20294285? ago

I would never fly on a private plane with a nigger.

20293682? ago

[Found on Facebook - Naomi Campbell and Jeffrey Epstein’s sex slave]



20291357? ago

sweating bullets? Biologically impossible. FAKE news.

20290570? ago

3 lb kitty trying to cover 6 lbs of shit with 2 lbs of sand....... math dont add up??

20290402? ago

Apply those same words to Trump-Cohen or Trump-Manafort. It's fucking epic!

It kills all the shitty arguments they have against Trump.

20290392? ago

It was just the flight back to JFK.

20290374? ago

"Why you always lyin'?"

20290066? ago

It was during the Rotary Clubs "pancake breskfast- free plane ride" event. Give folks a break. She brought chocolate chips, too!

20289802? ago

Too bad. She was always such a fox.

20289560? ago

You know Willie. We all do...

I bet he tow dat shit outta frame....

20288555? ago

Why and how did this Nigger alien looking bitch become relevant? I don't see what the big fuss is....

20287994? ago

And everybody who voted for Trump is a racist fascist. Fuck her, she's a pimp.

20287847? ago

I wouldn’t touch that slim POS...nothing but skin and bones, and not even pretty.

20285639? ago

submitted 0 hours ago by 3394700?

Digits confirm OP. PANIC. WWG1WGA. Godspeed Patriots!

20285492? ago

Is she a He/she?

20285291? ago

Why would people who are never going to get in trouble sweating bullets?

20286567? ago

She’s clearly sweating bullets as she’s trying her hardest to distance herself.

20294440? ago

Why does she even need to? These people can kill babies live on stage and drink the blood without getting in any trouble for it.

20285236? ago

She is a dominatrix

20288001? ago

Bingo! Perfect discription

20285222? ago

An accessory before during and after the fact?

20285059? ago

Many people flew on that Plane. Including Trump. So when is one guilty by association? If she is guilty and all the rest are guilty so is Trump. THINK before speaking non sense. K?

20285783? ago

Never flew the lolita express just a flight from FL to NY with Epsteins bro

20285140? ago

Hey, ass swipe, Trump never went to Pedo Island. He went on a Miami-NY trip and was obviously enlightened enough to never get a ride again. I was on a criminal's plane hitching a ride and I'm not a criminal. Live and learn.

20286837? ago

Anon never said he went to Pedo Island, he simply said he was on the plane, which true.You are stretching a little here. His point is that you can't call people guilty 'by association'. Learn to differentiate. Calling him an ass swipe for stating a fact is ridiculous and downright low brain.

20289500? ago

Likewise, flying on a plane to NY vs flying to a private island where BC went 26 times ditching to uh watch the waves . . . No, those buildings half buried with ventilation and no doors are just billionaires spending money foolishly on useless projects on remote islands . . . nothing to see here. Oh hey, Naomi, come along it'll be fun. We have a cool temple with an owl on it, you'll like it, really, bring friends . . . seriously people.

20288085? ago

he was on a private plane in the northeast united state owned by one of Epstein's relatives. Its fucking hilarious seeing shareblue even try these days. I guess anyone shilling this fake news is scared shitless.

20285197? ago

Hey ass wipe. He flew on the Liota Express. Trump made a statement about that trip as well. Trump called Epstein a ‘terrific guy’ who enjoyed ‘younger’ girls before denying relationship with him LOL

Back in 2002, when Jeffrey Epstein was known only as a mysterious financial whiz with a private island and a roster of A-list friends, being friendly with him was something to boast about. And Donald Trump did.

And I quote Trump : “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”


20288024? ago

Hang on to that. Cling tightly to that. Mueller Time worked out so well for you

20286812? ago

yeah whatever, watch the actual video and you can tell that Trump is getting a dig at Epstein, just like he did when he made the comment about BC and the 'island'. wow, you shills are RETARDED!

20285797? ago

Have to go back years to find this but go ahead with your delusion maybe Russia will work out.

20284831? ago

I wonder if she knows that Rachael Chandler.. I also wonder how many of these 'top models' compromised themselves to get to the top..

As for that house she was given, talk about making it all too obvious..

20285766? ago

Probably as many as actresses.

