20283576? ago

They are apex parasites without doubt.

20282140? ago

Even McCain regarded her as a "cunt".

20280985? ago

Let the dried up old cunt babble. She's totally fucked in the head!

20282169? ago

In the words of McCain: "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt".

20280937? ago

The Immigration problem is the Congresses fault not Trump. He is just trying to fix it the best way he can. I don't think he should lock folks up indefinitely though. Just send them back Fuck the Courts. What are they going to do about it? N O T H I N G.

20280406? ago

Notice how there's zero expression in the eyes whatsoever as it speaks.

20279957? ago

Q Drop 2080....are you fucking kidding me Cindy? If we know about this, she certainly does.

I love it. Here we go again! I don't understand how Cindy & Megan continue to spout how great no name was. Last ditch effort? Lame. Because, now, even more people are going to find out the real truth about him.

I wondered how POTUS was able to knock down Isis so quickly. After seeing the drop, then I understood & got really pissed when I think of all the innocent blood shed because of that prick using our tax dollars to fund terrorist groups. Evil to its core.

20279804? ago

“You know this country is made up of immigrants,” she said.

Yeah, legal immigrants. Not illegal, anit-American invaders!

Those who try to blend the two together are Globalist Commies.

20279716? ago

I feel sorry for all of her gardeners because they have to fuck her

20279226? ago

She has to know her family history is that of traitors

20278790? ago

That thing needs to crawl back under its cauldron.

20278608? ago

Psychopath is a mental disorder, don't give them any excuse. They are evil evil people, that's it, no excuses.

20282680? ago

The label is useful for indicating the level of evil.

20293136? ago

While what you say is true, all I hear is a lawyer stating, "she has a psychological condition that prevents her from knowing right from wrong" while pleading an insanity defense.

20278258? ago

She just needs a good fucking.

20278227? ago

“These shootings are our response to this incivility, and our response to things that are occurring around them,” McCain said,



20282691? ago

She "owned" the violence. Another self-indictment.

20278062? ago

Cindy McCain will be delivered a disappointing dise of undeniable reality in the near future. NoName’s fingerprints are all over many bad actions soon to be revealed. I also wouldn’t mind the declassifying if the propaganda tapes he made for the North Vietnamese.

The tapes he worked so hard to get classified after he became a senator.

20278059? ago

ISIS agrees with Cindy.

20278278? ago

Once backed by a Rottenchild money. Vietnam radio McCain goes to met Rebels who would become ISIS fighters. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3289250 The Mystery Babylonian Religion? 'Once woke there is no going back.'

20277891? ago

"McCain added that her husband “never did anything deliberately to be hurtful or anything. … "

careful cindy-sue, your red-scarf might be arriving sooner than you think ;-)

20277772? ago

beware the White haired

20277928? ago

Kill boomers

20278119? ago

shut up Jew POS

20277617? ago

Maybe we can get her to run for president?

20277568? ago

Dig into Eastern Congo Initiative, the ngo she started with Ben Affleck and CFR member Whitney Williams.

20277482? ago

Says the daughter of the mobster: http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/mccain_s_mob_connections_146.htmlC

There is a reason No Name was put down so soon.

Job 18:17 - His remembrance shall perish from the earth, and he shall have no name in the street.

For context. Job 18: 5-21

5Indeed, the lamp of the wicked is extinguished;

the flame of his fire does not glow.

6The light in his tent grows dark,

and the lamp beside him goes out.

7His vigorous stride is shortened,

and his own schemes trip him up.

8For his own feet lead him into a net,

and he wanders into its mesh.

9A trap seizes his heel;

a snare grips him.

10A noose is hidden in the ground,

and a trap lies in his path.

11Terrors frighten him on every side

and harass his every step.

12His strength is depleted,

and calamity is ready at his side.

13It devours patches of his skin;

the firstborn of death devours his limbs.

14He is torn from the shelter of his tent

and is marched off to the king of terrors.

15Fire resides in his tent;

brimstone is scattered over his home.

16The roots beneath him dry up,

and the branches above him wither away.

17The memory of him perishes from the earth,

and he has no name in the land.

18He is driven from light into darkness

and is chased from the inhabited world.

19He has no offspring or posterity among his people,

no survivor where he once lived.

20Those in the west are appalled at his fate,

while those in the east tremble in horror.

21Surely such is the dwelling of the wicked

and the place of one who does not know God.”

20277444? ago

If patriots are in control as Q says why is she and many other black hats still allowed to speak out like this???

20277945? ago

Because this is the end of the cycle. They must get the global population to awaken. They've done their fighting for millennia, repeating cycles after cycles: victory, infiltration, decay, defeat, reign of evil, rebellion, victory, infiltration, etc. The white hats can fight and lose with the cowboy attitude, but this is the end game now. What future the Bible and other sacred texts around the world were promising is at stake. You can get the most glorious future possible, or some second-rate future, or the dystopian type that the cabal wants. How many awaken will determine that. This generation of white hats are obviously aiming for the best future ever, not for some second-rate of hellish future.

20277770? ago


20277837? ago

Next week

20278099? ago

After jeopardy...

20277701? ago

If you noticed they "specifically" stated and made it a point, that she did not mention DJT by name.

20280096? ago

The name is never spoken out loud when that person is the target of a magic killing spell.

20277611? ago


20277267? ago

We don't say their name.

20277244? ago

Cindy McNo-Name is about as relevant today as saddle soap and bustles. (If ya' don't know what that last thing is, I rest my case.) I doubt that any sane person cares what she says.

20277227? ago

Watch the wives. Their all satanic witch handlers.

20277309? ago


Id pee in their butts.

20277561? ago

Cindy had so many plastic surgeries even both assholes

20277936? ago


Thats dedication.

20277185? ago

The cuomo family is worse

20277209? ago

Lots of people are worse. It still doesn't hide the fact that the video of her talking about McShitbag is a perfect case study in psychopathology.