20285458? ago

Wait, wait !! sooooo.. he's WHITE, right? Or is he still considered a JEW until proven guilty? Trying to keep up here, I'm still studying my pronouns.

20285531? ago

Oy very... Shut it down. He will be white when relating to any crime unless it is concerned with is DEFENSE in which case he is a poor opressed jew victim who got the gas as a kid. If forced to pay a sheckle for his defense this will be a Nazi assult on his jewish heritage BUT if talking about the crime he is WHITE, but he is a jew so evil white nazis should pay jew lawyers for his defense regardless of cost as he is a victim of evil whites as a jew who committed a crime as an evil white male nazi... oy vey.

20285369? ago

Ethan I salute you for having the balls to do this. Far too many professors don't agree with their liberal college's activities but turn their head so they can still collect a sizable salary regardless of pain and murders of those trapped in human trafficking and child satanic sacrifice.

20285362? ago

Less tranny porn now that srayzie is gone

20285438? ago

Yeah she got doxxed off the face of the earth right? I told her stupid ass when she first started to flirt it up and break the Anon rule of Tits or GTFO that she would get doxxed and her life would be fucked up. She just said... and I quote... "I appreciate your concern". What a stupid cunt.

20285019? ago


20285309? ago


20284644? ago


20284403? ago

Another jew? I have lost all faith in jewish people. There's something wrong with them.

20285696? ago

Well, in this case, the Jewish professor is...seemingly...doing the right thing. This is a spiritual battle. Jews in power have proven to be a problem, but you can't blame all Jews any more than you can blame all whites for Dahmer.


Which side are you on?

20286946? ago

Jeffrey Dahmer was a kike. Funny how wiki now only says his father is "German". dirty jews. Most of the biggest serial killers in history have been jewish. You can cover for them all you want to. After all, you're a jew too.

20289798? ago

I'm part of Israel. But I thank God every day that I'm not a woman, not a slave, and not a backwards, degenerate, racial-supremacist jew.

20292702? ago

Go fuck through your hole in the sheet, Chaim.

20301854? ago

Call me Cohen.

20285183? ago

Oy vey! jews can do no wrong, goyim. dontcha know, jews are a gift to the woyald. why do you insist on persecuting us day after day. its all goyim lies, jews are the victims, we are innocent of all wrong doings, goyim. its all lies, lies, that professor, his only crime, is that he is a jew.

20284646? ago

I think joofags are worse

20284677? ago

A disgusting inbred jew like you would.

20284090? ago

(((Zuckerman))) teaches social justice at the country's most elite science and engineering school. How does he include the views of marginalized individuals into calculus?

“My logic was simple: the work my group does focuses on social justice and the inclusion of marginalized individuals and points of view.

20283843? ago

Works in social justice. Loooool look, its one of those real people who is a social justice science retard that actually believes their own horse shit. I knew they existed.

20283681? ago

Glad this guy is making a public statement renouncing the relationship with Epstein. MIT and other institutions should be proactively distancing themselves from Epstein. Whoring yourself to depraved individuals for money is never a good look.

20283745? ago

You glow in the dark.

20283300? ago

Sucks that so many innocent people who just were getting projects funded and so pinched their nose and dealt with Epstein are getting massively screwed by all of this

20284148? ago

Look the devil is offering me some gold here...

20283779? ago

Since when is turning a blind eye innocent? If you knowingly are funded by a world renowned convicted pedo/sex trafficker and your work focuses on social justice:

“My logic was simple: the work my group does focuses on social justice and the inclusion of marginalized individuals and points of view.”

I’m going to go out on a limb her and say we don’t have to worry about innocent people pinching there’s nose as much as we have to be concerned with complicit people willfully turning a blind eye.

20283758? ago

You're a glow in the dark C_A niggerfaggot.

20284055? ago


20283372? ago

Bullshit, if they knew and did/said nothing for MONEY/OPPORTUNITY, well they get the gas as well as far as I am concerned. I hope they are destroyed completely.

20283410? ago

Hence innocent, most had no idea. Epstein was annoying and creepy but most didn't fly around with him, they just met at colleges for group lunches where Epstein would go on and on and academics were encouraged to nod their heads if they wanted funds.

20283793? ago

Anyone with an internet connection and no living under a rock has had every idea of Epstein the last decade.

20283827? ago

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” -Trump

Fuck. I guess you're right