20290096? ago

Another "muhjew" shill post. Q stated Israel will be last so let's leave the jews alone - at least until Q gives the signal. Don't jump the gun.

20275562? ago

Duh juice duh juice duh juice........fukken broken records....

20278662? ago

people came money from the industry of media commie politics, human trafficking, pornography etc ?

20271816? ago

What a depressing read.

20279090? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3393839/20275269 This was a royal symbol that was mentioned here before. It was part of a crest.

20268769? ago

Thank you for your wisdom Imam.

20278670? ago

Why do kike and kebab work together, they support open borders for the USA, support the mutilation of children's genitals?

20272834? ago

caps lock kike with new material.

ALL your posts reek of lox and bagels caps lock kike.

BTW let me remind all readers what Q has to say about the Jew.


This should be more than enough to open the eyes of even the most selfish, retarded boomers who have had their minds calcified by Jew lies and perfidy.

I look forward to posting it after each and every one of your lox and bagels smelling posts caps lock kike.

20268856? ago

you're a shoot the messenger kind of person arent you?