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20280123? ago

maybe that's where he got his kids, from an Epstein connected adoption agency....

20280850? ago

I’m playing devils advocate here, John Roberts sounds like a pretty common name, so are we sure that’s the same John?

20281747? ago

lol common name among political elites?

produce another John Roberts of that stature, or shut up.

20282891? ago

Calm down, you’re literally getting triggered by someone who politely submitted an opposing opinion. Simply saying “show me another John Roberts” would have helped.

And a simple search would have yielded another John Roberts, owner of AO electronics in Britain, pedophile capital of the world:

20288258? ago

I think blackmailing the CJSCOTUS is what Epstein is about, not some obscure millionaire.

Really... Epstein is being connection with Trump and Clinton, why are you faggots downgrading his clientele?


20283923? ago