20284823? ago

suidcided... my guess Autoerotic Asphyxiation

20284512? ago

brown sugar

20284246? ago

Imagine BC bumping uglies with NC :D

20284218? ago

I am beginning to think that much of modeling is a cover for high priced whores. Victoria Secrets certainly. K. Jenner said that Victoria Secrets throws in a few legit models but many of them are prostitutes and the shows are just for parading the stable.

20305013? ago

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20289670? ago

Exactly. And the idiot sheep women of the world rush as fast as they can to buy up all of their tacky merchandise.

20291088? ago

Tacky and cheap.

20285469? ago

That's exactly what it is.

20285699? ago

In plain sight. This has all been happening in plain sight. By this. All of this DS debauchery, money laundering, crime.

20285723? ago

Why do you think that all creative achievement which is "famous" is utter garbage, whereas true masterpieces are ignored or have only a tiny following?

It's because the "famous" types are attention whores.

20285860? ago

That I know. I am just incredulous that they flaunt it so out in the open. I guess we are still Rome.

20290189? ago

Does "Epstein" sound Roman to you?

Did the Romans kill Christ or was it the jews who demanded his head?

It is more accurate to say that the same cancer that destroyed Rome is destroying us.

20291072? ago

Do you work hard to intentionally misunderstand my reference to the debauchery that was Ancient Rome? Sex with children. Orgies. Sex with anyone and anything. Caligula. Nero. The list goes on and on.

20293373? ago

A few outliers, tame by today's standards, shouldn't soil the memory of an entire people.

You disgusting jew.

20294070? ago

You pathetic shill.

20295535? ago

Most of it is made up.

20296239? ago

Muh jew. So offended. Yawn.

20285356? ago

Wexner seems dirty

20286283? ago

Looks like he worked hard to help Epstein.

20285762? ago

built his empire on prostitution apparently and maybe extortion. His clothing lines are crap but people do buy it.

20283919? ago

I mean... One of Epstein's slaves attended her birthday party. I mean. Come onnnnn...

20305000? ago

Frogistan Model Agency Group - ONE THOUSAND girls https://voat.co/v/QRV/3396784

20283900? ago

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” -Trump

20289526? ago

I keep hearing this, but have you looked up the word Terrific in the dictionary? Maybe ask DJT if he was being clever, he never does that. I'll help:


TERRIF'IC, adjective [Latin terrifieus, from terreo, terror, and facio.]

Dreadful; causing terror; adapted to excite great fear or dread; as a terrific form; terrific sight.

20284136? ago

Ya, find something from this decade. Shill!

20283858? ago

She has nothing to worry about, no one really cares all that much including Trump

20283856? ago

She better give me a foot massage before she goes to prison.

20283725? ago

her words are not untrue. However, if she is really as innocent as she claims she will have nothing to worry about. Even if she is guilty as all sin I don't know what she is worried about since nobody seems to be going after any of them.

20283520? ago

This standard applies to President Trump?

20283495? ago

Prostitutes become madams.

20306920? ago

madam, i'm adam

20283464? ago

She was there for the party, show me I'm wrong

20283373? ago

Why the fuck are these rich connected fucks signing their real names? Are these people fucking retarded.

20283350? ago

Is Claudia Schiffer on that flight logs too?

20283573? ago

She was dating David Copperfield who has his own shady private island.

20283265? ago

I don't get why she's worried. Even though most people might imagine otherwise, it is technically legal (although disgusting) for a white man to have sex with a negress.

20292434? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3394785 'Aaron Swartz found something and was suicided.'

20285330? ago

WTF conspiracy these days....is this real life?

20283241? ago

Did she fuck Bill Clinton to be a celebrity?

Did she fuck her way into celebrity status?

Is that how this world works? Be a fucking whore to get to the top?

20284816? ago

Yes in fact it is,look up StrangerThanFiction on youtube.

Come back in two weeks and down vote me for opening your eyes.

20284045? ago

Sometimes it's even worse than that, in the case of absurdly famous mega stars like MJ, Britney, Ariana grande, etc etc they are born into trauma based mind control and/or satanic/cult sex rituals/magic and MANUFACTURED or programmed to be what we see

20283855? ago

Kamala Harris

20285547? ago

Digits confirm. (Whoa)

20283343? ago

Stop gagging and swallow that red pill!!!

