Nope - IMHO the entertainment rags are now all focused on Prince William cheating on Kate Middleton with Kate's BFF. TOPIC CHANGE! It probably didn't happen, but they know the commoners forgave Charles and Camilla, so they'll forgive William. And all the Brit papers I read seem to imply that all Andrew did was "grope" someone. Or, as Omar would say, "Some people did some things to some other people..."
I think since A Clockwork Orange came out, Britain has been on a downward slide into depravity. But y'all are trained in all that "Peculiarly British Problems" to never show upset, or emotion, so you wind up with a Muslim mayor, millions of refugees, and lots of "sorry. so sorry. sorry." while your Bobbies only have squirt guns.
One problem is that Britain has a law that it’s treason to even discuss getting rid of the monarchy, which costs the taxpayers a ton of money. Best thing George Washington did was refuse to be crowned a king but become a president instead.
What if they connect Charles to saville and the queen to Diana’s murder as Q has told us definitively she was offed by someone. What if they just take the crown off the head of the European hun elite ururpers and put it back on the head of someone from the UK?
The royal family is more of a financial empire than anything else. If they are removed, who takes over their real estate, to include lands and resources. Most assuredly not the public. Some other entity will step in and take control.
Brits are a special dumb. Think they are superior to everyone around them including their own citizens. Buttery nasty fucking teeth. Mhhaaakkkeee uhhpp their own ahkcents. The fuck do British people even have an accent for? Evidence of their obsession with anything alcohol related that tastes like firm piss.
Ah that good ole brit humor. Where its not humor at all, just the typical brit whining about someone or thing because ya'll are permanently miserable from your lack of culture, and overly yellow teeth.
Overly yellow teeth. Lol. What you really mean is Americans are so vain they have to stain their teeth with fake whitening because they think it looks good. But actually looks fake as fuck, not natural. What a bunch of dickwads..
Bruh. I've never once dyed my teeth. They are still white. We do this thing called brushing your teeth. It'a sort've like how you clean a common chavs lack of ass by their hole. You get a brush, put some cleaning media on that bad boy, and its just like when you scrubbed corn kernels out of your sisters ass.
This shows your ignorance then. Brushing your teeth doesn't make them whiter. Teeth are not naturally white but a more yellow colour. Brushing merely removes food, plaque etc. Only whitens if you add an abrasive whitening toothpaste. Not advisable.
Your stupid comment notwithstanding, Brits have just as good dental health as Americans.
Anyway, wasn't saying all Americans whiten their teeth. But a large number do, especially in the larger Liberal cities and such.
I think it would be funny if the royal family got exiled to Africa. Thinking that, apparently, would be a good CHOICE! The nigger loving and pedo crap. They should fit right in. NOT.
I swear you Qtards were all born yesterday. The British people have known about this for MANY YEARS. The royals have no fear of the police force because they own them.
Trump has tripled the number of arrests of pedophiles in just his first year in office. That's three times the amount of pedos in one year than Obama arrested in eight years. Under his administration Epstein was arrested a second time and held in jail until he "suicided". Major politicians have been arrested across the USA for all sorts of crimes against children. Now go back and hide under your fucking rock.
Oh I see...what you are saying is, now that Trump is in office, you have finally started to fight back. But what about 3 years ago and before that? How was USA any different from UK then? You let Bush, Clinton, Obama, the FED and all the countless sick fucks in America traffic, torture and rape hundreds of thousands of children each year ...and you let 911 happen ...and let America invade countless countries etc etc! And yet you did NOTHING about it.
But, of course, now Q and Trump are here you can claim superiority over Brits.
What the fuck did YOU personally do over past decades fuckwad? Nothing I'm sure! So keep your stupid, ignorant bullshit to yourself...
Wow, you really are stupid, right? People have been speaking out for the past 20 years. It was only when Trump became president and started turning the justice system loose on these creeps that arrests began picking up. I suppose you think I was supposed to go riot and get arrested and beat up? Trump helped organize and empower us. NSA is unleashed to "leak" information to the press and the LE. Corrupt judges are being removed. Why do you think we pushed so hard to elect Trump? It wasn't just about the wall but it was about restoring law and order. It's an ongoing movement.
Many Brits have been speaking up for 20+ years too. Though it's harder here as our powers were eroded quicker. But we did the same as you.
And we too couldn't go riot, get arrested etc. I wouldn't expect you too either. I was just pointing out the stupidity of your criticism of Brits if you weren't willing to do it yourself.
We didn't/don't have a Trump. But we did push hard to get ourselves removed from the corrupt Cabal led EU (hence Brexit) though our "leaders" are betraying us by not following through with the will of the people- but we are fighting it.
It's a start...
All I was pointing out was the stupidity of your unfounded "emasculated cucks " and "emotionally weak" statements.
Try being a bit more rational with your statements, or don't make any. You make yourself look stupid otherwise!
You're obviously not ignorant, but you are being selective in your examples. You surely know that there are still people in the US that are above the law, doing the same kinds of things and not being arrested because of who they are - just like the royals.
Trump has been in office less that three years now. First, he has had to fight an uphill battle with corrupt activist judges and he is replacing them at a record pace. He's had to one by one rid the FBI and the DOJ of corruption. That's happening. Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, DWS, Adam Shitt and all their pervy friends are terrified as their cover is being pulled back and the layers of protection they once enjoyed is being stripped away. So, it's happening here. Epstein was a major keystone which is why he was silenced but G. Maxwell is now on the run and hiding out. That pic from LA was a proven photoshop and most likely taken much earlier. McCain was removed at the time specified, "Every Dog Has His Day'. We don't have royalty here but I suppose you could say the Hillary and deep state cabal counted as such here in USA. However, given their penchant to squeal like pigs at every move Trump takes to remove their protections, I believe it's only a matter of time before they too are pulled screaming into the wheels of justice to be ground out of existence. Between today and the 22 we are prepared for more declas. The declas is coming page by page and each new page will bring more public awareness. Look at how hard Google, Facebook, and Twitter are working to discredit and silence alternative news sources. Nothing happening? Plenty is happening and will continue to happen at a faster and faster pace. Of course we all look forward to the day Hillary swings from a rope and it's entirely possible. Of course, it's just as possible that she will escape justice the same way her victims did. Someday, perhaps people in UK will one day awake and also deal with the "Royal" family, Remove their cloak of impunity and see how long they last. Rule of law is returning to USA.
Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, DWS, Adam Shitt and all their pervy friends are terrified as their cover is being pulled back and the layers of protection they once enjoyed is being stripped away.
I don't believe these people are terrified. Only the future will tell, but I don't believe the Clintons and their pervy friends, the ones who aren't suicided first, will ever see any comeuppance.
This isn't an interesting idea, this is just par for the course of the level of absurdist fantasy you guys regularly engage with. I seriously think most of you are suffering from delusions of some sort.
Do you see how your police act? Watch girl cop in the back while the other cop bleeds out. I'm sorry to say it, but you brits are finished. Your only hope is moving to a white nationalist country.
I watched that vid yesterday with disgust and sadness. That female pretend cop just backs off and lets her partner bleed out while a bystander tries to help. In USA that perp would have been punched full of holes.
Oh I see...what you are saying is, now that Trump is in office, you have finally started to fight back. But what about 3 years ago and before that? How was USA any different from UK then? You let Bush, Clinton, Obama, the FED and all the countless sick fucks in America traffic, torture and rape hundreds of thousands of children each year ...and you let 911 happen ...and let America invade countless countries etc etc! And yet you did NOTHING about it.
But, of course, now Q and Trump are here you can claim superiority over Brits.
What the fuck did YOU personally do over past decades fuckwad? Nothing I'm sure! So keep your stupid, ignorant bullshit to yourself...
The monarchy doesn't actually do anything or have any ruling power, maybe that's the problem. A lot of good democracy has brought western nations considering the state they are in.
Whose name is the government formed in? Whose name does your military act under? Who opens parliament every year and has the power to dissolve it? Who is being very naive?
They say they do not have power, yet they get to charade as kings and queens? Yeah right. They do have power. They just act like they don't to trick stupids like you.
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I admire your enthusiasm but people here have a bad habit of moaning about shit while getting on with it, I mean it's fucking retarded and probably half the reason the UK is as fucked up as it is.
As brexit has shown, the Brits do not support the idea of a foreign group claiming dominion over their native population. Hey Canada, anyone think this is a good time to point out the hippocracy of Brittan rejecting eu rule while simultaneously requiring a vast chunk of North America to remain loyal to a foreign monarchy? Perhaps it is time to say enough.
Unless your Soccer Hooligans start the uprising, you're dreaming. Any bloodline with the balls to do that already did that, and their descendants are in America now. Just like every other great white civilization, our leadership was infiltrated. The stereotypical 'Murica is no longer - faggots and soy boys everywhere, Jews own it. We do have a long shot though with so much of the population owning guns, and with much of the Military being on the side of the revolution should it happen.
That said, it'd be great if your soccer hooligans started an uprising and took over the British Empire. Fuck, after they clear up some space by deporting all your future doctor, lawyer, and astronaut Somalis, I'd emigrate my ass right on back to the UK!
Californian hear. Do you really think we voted for Gavin Noisome? Did we really vote for higher gas taxes? Did we really vote to ban grocery stores from giving us free grocery bags with our food, or vote to ban waitresses from giving us a straw with our drink?
Connecticut just did the same fucking thing with grocery bags. I dunno who the mother fuck voted for this, but it sure as hell wasn't me or a single person I know, or anyone they know.
Not to mention how god damned pathetic it is when your government is literally legislating grocery store checkout lines and can't even keep the fucking streets in good repair.
Like, this is what you think your job is!? And you people think we NEED you!?
The useless longshoremen voted for that liberal fucktard. I knew a bunch of them. That union has been commie infested since the riots of San Francisco.
We need to organize county by county to create a new Californian Government with a new California constitution and then break off the patriot counties into a new state. No welfare for non citizens and able bodied people, low taxes, one standard rate for vehicle registration that lasts the life of the vehicle and doesn't need to be renews, same taxes on all goods or no tax at all beyond a small tax on fuel to pay for road repairs and construction, any taxes to create infrastructure needs to be killed as soon as the project is complete, affiliation with any commie party or socialist movement needs to be outlawed and those participating with commie organizations barred from public service. No unions for public employees, no pensions for public servants, all pensions to be funded by the pensioner and owned by the pensioner, contract law supported by a fee for a contract and the fees go to the treasury. Etc, etc. . All able bodied men required to train with weapons and serve in California National guard. Illegal aliens barred from renting, driver's license and public transportation. Round em up and ship them out. Make life suck so bad for them they voluntarily self deport. Confiscate any property they own, send them out with the shirt they came here in. Jewelry, cash, bank accounts, all seized. Bar all resident aliens from owning weapons or participating in protests. Illegal to wear a mask of any type while protesting. It would be a New California. San Francisco, Los Angeles and Sacramento can fuck off.
Thanks for the encouragement. I don't even need to hit context to know which comment you are responding to. I can't work and plan in a vacuum so the encouragement really helps me.
I'm a structural welder and one thing I do while welding or actually doing any work at all that is repetitive and skill based is go into a zen mode and start thinking about all the news I have taken in during my free time. This thought about breaking California has been bubbling around in my mind for several years now and how it can be possible.
Here are my thoughts:
First, we need to contact the mayors and sheriffs of counties that voted red in most of our elections and especially those counties that flipped (voter fraud). We need to contact lawyers and LE who are patriots who feel defeated by the voter fraud and criminal elements in our state. We are on the ropes here in California, hammered by the media and the major population centers. Not just those who are better educated but also the regular folks out in more rural areas who are being harassed by the deep state here in California.
