20306433? ago

Before anyone starts killing anyone, we need full disclosure on all their operations. Their operations need to be as public as the local public library. Where each dollar is going, who is spending it, and where each dollar came from. We need full understanding without any secrets.

20306509? ago

The whole everything will be laid out in its entirety. The American and World will know and live the truth.

Enough of this shit.

20304118? ago

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20294845? ago


CIA / Mossad & the Deep State (here and abroad, think Five Eyes) are all working for and controlled by the Cabal.

20294986? ago

preaching to the choir. All satanist controlled entities. They're done, the world is being directed to rebel against them.

20294950? ago

Yes, clearly.

“Judge a tree by its fruits.”

-It is wise to judge the good or evil of an entity (person or organization) not by its words, but by its outcomes.

-Following this insight, we are given extraordinary perspective.

-The actions of the CIA, Mossad and Deep State are made in secrecy, in the dark.

When these actions are exposed (thank goodness for the increasing exposure we are witnessing), we can clearly see that their outcomes are consistently very negative for red blooded Americans, and the entire world.

20291376? ago

BS. They're not even close to the numbers of ISIS, Muslim brotherhood, or AlQeda. Fake news on the "hot" list? Who'da THUNK it?

20290723? ago

How else would the Bush family have gotten so rich and popular?

20290154? ago

Maybe! Or they do all those things you say to act like the enemy, infiltrate and do the job. No matter when we understand man itself is the problem. Dont get down but understand evil and spend more time doing good. Let these things take care of themselves. Adm Mike had enough and walk to the Cheif FISA judge and started change. I couldn't do that nor tell anybody to that and from my purch. I prayed it to be done in general. Now evil is on its heels.

20289672? ago

47th whatever of euclid, they hold it "sacred" in fagmasonry. Heard it was "a huge secret" but who fucking cares because fuck fagmasonry and all its members - those in the know and those not (because they are stupid and enabling the real dark ones by being too fucking STUPID to research what the fuck the organization they joined is really about . . .

20287713? ago

Can't say I've EVER heard of anything good coming out of or for the USA from the CIA

20286841? ago

CIA subsidiaries: Google, al queda, ISIS... Etc...

20286671? ago

"In my city, we would keep the traffic in the dark people - the colored. They're animals anyway, so let them lose their souls." - Zaluchi, in The Godfather (1972)

20289719? ago

At the beginning of Godfather III Al Pacino says "The richest currency in the world is Children" while Vatican scenes float around, it's part of a larger quote but he says exactly these words and then it flashes to his children and pretends its out of love... bullshit.

Watch it yourself, the start of GF III, and listen for this line its only a few minutes into the movie. Now pause the movie and rewind 15 seconds and listen again. And then 1 more time.

It's odd for sure.

20286206? ago

And the whole damn agency should be arrested and prosecuted, every clown.

20286087? ago

The War on Drugs was really about getting rid of the competition.

20292366? ago

Epstein knew the guy in the S.American nation of Colombia https://voat.co/v/QRV/3395572/20291432 The circular shape cut into the beach with stones around it is weird.

20290426? ago


20285770? ago

The CIA is definitely a problem. But remember, this is a spiritual battle.


Which side are you on?

20290381? ago

As a retired Lutheran pastor who still holds to the faith I will say this--A big part of the problem in the U.S. is our KumBayYa teachings that emphasize turning the other check and has psychoanalyzed evil behavior as environmentally created by societal and family dysfunctions. The reality of the demonic has been taught as the teaching of backward cultures and their superstitions. They do not emphasize the reality of spiritual warfare and the dynamics of how it operates. Just as God is real so is Lucifer and we need to be spiritually and kinetically involved in this battle. Many if not most churches preach inclusiveness but the church is only meant to be inclusive of believers that fully adhere to the Scriptures. We need to be teaching the realities of spiritual warfare and recognize evil as evil and be vigilant to expunge it where we see it flourishing. Everything is not acceptable.

20301898? ago

Sounds like your heart is still in the right place. Hope you have borne much fruit.

20285713? ago

Everyone agrees CIA was evil. Nobody knows what stage Q/Trump are in cleaning it out, perhaps they have control on it now. I remember seeing a massive boat confiscated with billions of dollars worth of drugs on it recently. That likely wouldn't have happened if bad elements in government still had control.

