20277820? ago


at least he isn't Jewish...

20277787? ago

If they're not under age there's no story here

20286225? ago

Rape is rape doesn't matter about age. To rape a child is worse, because of their innocence. This is both rape and sexual harassment because it is a professor. Consent is required

20288744? ago

A rape affects a victim and her alone why is it news? Shedding light on rape in society hasn't lessened rape it's prob increased it. Who knows? Of course race is rape but is it newsworthy?

20281437? ago

The article does say one high school student came forward, but doesn't list their age.

20281897? ago

Most of these people are protected what did Isaac Asimov son get for his misdeeds? That's why there will be no justice until the system is turned upside down and all the elite maggots are forced to fall in the ground and be crushed. Or will it be the other way?

20278674? ago

You have just explained to me why Epstein is so central: it's because they are under age. We are quite confused and nutted up about everything sexual and everything sexual violence but we have clarity about under age.

20279558? ago

What adults do I could care less unless it involves children. I wouldn't want people to know what I do with my Mistresses if I had them! Would you?

20287016? ago

I could couldn't care less

20280011? ago

It is tempting to try your Mistresses as mine won’t return my calls.

I agree except that it sounds like he was willing to rape unconscious non-consenting people. Not cool.

We do have a responsibility to include SOME nod to power over among adults. Prisoners. People counting on trust or fiduciary relationships.

20280220? ago

I don't know can we solve all the world's problems. There's always been sexual deviancy bulshit like this. People getting raped. I mean think of all the women that were raped by Alexander the Great's forces it's a way of spreading genetic information in a violent natural Order of Things. This problem can be solved very quickly. In peacetime kill anyone who rapes anyone just kill him. I mean simple. Let the community do it you don't need judges and lawyers. Judges and lawyers don't prevent innocent people from getting killed imprisoned Etc. Say what you want about the Africans when I lived there I watched mob violence kill people. Thieves were caught and killed brutally. There wasn't a big problem with theft. You rape someone okay so you have a choice have your dick cut off or die. The sanitization of life in the Civilized world is not cracked up to be what it is. This is the problem when you give people the right to vote especially woman. If women had their way we wouldn't be able to hunt Bambi. I think we should go back to landed men who make decisions. If you want to make decisions buy land. That means you have skin in the game. I mean let's not fool ourselves we live in a serfdom okay let's act like we're in the serfdom. Public hangings and public executions were there for a reason an object lesson. When you see someone's tongue hang out the eyes bulge and they shit their pants I imagine that must make a a big impression on the youth. It's the same thing showing people car crashes to keep them from drinking and driving.

20277673? ago

At least it wasn't a little kid.

20279525? ago

Who knows, he might be involved with little kids.

20277592? ago

Girls just pissed that an old guy hit on them.

20277615? ago

They weren't girls they were boys

20277646? ago

Daily Beast would cheer him on.

20277360? ago

College professors are some of the worst people on the planet.

20278343? ago

Teachers, DNA guys, College scientsits even guys at NASA? here are 92 Pages of Phones in Journal or Diary of Epstein? Business people, Scientists, Governors, Hollywood, Artist / Musicians, French traffickers, 'Witness', Moslem Jew elite, British Royalty https://voat.co/v/QRV/3379650/20143066 lot of names in there not all PEDO elites but they are there for sure...

20277564? ago

(((They))) sure are!