We need to connect into county chapters to form our own government structure, have conferences where county leaders can get together and hammer out a spartan style constitution to return us to a no frills, constitutional government that doesn't tolerate new age, socialist ideology. Turn the clock back 50 years? You're damn right. Back to law and order. One legal system for all that gives justice for all. We will use the internet to communicate and network and set up these chapters.
Now, the deep state has polluted this idea with a counter idea to break the state into three parts. What I saw right off was that if this actually happened, it would create another state that is blue controlled and one that is red controlled. A deal killer for patriots and it would leave half of our patriot brothers in blue controlled zones that would be no better off.
The reason we will need law fags is because we will need representatives to do the paperwork and legal heavy lifting to deal with the laws that make this all possible.
Nothing is impossible, fellow patriot. Even with the extremely dummied down laborers on the coastline, you can still get public support. You mentioned a key component in communication through the internet. It’s an uphill battle with the DS over California. What they see in that state that’s worth all the trouble they put her through is beyond me.
As a native Californian I can tell you exactly what they want. First off, the resources of the state to control and tax. Next, the population. They already tax our income so they have that. The vehicle registration fees are based on the value of the vehicle and must be renewed yearly. That's HUGE! Then, the smog checks. They worked it out so you have to pay a smog station to certify you every other year. These are privately owned. Now, here's where the state comes in. Soon after the smog laws passed, they introduced a system where the state set up a few smog stations of their own across the state and then they randomly select a percentage of people going in for a smog check and mandate that those selected at random must go to a state controlled smog check where the state gets most of the profit. Then the fuel tax which is the highest in the nation. To build a road here costs four times the price of building a road in Arizona or Nevada where you think the cost would be higher because those states are less developed and populated. Also, it takes longer to build a road here because of all the mandated (expensive) studies that must be done first. More money, more money. So, with all this money pouring in from vehicles, why can't our roads be better maintained? Then we have our lottery system. Property taxes, and every other form of taxes, laws and regulations all designed to drain off capital into the state government. And on and on it goes. Meanwhile the middle class in this state either leaves or stays and gets poorer and poorer while their property may go up in value but what good does that do you when any property you purchase here will just be higher than what you paid for yours to begin with. Also the illicit drug trade: San Francisco may be a shit hole but it's also a place where needles are all over the place. Drug dealers operate in the open without fear of arrest while people shoot up in the street. Why would a district allow such an open drug trade? Who profits? Who tells the cops to leave drug dealers alone? Who tells the police chief to lay off the drug dealers?
And all the oil still being pumped out of that state. Jack wells are still running, and stationed everywhere. I also wonder why the microwave fires stopped all of a sudden. They sure cleared the way for that rail system that didn’t happen. And who was going to benefit from that? Fiestiens husband, who ever his name is.
I think the fires really woke people up that we are under attack. Paradise Ca, I feel really bad for those folks. It seems like their cars just quit when they tried to drive away. I watched all the videos people took and it seemed obvious to me that those weren't normal fires but DEW related. So, who was running the weapons? US Air Force? Space borne weapons on satellites?
We had a fairly wet winter this past season and now we are in our traditional fire period but no fires, at least not major ones that hit the national news.
Growing up in Southern California I know we have always had seasonal fires but never like last year. And never has a fire been so fast it catches hundreds of people and kills them in a death trap they can't escape. Almost always our fires have been started by either vandals, kids just bored, or accidental fires started by vehicles or other forms of carelessness.
I think the idea that PG&E creating the fires is mostly bullshit and a cover for a military attack. Bad actors in control of military weapons. I saw the blue beams in the videos which are known to be associated with the aiming of the DEW. When I saw an overhead photo of a green football field that was bisected by a huge black swath, that sealed it for me. Traffic sign posts untouched by fire except for the bolts running through them that had burned out the surrounding wood. Same effect on posts supporting roadside guardrails.
I remember watching the YouTube videos on the Santa Rosa fires. They were very revealing. Buildings were reduced to a small pile of ruble, while the grass surround them remained unscathed. Vehicles parked on the street looked like they sat there for 50 years, every bit of rubber and plastic gone. Even the mailboxes were gone with nothing left but a carbon print on an otherwise very well manicured lawn. An oak tree with the bark intact was burning from the inside, the embers visible. From a birds eye view, the landscape looked as though a giant scalpel made a perfect surgical slice through entire neighborhoods, and not a single bit of ash anywhere. Only one thing known to man can cause this sort of damage: microwaves. Very powerful microwaves. I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. The man narrating the video was beside himself, trying to describe what he was seeing.
This was, I believe, Agenda 21. Rothschilds brainchild. The attempt to keep everyone dwelling within the city limits, so they can run pipelines and/or do whatever they wanted without anyone interfering. Scary shit, knowing they feel that they can get away with anything.
Not to totally discount your observations but some of the stuff you've listed is more of a naturally occurring fire event.
A tree burning from the inside, that happens naturally if the tree is already partially hollow and I've seen it before in other videos long before last year's fires. It's a chimney effect. If there is a hollow that goes out the top and anything gets ignited in dried out rotten inner wood it will wick the flames up the inside due to rising gases. With a tall trunk it can be quite impressive. I'm also not impressed with green grass remaining after a fire burns down a house. What would impress me more is if say the house didn't burn and the green grass did. Like the football field at the school that was bisected by having half of it's green grass scorched black while half was untouched a straight line of separation. That was shocking. That surgical look of some swaths of destruction through neighborhoods and all the trees intact that's not normal. Natural fires tend to catch trees on fire. Now, live oak are stubborn if the temperature isn't high enough and the moisture in the leaves isn't low enough but if that's the case, then why did the fires spread so rapidly? And why only houses? And not jumping from house to house as would be expected, but leap frogging sometimes and then other times whole swaths of houses going up in flames so rapidly people were being trapped.