20285611? ago

Poppy Bush was most like as bad if not worse than Hitler because he was a pretender. I hope all of the truth comes out about him soon. He was evil to the bone. How many soldiers died thinking they were doing what was good when they were actually doing the work for a demon?

That will put most Americans in the hospital when they find out the truth.

20285584? ago

That are the ‘military’ branch of the satanic NWO. They are all over this site shilling and dividing. Fight back!

20284822? ago

The CIA are the facilitators of a global satanic cult who rely on horrific deeds to maintain their collectivized intent. The very stability of nearly ALL power players the world over is maintained by the CIA and their other sloppy ICs.

20284540? ago

Yeah dig deeper who is the C fag a

20282953? ago

You all should watch SNOWFALL on Hulu. It basically shows the truth about how the CIA was using cocaine to fund their proxy wars.

20282626? ago

It does seem that CIA is evil driven. I wonder what their employment candidate profile is. I sent a resume/application (online), and got NO response back. I was told not to tell anybody ( i never agreed to that). I didn't, for a year, but after hearing NOTHING from them, i figured, fuck em.

20282426? ago

fuCkIngA -- for sure

20282385? ago

Something to really be ashamed of. Long before President Trump came in too be.

20282619? ago

Blame good old Poppy Bush. Poppy Pedo Bush was the real instigator of the CIA

20282010? ago

Trust the plan. That is EXACTLY what is being worked on.

20281912? ago

I remember reading a book about a judge who went to prison and he wrote about his prison stays in there and he swore that many of the prisoners who were busted for drug dealing swore they had the cooperation of that three letter agency.

20281695? ago

Don't assume the military is "trustable." They are involved with all of the above as well. Not sure about the NSA.

20281542? ago

GOOD REMINDER at a time when the House Dems are keen to put Jim Watkins in the hot seat on 8chan. Faggots want a scapegoat for the shootings, and it's got to be a "far-right, white supremicist" group. Question: is it really 8chan that they're after or Q group? Lots of negative hit pieces out now saying Q group is a domestic terrorist organization, even though Q eschews violence and that notice is at the top of every Q board and the top of every bread in QR/QRB. (Notice that 4chan has not been targeted--at least, not yet.)

20281262? ago

Thanks to taxes every American is technically an international war criminal. YaY.

20280972? ago

You sound like an anti-American leftist that blames the USA for all the evil in the world.

20280930? ago

The War on Drugs is the biggest crock of shit that has ever been sold to the populace.

The majority of our politicians are coke heads.

Does anyone think America did great in Afghanistan? Before their biggest drug export was Hash, after heroin.

The reality is these drugs are derived from plants, and no one will ever stop people growing it. Its fully fucking retarded to think you can. Can you search every field, can you search every shipment, can you search everyone's house - cause if I really wanted to I can grow Coca plants in a hydro setup in my basement.

You want freedom? You'll never have it with the war on drugs.

Legalize it. Tarrif any imports. Have it grown at home, have it processed to a pharmaceutical standard, so cokes not being made with diesel and gasoline in a field in Colombia, so it's pure or at least cut with something safe and not with bleach powder or worse.

Tax it and use the taxes to fund addiction treatment and rehabs.

The world isn't gonna fall apart any more than it already is if people don't have to worry about going to jail so they can do a hit of coke whilst they're at a club.

Prohibition does not work. You can't legally mandate good behavior. Trying to will always have the opposite effect.

~1.5 million Americans did cocaine this month, and 16% have used it in their lifetime.

(((THEY))) have tried to rewrite all our laws to cater to faggots who make up 2% of the population, and look at what the extremist behaviours in the LGBTQ population causes.

Almost 50% of the population of any western country has used illegal drugs within their lifetime.

What moronic hypocrisy is this?

We're legalizing the behaviours of <2% of the population whilst still holding the behaviours of up to HALF the population as illegal.

It's insane. Yeah of course there's crime associated with drug use when you lump potentially half your population into an "outlaw" category because they used a plant.

20290443? ago

That is spot on Fren. Thanks.

20280920? ago

No that's George Soros

If you fallow the money ull see that I am right always

20281162? ago

Dude. Your revelation is like saying water is clear.

