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20278820? ago

Didn't the CIA have installations in Iran? Do they have gold? I agree that we must discover what is in Iran. (And Thule and Antartica.)

20279375? ago

A scandal at the White House, young boys ... They pray to a secret club? Shah was the Enigma, maybe he was a Western puppet, maybe corrupt but Iran wasn't a jihad hell hole. A lot of Games during the Coldwar, Vietnam, Asscrackistan etc the Shah falling is what gets Ronnie Raygun to power, ask about Standard Oil the Dutch-Anglo Freemasons, taking the USA off the gold standard to pay for the mess of Nam, and the Jihadi Saudi influence inside the Shriners, the black satanic blood of Arabian terror oil backing the Dollar, no more gold in the Fort? After the hostages money is paid back, drugs and gun running .... Ask what do the elite really pray to? He used to be trans - - it's Masonic child abuse created by an elite satanic religion who worship Baphomet from Babylon. An evil combo of Media and Medical Industry makes their depression / anxiety.