The most damning evidence of some sort of beam weapon to me, besides the football field was the guard rails and sign posts. Hardly any fire beyond a few bits of smoldering brush but then around every bolt holding the guard rails to the post there were flames shooting out and same for the sign post, but the posts themselves were barely effected. Put a small bit of metal in your microwave and watch the sparks fly. Same effect. That's some damning evidence of some sort of beam weapon. Then there were videos people took of the fires as they were happening and you can see the blue flashes of the aiming beam. And here's another tidbit I noticed. The person filming the guard rail and sign posts and the pattern of odd burning, was actually there to film the cars that had burned up, many with corpses in them. Really burned up corpses with just a few bones left. You are so right, those cars burned so hot it was unnatural. Yes, a burning car will burn right down to the rims but these cars had their alloy rims melted off. That makes no sense without a beam weapon. People driving through an area that has minimal burning and lines of cars trying to get out and the cars just stopped running. A beam weapon can shut down car electronics. All that wiring in homes could be set off by beam weapons. You wouldn't be having a slow burn through a neighborhood with the fire jumping from house to house as can happen naturally. You would have swaths of houses being lit up with a beam weapon which is exactly what happened.
Now, here's another thing most people missed but struck me as fairly significant. A woman said PG&E notified here of power surges on some power lines running through her property at the same time the fires started. This is where the power company gets the blame. They are saying the power surges were malfunctions that caused the ignitions. I thinking, it's the other way round. The beam weapons caused the surges in the power lines. Same thing if you put an electronic device in a microwave. So, you have miles and miles of copper wire strung on insulated towers that get hit with a beam, obviously that's going to cause a power surge. The system is equipped to absorb those surges which occur naturally from storms. But, I'm thinking a beam weapon interacting with those lines would overpower the system. The ignition in some rural areas may very well have been caused by malfunctions in the system due to power surges but no one ever talks about what caused the power surges on a day when there were no electrical storms. Duh!!! Power surges don't come from the generation plants beyond very low surges that happen all the time. A major surge would have to come from an electrical storm or ..... a beam weapon and the system is built to deal with surges due to storms. But we had no storms that day.
Assuming the fires were deliberately set off by the government in California I believe they serve several purposes. One, clear a path for Brown's boondoggle train bullshit. More people killed, their homes burned down and less expense buying them out. Paradise California was a community of conservative voters and they were hit damn hard. The state can demand emergency funding which is exactly what they did. Governor Brown looked really nervous when Trump stood beside him. I bet he was thinking, "please don't talk about beam weapons".
Then, they can blame this all on PG&E so the public has a scapegoat.
I also remember seeing a similar video where there were blue flashes in the sky. I’m not sure if the Santa Rosa fires videos were taken down or not, but if you run across,them, I suggest taking a look.
Yeah, it is really sad. We need to keep putting the word out. I dig when I have the time, but since I retired from the Merchant Marine, my life got even more cluttered. I spend more time with my daughter, working out at the gym, etc. but, it so refreshing to be here among the like minded. I will certainly look at anything going on in California, as I have developed quite an affinity with that state. As I mention before, my years in Ventura were some of the most memorable years of my life. God speed brother.
The lobster backs are so hopelessly cucked I wouldn’t hold my breath. If all the white nations they are the ones I have the least hope for(next to Sweden.)
My girl is from stockholm. We visited there and London on a stopover. Even she thought london was a shithole and we left pretty early to hang in the hotel outside of town by Heathrow. It's sad to see london in such a sad state, I was just there 11 years ago and it was alright then. Thanks "immigrants"...
20271606? ago
Nope - IMHO the entertainment rags are now all focused on Prince William cheating on Kate Middleton with Kate's BFF. TOPIC CHANGE! It probably didn't happen, but they know the commoners forgave Charles and Camilla, so they'll forgive William. And all the Brit papers I read seem to imply that all Andrew did was "grope" someone. Or, as Omar would say, "Some people did some things to some other people..."
I think since A Clockwork Orange came out, Britain has been on a downward slide into depravity. But y'all are trained in all that "Peculiarly British Problems" to never show upset, or emotion, so you wind up with a Muslim mayor, millions of refugees, and lots of "sorry. so sorry. sorry." while your Bobbies only have squirt guns.
20270992? ago
One problem is that Britain has a law that it’s treason to even discuss getting rid of the monarchy, which costs the taxpayers a ton of money. Best thing George Washington did was refuse to be crowned a king but become a president instead.
20270536? ago
Do you hear the people sing? ....
20269563? ago
I can't help but feel that once all of the truth comes out, they will end the monarchy there.
20269258? ago
What if they connect Charles to saville and the queen to Diana’s murder as Q has told us definitively she was offed by someone. What if they just take the crown off the head of the European hun elite ururpers and put it back on the head of someone from the UK?
20268556? ago
The royal family is more of a financial empire than anything else. If they are removed, who takes over their real estate, to include lands and resources. Most assuredly not the public. Some other entity will step in and take control.
20268449? ago
My fellow Brits, let us join the republicans and the money changers who double crossed us to replace us with their fat golem overseas.
20267615? ago
This Britanon would have the heads of royalty on spikes, outside their palace.
The Republic of Great Britain sounds nice.
Dismantle the Monarchy.
20267223? ago
Naw. Brits are all about tradition. Debauchery is a Royal tradition.
20267206? ago
Brits will never have the BALLS...
20267193? ago
True conservatives look forward to the restoration of a proper absolute monarchy
20266068? ago
Brits are a special dumb. Think they are superior to everyone around them including their own citizens. Buttery nasty fucking teeth. Mhhaaakkkeee uhhpp their own ahkcents. The fuck do British people even have an accent for? Evidence of their obsession with anything alcohol related that tastes like firm piss.
20269672? ago
Hey! That accent pays for itself in Hollywood.
20266014? ago
I'm from Yorkshire. We've been trying man. Thankfully a lot of the rebels left for the Americas.
20266104? ago
Ah that good ole brit humor. Where its not humor at all, just the typical brit whining about someone or thing because ya'll are permanently miserable from your lack of culture, and overly yellow teeth.