The entire world now knows that George Soros was a Jew that the Nazi's raised to be one of their own.

Follow the money for everyone involved.

20280791? ago

Reminder: CIA is led by jews [mossad]

20280561? ago

Trust the plan: if the CIA doesn't sell drugs then the bad guys will

20280407? ago

Agreed, if we can't trust the military, we have no one to trust at all, and if we have no one left to trust, civil war is only right around the corner.

20280507? ago

Right now, believe it or not, we are being safeguarded by members of our military that have been sworn to secrecy regarding the plan.

Every post is monitored by them, every response read by them. DJT is a frequent visitor in here as well. Your mind will be blown once all of this is allowed to come to light.

God is on our side and working very closely with our military and others around the world. They will not comprehend the vastness of our resolve until they are defeated.

20290486? ago

Wow Fren! You really get this shit. Welcome.

20286363? ago

Others like FVEY?

Arrest the Traitors or STFU!

20281700? ago

Yes, I've been thinking about that. I am certain that we have benevolent monitors because one of them communicated with me on QR once when I was very new and had a bad experience with a baker who wouldn't post any anon noms, even for an ongoing dig.. It caused me so much anguish, I prayed and then posted, hoping someone would tell me how this could happen. And someone did, right away--explaining that comp'd bakers are ok, doesn't matter, because "we see you." They see everything, read every post, nothing gets wasted. I knew this did not come from an anon! (not an anti-baker post, i'm a baker now & use those bad experiences to try to do better).

20290493? ago

Thank you for your service Baker.

20282393? ago

Isn't it a great feeling knowing that you are among friends that really care about you as a person?

Personally I have battle the AI shills on here for months. Moderate success is all I've achieved.

Human shills are not too bright. They resort to "labeling" words, such as "crazy, boomer, insane, Qtard etc"

Anyone that calls you a name that isn't definable is not working with us.

20286055? ago

It IS great knowing you are among friends. I still have a couple of friends here at VOAT too (bc of course I have a handle in other subverses). When I first arrived, there weren't many shills on VOAT, not that I noticed. Many more now. Shills have especially nasty on QR, far fewer on QRB--it is new and also the anons there tend to be kind of...hmmm...serious minded, so they can be hard to trigger. Will be interesting to see if we can keep that going over time, never easy.

20280811? ago

I hope you are right and not larping.

once this comes to light

Are we talking weeks, months, years or decades?

20290500? ago

All in the fullness of time.

20293167? ago

Thanks for the clarification.

20296403? ago

You're welcome. I live for vague datefagging! ;)

20281191? ago

When the time is right, the blink of an eye.

20281480? ago


20280613? ago

At this point my mind is open to anything and everything. It may still be blown, but I think I will be able to accept it. I'm hoping God is on our side because we are up against pure evil.

20290498? ago

Oh God is on your side all right Anon. Rest easy.

20280724? ago

God's son is typing to you right now. Is that real enough?

Q did say it was going to get biblical. Thanks for being here!

20280784? ago

I know its happening and its biblical, that's why I'm so calm, not in any panic at all. God has it all under control.

20281203? ago

I love you. Thanks for that.

20280363? ago

(((Central Iniquitous Agency))))

Synonym for evil.

20280160? ago

[They] made several Hollywood movies that were literally telling people what they were doing but people are too fucking stupid to connect whats right in front of them as "entertainment".

The list of Hollywood movies showing CIA operations in drugs and weapons is long and obvious.

20282730? ago

Satanists have always operated under the "in plain sight" direction.

You can directly and specifically tell people that they're being controlled but to the hypnotized zombies it

makes zero difference.

To understand WHY people stopped thinking is far more complex than people shoved into a system of indoctrination would ever be able to figure out. This is why destroying "education" as we know it is key.

Teaching your kids is the fundamental staple of parenting.

They've long since replaced parenting with forced labor camps (working for a system that doesn't benefit anyone

except those who own the game) while simultaneously taking their kids and shoving their heads full of propaganda so that they can be used against biology when necessary.

Education is why western civilization went from speaking Latin in 6th grade to buildings full of niggers who can't comprehend the English language in "college" (and post college) ....this gets bull-horned/gas lit/ promoted...whatever you want to call it, in "entertainment" areas (specifically the tribalilistic forms of "music")

20281497? ago

Can you list some of the movies?

