage.

20306249? ago

i think she died the first time right after her "movie" was released at the end of december 2018, so she could go to the premiere and all ...

20309109? ago

That's my guess too - she croaked sometime last December after GHW Bush's funeral on 12-5-18. We are unibrain! =-)

20311725? ago


20297011? ago

You only live twice.

20298307? ago

Die Another Day

20296945? ago

She won't be announced dead until 364 days before the next election.

20303076? ago

Yeah this! I predict a New Year’s Day death.

20299026? ago

Isn't that just a rule change?

20298780? ago

Still makes it 5 - 3

Where did you see the problem?

20298862? ago

Exactly, win-win

20299166? ago

Poor little lady ...

Battling cancer for decades and at 86 they fry her like a chicken. Oh my ...

20298363? ago

Exactly. Trump should nominate someone and let her come out of the woodwork to say she is still alive.

20298527? ago

she was just spotted today going and coming from the hospital.

20298572? ago

By whom?

20302165? ago

multiple outlets. Jesus dude. Shes not dead. Shes all over the place. Shes mentioning recent news.

20303140? ago


20302872? ago

Oh, so she's apparently been getting the 'special' treatments that we slaves aren't entitled to. Understood.

20296892? ago

More lives than a cat

20296847? ago


20296820? ago

Q #2653 : https://qanon.pub/#2653

Who are the doctors 'currently' treating [RBG]?

What other political [former/current] sr. political heads are they affiliated w/?

What 'off-market' drugs are being provided to [RBG] in order to sustain minimum daily function?

What is the real medical diagnosis of [RBG]?

Who is managing her care?

Who is 'really' managing her care?

The clock is ticking.

20305196? ago

Q asked us to find out these answers. Does anyone recall a good source for each question?

All I know for sure are the doctors "currently" treating her = Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC

Is she getting stem cell treatment?

Does she have a full intensive care suite at her home in DC?

I would not be surprised if she's been kept on life support and taken out using one of those "black van ambulances" that Hillary had when there's a need to show her alive.

20299347? ago








20300199? ago

4th dimensional creatures.

20299923? ago

Bro what is this?

This is the shit that gets my brain whirring dam it don't be so vague.

What do u know and if this short form is all u got then fuuuuuuck

20300567? ago

shills communicating with each other and displaying IQ simultaneously

20297426? ago

I assume theyre giving her adnochrome

20300914? ago


20301178? ago


20298281? ago

your mispelled word is missing a "reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"!

20298335? ago

Lol, yup, I'm bad speller, even worser typer.

20300211? ago

Ju get good techur, she make you more betterest.

20300582? ago


20298844? ago

i made a funny, combining the missing "re" with the sound the libtards make. ;)

but, to be clear -- it's easy to remember. google made "chrome" (a browser) and AMD made "adreno" (a chip). so, if you're using that chip to browse, then it's "adreno" plus "chrome".

20297013? ago

This is one of the most compelling drops. I was clueless at the time, but figured all would be revealed soon.

Nope. Nary a hint about any of it. I’m still as clueless as the day it was dropped.

20300538? ago

I still think she has dementia. Having this many different types of cancers in one lifetime is unheard of.

20301079? ago

How many has she had?

20303912? ago

3, most people only get one type of cancer and just have it come back.

20301455? ago


20296798? ago

Siege the news cycle - hotchachachacha.