20276554? ago
Overly yellow teeth. Lol. What you really mean is Americans are so vain they have to stain their teeth with fake whitening because they think it looks good. But actually looks fake as fuck, not natural. What a bunch of dickwads..
20277240? ago
Bruh. I've never once dyed my teeth. They are still white. We do this thing called brushing your teeth. It'a sort've like how you clean a common chavs lack of ass by their hole. You get a brush, put some cleaning media on that bad boy, and its just like when you scrubbed corn kernels out of your sisters ass.
20393923? ago
This shows your ignorance then. Brushing your teeth doesn't make them whiter. Teeth are not naturally white but a more yellow colour. Brushing merely removes food, plaque etc. Only whitens if you add an abrasive whitening toothpaste. Not advisable.
Your stupid comment notwithstanding, Brits have just as good dental health as Americans.
Anyway, wasn't saying all Americans whiten their teeth. But a large number do, especially in the larger Liberal cities and such.
20265500? ago
I think it would be funny if the royal family got exiled to Africa. Thinking that, apparently, would be a good CHOICE! The nigger loving and pedo crap. They should fit right in. NOT.
20265441? ago
I swear you Qtards were all born yesterday. The British people have known about this for MANY YEARS. The royals have no fear of the police force because they own them.
20266587? ago
Then the Brits are a bunch of emasculated cucks and deserve what they get if they are too emotionally weak to stand up to the "royal" family.
20268407? ago
As if the Movers and Shakers of whatever country YOU are from aren't getting away with the same shit?
20268760? ago
Trump has tripled the number of arrests of pedophiles in just his first year in office. That's three times the amount of pedos in one year than Obama arrested in eight years. Under his administration Epstein was arrested a second time and held in jail until he "suicided". Major politicians have been arrested across the USA for all sorts of crimes against children. Now go back and hide under your fucking rock.
20276528? ago
Oh I see...what you are saying is, now that Trump is in office, you have finally started to fight back. But what about 3 years ago and before that? How was USA any different from UK then? You let Bush, Clinton, Obama, the FED and all the countless sick fucks in America traffic, torture and rape hundreds of thousands of children each year ...and you let 911 happen ...and let America invade countless countries etc etc! And yet you did NOTHING about it.
But, of course, now Q and Trump are here you can claim superiority over Brits.
What the fuck did YOU personally do over past decades fuckwad? Nothing I'm sure! So keep your stupid, ignorant bullshit to yourself...
20284856? ago
Wow, you really are stupid, right? People have been speaking out for the past 20 years. It was only when Trump became president and started turning the justice system loose on these creeps that arrests began picking up. I suppose you think I was supposed to go riot and get arrested and beat up? Trump helped organize and empower us. NSA is unleashed to "leak" information to the press and the LE. Corrupt judges are being removed. Why do you think we pushed so hard to elect Trump? It wasn't just about the wall but it was about restoring law and order. It's an ongoing movement.
20394114? ago
Exactly so! That was my point.
Many Brits have been speaking up for 20+ years too. Though it's harder here as our powers were eroded quicker. But we did the same as you.
And we too couldn't go riot, get arrested etc. I wouldn't expect you too either. I was just pointing out the stupidity of your criticism of Brits if you weren't willing to do it yourself.
We didn't/don't have a Trump. But we did push hard to get ourselves removed from the corrupt Cabal led EU (hence Brexit) though our "leaders" are betraying us by not following through with the will of the people- but we are fighting it.
It's a start...
All I was pointing out was the stupidity of your unfounded "emasculated cucks " and "emotionally weak" statements.
Try being a bit more rational with your statements, or don't make any. You make yourself look stupid otherwise!
20401240? ago
Fair enough, but that doesn't explain why you let your weapons be taken away and let "immigrants" rape your women.
20268962? ago
You're obviously not ignorant, but you are being selective in your examples. You surely know that there are still people in the US that are above the law, doing the same kinds of things and not being arrested because of who they are - just like the royals.
20269470? ago
Trump has been in office less that three years now. First, he has had to fight an uphill battle with corrupt activist judges and he is replacing them at a record pace. He's had to one by one rid the FBI and the DOJ of corruption. That's happening. Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, DWS, Adam Shitt and all their pervy friends are terrified as their cover is being pulled back and the layers of protection they once enjoyed is being stripped away. So, it's happening here. Epstein was a major keystone which is why he was silenced but G. Maxwell is now on the run and hiding out. That pic from LA was a proven photoshop and most likely taken much earlier. McCain was removed at the time specified, "Every Dog Has His Day'. We don't have royalty here but I suppose you could say the Hillary and deep state cabal counted as such here in USA. However, given their penchant to squeal like pigs at every move Trump takes to remove their protections, I believe it's only a matter of time before they too are pulled screaming into the wheels of justice to be ground out of existence. Between today and the 22 we are prepared for more declas. The declas is coming page by page and each new page will bring more public awareness. Look at how hard Google, Facebook, and Twitter are working to discredit and silence alternative news sources. Nothing happening? Plenty is happening and will continue to happen at a faster and faster pace. Of course we all look forward to the day Hillary swings from a rope and it's entirely possible. Of course, it's just as possible that she will escape justice the same way her victims did. Someday, perhaps people in UK will one day awake and also deal with the "Royal" family, Remove their cloak of impunity and see how long they last. Rule of law is returning to USA.
20269688? ago
I don't believe these people are terrified. Only the future will tell, but I don't believe the Clintons and their pervy friends, the ones who aren't suicided first, will ever see any comeuppance.
20270637? ago
If they have nothing to be afraid of then why are they constantly bleating like terrified sheep?
20270655? ago
Because it's how they play the game? It's worked well so for them so far.
20265102? ago
Sounds like the Russian revolution. You should be careful. It's just as likely that things will go bad as it is that they will go well.
The interim period where you have a transitional government is when foreign powers are likely to take hold. Not that Britain isn't already occupied...
20264822? ago
More likely, they just set age of consent to zero you bigot.
