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20266603? ago

Freemasonry at the end of day, has only one real "secret".... how to control your fellow "profane" man. "If they are not one of us, they are nothing" is their real motto. In God We Trust, for the perfected Freemason, literally means "In Man We Trust." They are humanists in the most strict sense. Use the intellect Lucifer gave them to become (G)ods in their own right, thus removing the need of the Creator God.

They admit to lying to lower degree initiates, as to "weed out" those that can & cannot tell the difference between the esoteric & exoteric teachings. Master Masons know nothing & are nothing in the big scheme of Freemasonry.

But try telling one of them this & they'll regurgitate some bullshit they've been fed to defend their utterly stupid decisions & the fact that they cannot argue facts about the cult they are in.

The Lodge killed JFK (revenge attack on Catholic church; Friday the 13th 1307) & they were behind 9/11 with help from Mossad. Is-Ra-El is controlled by Freemasonry/Zionism/Rothschilds. Look into Freemasonry in Is-Ra-El.

Don't get Rothschild-created Is-Ra-El mixed up with Jewish people. The ADL & Bnai Brith are not Jewish institutions, they are Mossad/Zionist/Rothschild created.

Lastly, look into the connection between Freemasonry led Confederate leaders (Albert Pike/KKK) & Zionist programs.

20278947? ago

Seems they also got the brother and got a cult Arab weirdo to shot the US Candidate Bobby? Who controls what is said?? 40 straight weeks of anti-Macron #YellowVests protests in #France, but we would never know it by watching the corporate propaganda outlets