Yes, that's exactly how the world works. That's why the actors are shit, the musicians are shit, the artists are shit and the religious leaders are the most evil cunts you could imagine!

Now just imagine what our world will look like when we actually get the most talented performers etc....

I think the difference will be shocking.

20286265? ago

I love X factor and all those televised talent shows. Some of the best kids show up but, where are they now? Most don't make it in the business. Then I listen to some of these crap artists making millions and I get a nagging feeling that we are being served crap by the entertainment industry. It's all crap music and crap movies.

20283367? ago

Better blow jobs?

20284830? ago

Blow jobs are always take what you get.

They pretty much all good no?

20284221? ago

You got my vote on that!

20283431? ago

What, you don't like how the priest does it now?

20284288? ago

you mispelled alter boy

20283333? ago

Of course and it works. I encourage all female patriots to do whatever it takes to get ahead in this world. Even if you be a whore in your 20s, your future husband won't know so it's all good

20284574? ago

your future husband won't know so it's all good

you can tell roughly how much mileage a woman has on her by looking her in the eye

20284851? ago

and how she sucks a dick on the honeymoon

20283354? ago

Whores and predators

20283971? ago

I guess ppl don't worry about STDs or Aids anymore. Maybe those Gates' 'wellness shots' work.

20283196? ago

Don't be crazy, she's just a famous model and philanthropist, she can't possibly be involved in their club: https://www.cnbc.com/2011/09/27/Naomi-Campbells-Horus-Eye-Eco-House.html

20290002? ago

Occult faggots stole all the symbols. No creativity. I say steal it back.

20285178? ago

she's just a famous whore.


20283985? ago

Wow, That's really surreal.

20284593? ago

The home was either never built or is hidden by Google Maps, as no footprint of the home is shown on the island, just a road going north to south.

20305007? ago

some Russian KGB Mafia dude was going to build it then stopped, instead now she owns some space age Mansion on top of a spire or pillar over looking California

20283208? ago

That's really cool, I like Naomi a lot more now

20286897? ago

I think you lost your way little retard. Reddit is that way --> Go circle-jerk with your kind.

20283097? ago

Wow.... maybe if she had, I don’t know.... SAID SOMETHING ABOUT IT AT ANY POINT BEFORE THIS, then she might have had some public sympathy.

For fucks sake, the statement doesnt even put any distance between them. Even knowing what she does now, the lowest she will refer to him as is an “associate”. Sometimes people (especially guilty people) are better off keeping their mouths shut. This only makes her look worse in my eyes.

20286539? ago

You got to the right words before I did.

20284355? ago

the Charles Taylor blood diamond recipient does not give AF about anything or anyone


She's likely a paid consort.

20284891? ago

I was there - so many people died and so many destroyed and burnt down buildings still to this day. Lots of insane guys and manic X military from all the drugs and murdering. Whole villages of amputees. The country is still a shambles from blood diamonds.

20288868? ago

wow, I knew it was bad, but damn

20286230? ago

I have friends in Monrovia. Yes, it's terrible but then, many of the survivors are terrible too. The mayor was caught shitting on a public beach. That's what people do there. Just walk down to the beach and shit.

20291055? ago

I have seen African niggers shit on the streets of New York City. I was on a park bench and a cab driver walked about 10 feet to my left, dropped his shorts and squirt shitted through a fence.

20295033? ago

Yes, I saw that in person down in San Ysidro at the border crossing. Right by the pedestrian overpass an African pulled down his pants and shit on the concrete right in front of everyone in broad daylight. These sorts of people are nothing more than animals mentally. So they can wear clothes and talk. Big deal. They have no more culture than animals. No ethics or self respect or respect for others. There was a Mcdonald's nearby that only cost a quarter to use the restroom but the man can't be bothered to use that. There were landscaped areas where he could have at least dropped his shit into the dirt by some bush. Too much trouble for him. But, walk up on the pedestrian overpass and BP will lose their minds and come out with about fifty officers to push you off the overpass and threaten arrest. Shit on the sidewalk and they will ignore that.

20286011? ago

On Even held by Nelson Mandela who knew nothing about it obviously.

20283190? ago

They don't think about it often, and they rarely read real news. Consider their lifestyles and what they are actually exposed to, or allowed to be exposed to.