20264699? ago
This isn't an interesting idea, this is just par for the course of the level of absurdist fantasy you guys regularly engage with. I seriously think most of you are suffering from delusions of some sort.
20264664? ago
Do you see how your police act? Watch girl cop in the back while the other cop bleeds out. I'm sorry to say it, but you brits are finished. Your only hope is moving to a white nationalist country.
20266630? ago
I watched that vid yesterday with disgust and sadness. That female pretend cop just backs off and lets her partner bleed out while a bystander tries to help. In USA that perp would have been punched full of holes.
20269353? ago
20276535? ago
Oh I see...what you are saying is, now that Trump is in office, you have finally started to fight back. But what about 3 years ago and before that? How was USA any different from UK then? You let Bush, Clinton, Obama, the FED and all the countless sick fucks in America traffic, torture and rape hundreds of thousands of children each year ...and you let 911 happen ...and let America invade countless countries etc etc! And yet you did NOTHING about it.
But, of course, now Q and Trump are here you can claim superiority over Brits.
What the fuck did YOU personally do over past decades fuckwad? Nothing I'm sure! So keep your stupid, ignorant bullshit to yourself...
20264552? ago
The monarchy doesn't actually do anything or have any ruling power, maybe that's the problem. A lot of good democracy has brought western nations considering the state they are in.
20268736? ago
Whose name is the government formed in? Whose name does your military act under? Who opens parliament every year and has the power to dissolve it? Who is being very naive?
20266090? ago
They say they do not have power, yet they get to charade as kings and queens? Yeah right. They do have power. They just act like they don't to trick stupids like you.
20264683? ago
20264303? ago
Bigger Idea. What if the Royal Family wasn't the Royal Family at all? What if their bloodlines aren't the original from say the 1300's on to today?
Perhaps the real royal bloodline will be found and a New King will be crowned...One that doesn't need to eat children to keep their form on Earth.
20269633? ago
The merovingian
20265813? ago
Then I'd say that what my gut has been telling me and my research has been leading me to all this time is correct.
20266005? ago
Same here. DJT and Q have been trying to get us to research the bloodlines.
20265360? ago
They are foreign, Bulgaria Germanic Belgium, the House Saxe Gotha
20265944? ago
My gut feeling is that the current family is a fraud.
20336559? ago
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20264198? ago
Now is the time...
20264154? ago
Come on you Limey's....its time to let the sun set on this Monarchy and allow the Brits to Make Great Britain Great Again.
20267826? ago
I admire your enthusiasm but people here have a bad habit of moaning about shit while getting on with it, I mean it's fucking retarded and probably half the reason the UK is as fucked up as it is.
20264066? ago
They have always known. The problem is this brainwashing is deep in the world population.
20264006? ago
The Jews still run the media.
Just wait for their new round of lies that the unthinking horde and all the terrorists these Jews imported believe without question.
We are never going to be free while the enemy conspiring to replace us all has a monopoly on media.
20263959? ago
one can only hope
20263801? ago
As brexit has shown, the Brits do not support the idea of a foreign group claiming dominion over their native population. Hey Canada, anyone think this is a good time to point out the hippocracy of Brittan rejecting eu rule while simultaneously requiring a vast chunk of North America to remain loyal to a foreign monarchy? Perhaps it is time to say enough.
20269287? ago
Don’t forget those little slave islands in the south
20263724? ago
As a Bfrit you should be aware that nobody on this island gives much of a fuck about Prince Andrew.
20263614? ago
Unless your Soccer Hooligans start the uprising, you're dreaming. Any bloodline with the balls to do that already did that, and their descendants are in America now. Just like every other great white civilization, our leadership was infiltrated. The stereotypical 'Murica is no longer - faggots and soy boys everywhere, Jews own it. We do have a long shot though with so much of the population owning guns, and with much of the Military being on the side of the revolution should it happen.
That said, it'd be great if your soccer hooligans started an uprising and took over the British Empire. Fuck, after they clear up some space by deporting all your future doctor, lawyer, and astronaut Somalis, I'd emigrate my ass right on back to the UK!
20263606? ago
Red pilled enough to allow both butter knives and Berettas?
20263591? ago
I better see an USB (United States of Britain).
20263489? ago
Brits have literally elected Pakis to be mayors of multiple cities, including London itself
20265348? ago
Royals were degenerate and the Masons seem to be in this blackmail crap for years. Young British girls attacked, raped, chopped up and put into kebabs? they cover it up with poor use of the English language on news, call it grooming Asian btw The BBC DJ and Tv host ... Jimmy Savile, Frank Bruno and The Yorkshire Ripper
20263684? ago
And hil won the popular vote.
20264082? ago
Except she didn’t as we have come to find out
20264113? ago
She still won. Convincing dumb fucks to vote a certain way by shaping search engine results is a feature of democracy.
20264488? ago
That’s election meddling, so no, that’s wrong/illegal you idiot. And it’s not a democracy, it’s a republic.
20266223? ago
Democracy, republic. Either way rich fuckers steer the ship.
20263568? ago
But did they actually elect them? Elections are easy to corrupt.
20269271? ago
20265604? ago
Californian hear. Do you really think we voted for Gavin Noisome? Did we really vote for higher gas taxes? Did we really vote to ban grocery stores from giving us free grocery bags with our food, or vote to ban waitresses from giving us a straw with our drink?
20269599? ago
Connecticut just did the same fucking thing with grocery bags. I dunno who the mother fuck voted for this, but it sure as hell wasn't me or a single person I know, or anyone they know.
Not to mention how god damned pathetic it is when your government is literally legislating grocery store checkout lines and can't even keep the fucking streets in good repair.
Like, this is what you think your job is!? And you people think we NEED you!?
20265841? ago
The useless longshoremen voted for that liberal fucktard. I knew a bunch of them. That union has been commie infested since the riots of San Francisco.