20286642? ago

I could but its far easier to just tell you to Google "Best CIA movies". A whole shopping list will come up. Ones like Patriot Games, Syriana, Enemy of the State, etc are direct correlations. Its pretty much "heres what we did, make a movie about it".

20282673? ago

American Made featuring TOM CRUISE (released 2017 btw)

Barry Seal, a TWA pilot, is recruited by the CIA to provide reconnaissance on the burgeoning communist threat in Central America and soon finds himself in charge of one of the biggest covert CIA operations in the history of the United States. The operation spawns the birth of the Medellin cartel and almost brings down the Reagan White House.

20281662? ago

Sicario, the first one not the second one

20280285? ago

Yes. The code is "tell them what is going on, tell the truth through fiction" Meaning they are telling us what they are doing, yet we've done shit to stop them.

That ends now.

20303841? ago

The creatures are complying with contract law; informed consent. They hide the information (terms of contract) in the fine print of fiction, and our lack of objection is implied consent. This means they do have at least one rule, although they do their best to minimize it.

20305679? ago

You nailed it.

20290817? ago

It very obviously doesnt. Wete gonna talk about it for another 6 months to two years first

20280152? ago

The CIA was formed in 1947. Many of the world's dealings, especially regarding zionism and what would be Israel, which is the hub of most things, happened more than fifty years before this. The forming of the Federal Reserve Bank, WWI, WWII and all that went with all of this, was long before the CIA. The CIA, now, is like a mob, sure, but it is in no way the root of anything; it was planted, as a tool to be used, and used it most definitely has been. But don't ever miss the root, the seed, the sower of that seed; to look elsewhere is to look in error.

20279949? ago

THE cia maybe but not "OUR"

however mossad and the city of london, china, iran

none "OURS".

20280076? ago

Babylon mystery faith, the first international bank and Dutch-Anglo Oil?

20279896? ago

America is BABYLON

If you can .. get out of America. JUDGEMENT COMETH

20301958? ago

I don't think America is Mystery Babylon. I think Mystery Babylon is a combination

of Freemasonry and the Babylonian Talmud. Fake Jews and Freemasons, drunk on the blood of the Saints (not to mention the Prophets), on many waters--both Freemasonry and the Diaspora spread to many nations. I know some think that it's America. Others think it's Rome. Personally, I think it's centered in Hollywood.

20282482? ago

Yeah , like President Reagan said , There's NoWhere Else To Go , there is only ONE America 😟 .

20280256? ago

and go where ?

20279768? ago

"At least our military is trustable" there is not one branch of govt in any govt in the world that is trustable. Thats why our founding fathers attempted to teach us not to trust authority blindly.

20279726? ago

Gary Webb... Gary Webb... Gary Webb...oh that's right...he shot himself twice in the head.

Add to drugs and weapons...children.

20279648? ago

The CIA takes it's orders from jews.

20279646? ago

The CIA/MOSSAD work directly for the families that own the Municipal Corporations called The United States, The Crown, all the "State of States" and so on. Those municipal corporations exist solely to commit fraud against the people living in this country and steal as much money as possible.


Pretty clear who is the debtor and who is the creditor.

20279642? ago

This is one problem that no politician or gov. employee will touch. Out of all the accusations and complaining and finger pointing, Count how many times you've heard the C_A mentioned. Not even from Pres. Trump. Q talks them up good though.

20279534? ago

Remember anons: CIA formed in September of 1947

Israel was formed in May 1948

Mossad was formed December 1948

Do not let the jewish OP of this thread confuse you. Q calls it CIA / MOS for a specific reason.

They are one in the same. Jewish terrorism is behind all of this.

20283987? ago

On July 8, 1947 the crash wreckage of a Unidentified Flying Object is reported in the local papers of Roswell New Mexico

On July 26, 1947 Truman signs the National Security Act forming the CIA.

20284254? ago


20339436? ago

Have a more plausible explanation or are you just chalking it up to being a coincidence?

20280917? ago

go a step further and take a look at all the people that call themselves your "authority."

20281473? ago

They wear a star, dont they?

20279485? ago

Remember all the leadership there is catholic and requires ovening on the maximum setting.