Handlers matter.

20283081? ago






















20283304? ago

If you wern’t aware of the mass subversion of the Jewish faith during the late 1800s - early 1900s by Baal worshiping zionist ass-goblins, then you likely don’t understand how/why Hitler rose to power, or even how/why a vast array of denominations both Catholic and Protestant are riding jew dick every day.

Its called “SUBVERSION”.

The truth is that only about a quarter or less of modern “Jews” have anything to do with Judaism. The vast majority of “Jews” today are just Semetic - which itself is a broader catagory of ALL kinds of mysticism, divination, daemon worship, etc.

The Torah says there is only one god, but also that this god is a jealous god who does not take kindly to the worship of false gods and deities (of which Semeticism is FILLED WITH). Point being - The majority of modern jews basically worship demons while subverting other faiths to do the same under the guise of “Judeo-Christian” values. The Muslims already learned this many years ago and part of the reason so many are mad at Christianity is because so many of us have willfully embraced this spiritual betrayal.

20283364? ago

Q researchers love Jews more than we love white democrats, we don't see color only the red white and blue

20284113? ago

Israel for last. Keep your friends close, and your enemies........

20283066? ago

Wounder how she got all those awards and movie deals..

Now we all knoe

20283046? ago

She's fucked! As she should be, along with all the other pedo Satanists!

20284833? ago

And pedo shills on qrv. Don’t forget those faggots.

20285591? ago

Digits confirm: pedo shills on qrv are fucked faggots we shouldn't forget....

20290397? ago

I member.

20285689? ago


20284895? ago

Without them we wouldn't know we were over the right targets.

Flak is useful.

20285798? ago

Problem is they are everywhere. When they are ignored they flourish. I’ve decided to trigger the fuckers. Thanks for being a good Anon on fren.

20285537? ago

Well I’d like to try and figure it out without them fren.

20286438? ago

Without being around the Jew you cannot learn from him to defeat him at his own games.

20290876? ago

Or distraction for the real string pullers? Jesuits!

20286692? ago

like DJT and Roy Cohn...

20284535? ago

With her history of violence, I hope she didn't bother the kids. But we have to realize these people went there for ceremonial purposes as well as recreation.

20285399? ago

And didn’t she go on a few dates with DeNiro back in the day?

20283442? ago

How is she fucked?

20284778? ago

She was fucked when she sold out to the 30 million club.

She has had masonic dick in her ass literally.In stardom you pay to play,ask Will Smith.

20284208? ago

Missionary, doggy, probably all the usual ways.

20303880? ago

gud 1

20284264? ago

sex positions need to be disrupted so we can have sex positions 2.0

20283031? ago

#methree movement incoming

20283076? ago

I call dibs on the #mefive movement

20283357? ago

Is that the one where Patriots are punching the cabal members?

20290809? ago

No, that’s when we have blown most of them into smithereens and are hanging what’s left.

20282931? ago

I'm honestly losing faith in Q

20282985? ago

Reason ?

20283063? ago

The excuses I keep coming up with just don't work anymore. I feel like I've been tricked because nothing ever actually happens. Always pushed in the future with big talk but nothing real ever happens

20283776? ago

Grab links from us attorneys office and Doj...stuffs habbenen..big players will be last to fall. Its the way big investigations go...plus Q is trying not to rip apart the country in the process.

Everyone's day will come !

We asked for results not the process and evil is deep with many convoluted layers.

Hold the line... Patriot

20282886? ago

Of course in the "interview" that she posted to twitter, she implied that she was being criticized because she is black, although she did not say it directly. Regardless, the truth will soon be revealed to us regarding Naomi and what she was doing with Epstein and the Clintons on that island.

20283347? ago

It's true, most of us are shitting on her because she is black. If she was a white Trump-advocate we would be on her side

20283405? ago

Her color has absolutely nothing to do with it. She has been rubbing elbows with pedophiles and accompanying them to the peso island so the presumption of innocence is absent.

20283402? ago

I only shit on pedos and lucifarian cannibals of the cabal.

Does dark meat on long pork taste better? If you know the answer to that, meet me somewhere to discuss.

20283055? ago

Did you see the pictures of her house built like an Eye?