20267035? ago
We need to organize county by county to create a new Californian Government with a new California constitution and then break off the patriot counties into a new state. No welfare for non citizens and able bodied people, low taxes, one standard rate for vehicle registration that lasts the life of the vehicle and doesn't need to be renews, same taxes on all goods or no tax at all beyond a small tax on fuel to pay for road repairs and construction, any taxes to create infrastructure needs to be killed as soon as the project is complete, affiliation with any commie party or socialist movement needs to be outlawed and those participating with commie organizations barred from public service. No unions for public employees, no pensions for public servants, all pensions to be funded by the pensioner and owned by the pensioner, contract law supported by a fee for a contract and the fees go to the treasury. Etc, etc. . All able bodied men required to train with weapons and serve in California National guard. Illegal aliens barred from renting, driver's license and public transportation. Round em up and ship them out. Make life suck so bad for them they voluntarily self deport. Confiscate any property they own, send them out with the shirt they came here in. Jewelry, cash, bank accounts, all seized. Bar all resident aliens from owning weapons or participating in protests. Illegal to wear a mask of any type while protesting. It would be a New California. San Francisco, Los Angeles and Sacramento can fuck off.
20280150? ago
Good plan. I lived in Ventura for ten years before moving overseas. I loved it there, and almost regretted leaving...........almost.
If things keep going the direction they are in Cali, there will be an uprising of epic proportions. Keep pushing the plan.
20280526? ago
Thanks for the encouragement. I don't even need to hit context to know which comment you are responding to. I can't work and plan in a vacuum so the encouragement really helps me.
I'm a structural welder and one thing I do while welding or actually doing any work at all that is repetitive and skill based is go into a zen mode and start thinking about all the news I have taken in during my free time. This thought about breaking California has been bubbling around in my mind for several years now and how it can be possible.
Here are my thoughts:
First, we need to contact the mayors and sheriffs of counties that voted red in most of our elections and especially those counties that flipped (voter fraud). We need to contact lawyers and LE who are patriots who feel defeated by the voter fraud and criminal elements in our state. We are on the ropes here in California, hammered by the media and the major population centers. Not just those who are better educated but also the regular folks out in more rural areas who are being harassed by the deep state here in California.
We need to connect into county chapters to form our own government structure, have conferences where county leaders can get together and hammer out a spartan style constitution to return us to a no frills, constitutional government that doesn't tolerate new age, socialist ideology. Turn the clock back 50 years? You're damn right. Back to law and order. One legal system for all that gives justice for all. We will use the internet to communicate and network and set up these chapters.
Now, the deep state has polluted this idea with a counter idea to break the state into three parts. What I saw right off was that if this actually happened, it would create another state that is blue controlled and one that is red controlled. A deal killer for patriots and it would leave half of our patriot brothers in blue controlled zones that would be no better off.
The reason we will need law fags is because we will need representatives to do the paperwork and legal heavy lifting to deal with the laws that make this all possible.
20281794? ago
Nothing is impossible, fellow patriot. Even with the extremely dummied down laborers on the coastline, you can still get public support. You mentioned a key component in communication through the internet. It’s an uphill battle with the DS over California. What they see in that state that’s worth all the trouble they put her through is beyond me.
20284808? ago
As a native Californian I can tell you exactly what they want. First off, the resources of the state to control and tax. Next, the population. They already tax our income so they have that. The vehicle registration fees are based on the value of the vehicle and must be renewed yearly. That's HUGE! Then, the smog checks. They worked it out so you have to pay a smog station to certify you every other year. These are privately owned. Now, here's where the state comes in. Soon after the smog laws passed, they introduced a system where the state set up a few smog stations of their own across the state and then they randomly select a percentage of people going in for a smog check and mandate that those selected at random must go to a state controlled smog check where the state gets most of the profit. Then the fuel tax which is the highest in the nation. To build a road here costs four times the price of building a road in Arizona or Nevada where you think the cost would be higher because those states are less developed and populated. Also, it takes longer to build a road here because of all the mandated (expensive) studies that must be done first. More money, more money. So, with all this money pouring in from vehicles, why can't our roads be better maintained? Then we have our lottery system. Property taxes, and every other form of taxes, laws and regulations all designed to drain off capital into the state government. And on and on it goes. Meanwhile the middle class in this state either leaves or stays and gets poorer and poorer while their property may go up in value but what good does that do you when any property you purchase here will just be higher than what you paid for yours to begin with. Also the illicit drug trade: San Francisco may be a shit hole but it's also a place where needles are all over the place. Drug dealers operate in the open without fear of arrest while people shoot up in the street. Why would a district allow such an open drug trade? Who profits? Who tells the cops to leave drug dealers alone? Who tells the police chief to lay off the drug dealers?
20294613? ago
And all the oil still being pumped out of that state. Jack wells are still running, and stationed everywhere. I also wonder why the microwave fires stopped all of a sudden. They sure cleared the way for that rail system that didn’t happen. And who was going to benefit from that? Fiestiens husband, who ever his name is.
20294947? ago
I think the fires really woke people up that we are under attack. Paradise Ca, I feel really bad for those folks. It seems like their cars just quit when they tried to drive away. I watched all the videos people took and it seemed obvious to me that those weren't normal fires but DEW related. So, who was running the weapons? US Air Force? Space borne weapons on satellites?
We had a fairly wet winter this past season and now we are in our traditional fire period but no fires, at least not major ones that hit the national news.
Growing up in Southern California I know we have always had seasonal fires but never like last year. And never has a fire been so fast it catches hundreds of people and kills them in a death trap they can't escape. Almost always our fires have been started by either vandals, kids just bored, or accidental fires started by vehicles or other forms of carelessness.
I think the idea that PG&E creating the fires is mostly bullshit and a cover for a military attack. Bad actors in control of military weapons. I saw the blue beams in the videos which are known to be associated with the aiming of the DEW. When I saw an overhead photo of a green football field that was bisected by a huge black swath, that sealed it for me. Traffic sign posts untouched by fire except for the bolts running through them that had burned out the surrounding wood. Same effect on posts supporting roadside guardrails.