20279419? ago

"At least our military is trustable"

You obviously do not investigate anything through cross-reference or corresponding information.

Overly broad, and over-generalized comments, do not make for last solutions.

Do more research.

20286347? ago

Look into Mark Hertling, former Cdr Us Army Europe under 'W'/Obama. He is now A Trump Hating Libcuck. And has a book to "sell." Somehow this theme repeats.

20286214? ago

Military leadership (STARS) are a family business. And, Not your family, or mine. All of them are related - nepotism..

20331208? ago

I do not disagree with you here.

20279407? ago

Pay your taxes...

20279361? ago

Is there a good video that touches on all the shady shit the CIA is implicated in since their creation?

20279321? ago

In Afghanistan for 18 years, did we do anything to stop or even slow poppy production? Just the opposite, we assisted with expanding their production. What crisis is plaguing every major city on the planet??? DUH!!!

20288654? ago

Same thing in the 70s and 80s with CRACK. Hundreds of millions of addicts spending, borrowing, pawning, and stealing cash. $Billions or $Trillions going to [them].

20280428? ago

Were those U.S. troops or paid contractors for the CIA? Just curious.

20280904? ago

There's a difference?

20293194? ago

What is that word Comey likes to use, oh yeah, "intent". These guys are compartmentalized and are only doing their job, or the job that they believe is doing good for the country. They are being misled by their hand picked Generals who are corrupt. The blame lies at the top, that's why Obama purged the military of all Generals not loyal to him.

20280064? ago

Some say it's also a pedo operation, KGB and CIA did nasty shit in the Cold War, the dark worst evils of Communism and other abuse, black mail and dancing Arab kids, the Kike smut merchant Mossad weirdos, Vatican and Brit Royalty were probably doing this demonic Babylon shit for years. Once Luciferian Satanists infiltrated American Freemasons the CIA was done, France is not innocent either, they are connected to the global corruption.

20279401? ago

Our troops have no business there.

20280802? ago

Actually, they do. it would be a great place to launch a military strike against israel

20280313? ago

Our troops are protecting the poppy fields. When a serviceman dies, his body is shipped back to the states stuffed with heroin. This is what our military is being used for. It was all set up by "poppy" Bush.

20287711? ago

You've watched too many movies.......

20280438? ago

Don't blame the soldiers, they are just pawns in the game, being used like everyone else.

20280348? ago

The world is about to get a much needed enema.

20279714? ago

We have no business having troops period. They are literally hired guns, except we pay for them, and they are our own children. What kind of moron would live to serve another, and to follow orders? Might as well be a robot.

20280336? ago

Please never disrespect our Military. My Father served with honor.

Please keep your personal insults regarding our military to yourself or provide a solution.

20280876? ago

In contrast, you disrespect human life by respecting the military. You have it very backwards.

20279785? ago

This gets discussed at my local legion hall semi-frequently. Anyone who joins because of the pay, benefits, career opportunities, etc... they are essentially mercenaries.

20279784? ago

Well when another country decides they do want to have troops then it helps when we have them. But we shouldnt be sending them off all over to do the bidding of kikes.

20279283? ago

IMO - 2nd largest .. Mossad is still #1

20279735? ago

You really think they are separate groups? lol Just call them all what they really are. Insecure faggots that need to have some "authority" over others to feel better about their pathetic selves. It's the type of person that becomes a cop too.

20279963? ago

Then you don't call them "OURS" they then are (((THEIRS)))

20279331? ago

Mossad? Hardly. Those dudes are smart. They would never involve themselves in such depravity. That's why the CIA does it for them.

Again, the CIA is our biggest enemy. Mossad, not so much. (hi guys, sorry if I offended you)

20279547? ago

Kike alert. Kike alert.

20279414? ago

Jew detected. Diaper-wearing terrorist child molester Mossad aren't smart.

20279235? ago

Please Search for : ' The End of All Evil .pdf '

20286905? ago

Commenting for bookmark. Starting reading and wanted to be able to circle back and get some thoughts. Very, very interesting.

20279221? ago

The USPS is the largest drug transporter in the world as well.

20279340? ago

That probably is a fair statement.

20279160? ago

Our CIA? -#NotMyCIA

20279351? ago

They were never about protecting America.