20306484? ago
I remember watching the YouTube videos on the Santa Rosa fires. They were very revealing. Buildings were reduced to a small pile of ruble, while the grass surround them remained unscathed. Vehicles parked on the street looked like they sat there for 50 years, every bit of rubber and plastic gone. Even the mailboxes were gone with nothing left but a carbon print on an otherwise very well manicured lawn. An oak tree with the bark intact was burning from the inside, the embers visible. From a birds eye view, the landscape looked as though a giant scalpel made a perfect surgical slice through entire neighborhoods, and not a single bit of ash anywhere. Only one thing known to man can cause this sort of damage: microwaves. Very powerful microwaves. I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. The man narrating the video was beside himself, trying to describe what he was seeing.
This was, I believe, Agenda 21. Rothschilds brainchild. The attempt to keep everyone dwelling within the city limits, so they can run pipelines and/or do whatever they wanted without anyone interfering. Scary shit, knowing they feel that they can get away with anything.
20307392? ago
Not to totally discount your observations but some of the stuff you've listed is more of a naturally occurring fire event.
A tree burning from the inside, that happens naturally if the tree is already partially hollow and I've seen it before in other videos long before last year's fires. It's a chimney effect. If there is a hollow that goes out the top and anything gets ignited in dried out rotten inner wood it will wick the flames up the inside due to rising gases. With a tall trunk it can be quite impressive. I'm also not impressed with green grass remaining after a fire burns down a house. What would impress me more is if say the house didn't burn and the green grass did. Like the football field at the school that was bisected by having half of it's green grass scorched black while half was untouched a straight line of separation. That was shocking. That surgical look of some swaths of destruction through neighborhoods and all the trees intact that's not normal. Natural fires tend to catch trees on fire. Now, live oak are stubborn if the temperature isn't high enough and the moisture in the leaves isn't low enough but if that's the case, then why did the fires spread so rapidly? And why only houses? And not jumping from house to house as would be expected, but leap frogging sometimes and then other times whole swaths of houses going up in flames so rapidly people were being trapped.
The most damning evidence of some sort of beam weapon to me, besides the football field was the guard rails and sign posts. Hardly any fire beyond a few bits of smoldering brush but then around every bolt holding the guard rails to the post there were flames shooting out and same for the sign post, but the posts themselves were barely effected. Put a small bit of metal in your microwave and watch the sparks fly. Same effect. That's some damning evidence of some sort of beam weapon. Then there were videos people took of the fires as they were happening and you can see the blue flashes of the aiming beam. And here's another tidbit I noticed. The person filming the guard rail and sign posts and the pattern of odd burning, was actually there to film the cars that had burned up, many with corpses in them. Really burned up corpses with just a few bones left. You are so right, those cars burned so hot it was unnatural. Yes, a burning car will burn right down to the rims but these cars had their alloy rims melted off. That makes no sense without a beam weapon. People driving through an area that has minimal burning and lines of cars trying to get out and the cars just stopped running. A beam weapon can shut down car electronics. All that wiring in homes could be set off by beam weapons. You wouldn't be having a slow burn through a neighborhood with the fire jumping from house to house as can happen naturally. You would have swaths of houses being lit up with a beam weapon which is exactly what happened.
Now, here's another thing most people missed but struck me as fairly significant. A woman said PG&E notified here of power surges on some power lines running through her property at the same time the fires started. This is where the power company gets the blame. They are saying the power surges were malfunctions that caused the ignitions. I thinking, it's the other way round. The beam weapons caused the surges in the power lines. Same thing if you put an electronic device in a microwave. So, you have miles and miles of copper wire strung on insulated towers that get hit with a beam, obviously that's going to cause a power surge. The system is equipped to absorb those surges which occur naturally from storms. But, I'm thinking a beam weapon interacting with those lines would overpower the system. The ignition in some rural areas may very well have been caused by malfunctions in the system due to power surges but no one ever talks about what caused the power surges on a day when there were no electrical storms. Duh!!! Power surges don't come from the generation plants beyond very low surges that happen all the time. A major surge would have to come from an electrical storm or ..... a beam weapon and the system is built to deal with surges due to storms. But we had no storms that day.
Assuming the fires were deliberately set off by the government in California I believe they serve several purposes. One, clear a path for Brown's boondoggle train bullshit. More people killed, their homes burned down and less expense buying them out. Paradise California was a community of conservative voters and they were hit damn hard. The state can demand emergency funding which is exactly what they did. Governor Brown looked really nervous when Trump stood beside him. I bet he was thinking, "please don't talk about beam weapons".
Then, they can blame this all on PG&E so the public has a scapegoat.
20311236? ago
I also remember seeing a similar video where there were blue flashes in the sky. I’m not sure if the Santa Rosa fires videos were taken down or not, but if you run across,them, I suggest taking a look.
Yeah, it is really sad. We need to keep putting the word out. I dig when I have the time, but since I retired from the Merchant Marine, my life got even more cluttered. I spend more time with my daughter, working out at the gym, etc. but, it so refreshing to be here among the like minded. I will certainly look at anything going on in California, as I have developed quite an affinity with that state. As I mention before, my years in Ventura were some of the most memorable years of my life. God speed brother.
20265118? ago
More than half of London isn't British.
20263485? ago
The lobster backs are so hopelessly cucked I wouldn’t hold my breath. If all the white nations they are the ones I have the least hope for(next to Sweden.)
20263682? ago
My girl is from stockholm. We visited there and London on a stopover. Even she thought london was a shithole and we left pretty early to hang in the hotel outside of town by Heathrow. It's sad to see london in such a sad state, I was just there 11 years ago and it was alright then. Thanks "immigrants"...
20263534? ago
I hear you. I went to London for a few days it was literally full of foreigners living and working there. But I thought Canada was more cucked though.
20264714? ago
You are right. Unless things change soon, then within 20 years, the US will need to invade Canada.
20268773? ago