20258268? ago

Rachel Chandler

20279008? ago

The island? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3392974 Arrivals, 1997-2006 - Interactive Google Map

20255841? ago

E=MC2 ... Epstein = MC2

20258119? ago


That's how goddamn stupid you are.

20256832? ago

I wonder what the M, C, and 2 stands for?

20256694? ago

Eyes Wide Shut, Kubrick, and Epstein https://voat.co/v/QRV/3391586

20255325? ago

I wonder how many girls Trump Models provided.

20257117? ago

underage? zero

20257133? ago

Not to mention the likely immigration fraud. We all know Melania commited fraud when she came here to work on a tourist visa. Then she had an anchor baby

20257185? ago

Nobody said Trump was a choirboy, far from it. He may not be the hero we wanted, but he is the hero we needed.

Regarding Melania, unless you have proof of your claims, you're just another fake news spreading faggot. And considering the left is pushing open migration, chain migration and anchor babies, which have been standard here for decades, your calling out Melania for doing it too is a fucking joke.

20257220? ago

I’m not on the left you sensitive little cuck. I know a conman with a mail order bride when I see one. BTW, what has Trump conserved? He’s also super thin skinned and in the pocket of another country. I guess you probably admire him for his 5th grade speaking level.

20263025? ago

Why do you shills waste your time on here? Do you really think you're helping your cause? I'll let you in on a secret, every time you chime up, you help Trump. Thank you for making Trump a success.

20255968? ago

None. Witnesses said "trump didnt partake in the sex". You shills are playing a losing game. Trump isnt a russian agent. Trump didnt rape children. Bill clinton and most of the dems do.

20256074? ago

Only one witness said that.Ghislane also said the known flight logs weren’t complete. It’s likely trump spent tons of time on Epstein Island

20272550? ago

Lol. Found the CNN viewer.

Come back when you have a SINGLE SHRED OF PROOF of your bullshit accusations. Trump never went to child rape island. End of story. Bill clinton went many, many times, 5 of them refusing his SS escort....

20272735? ago

Witnesses have said the flight logs are only 1/4 complete. Trump was there 20+ times Likely

20272853? ago

Prove it. There isn't a single shred to back up your retarded theories.

20255155? ago

Models to Watch per Rachel Chandler, according to this article, are all from MC2, Midland, Street Cast, Storm London, IMG, State, Elite Paris, Fusion, New York Models, and Muse. IMO based on the Chandler association and way these models look all of the above companies are highly suspect:


20255190? ago

those are some ugly people to be honest

20256642? ago

Yep. Very.

20254641? ago

Hell, I'd settle for 1 or 2 and this kike mfer gets THOUSANDS? Greedy bastard.

20254574? ago

The vastness of this pedophile web is really mind blowing in size. Seems that most rich elite are drawn into this darkness to create a blackmail scheme in return of favors and silence and the affected party will be financially rewarded for their discretion. Seems that the money flows like water to those involved. Hence, most rich get richer for the favors they are forced to give to the blackmailers.

20260448? ago

We are only talking about the pedo right now.

Have not yet gotten into the real dirty stuff.

20256677? ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3388702 Did you know the CIA had a pedophile training camp?

20259946? ago

So does the Catholic Church. It's called the seminary.

20255052? ago

It is a pyramid scheme of perversion and evil. The higher up do the worst things, the lower rungs support the higher rungs.

20254343? ago

That was the agency with the bizarre IG account that had sad looking tweens up for sale.

20256712? ago

That artist? she connects with Jeff Koons LLC ?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3390227

20254284? ago

This is so fucking antisemitic.

20257090? ago

That's a lot of young goyim pussy right there.

20254643? ago

I know, heaven forbid that they mention he was a Jew, how horrible, what ever will we do?

20257078? ago

Fire up the ovens?

20258082? ago

So we can herd all Catholics into them

20262968? ago

Yeah, Jews and Catholic priests, they all worship Moloch, the tranny god.

20254746? ago

Shut up goy, go circumcise a penguin.

20254757? ago

Jews literally suck babies weiners.

20254807? ago

Talmud says so dumb goy.

20253224? ago

"According to testimony's by some of Bruno's previous employees, he would obtain visas for the girls into the United States and would even join some of Epstein's journeys around the world."

Wonder if the young girls were put on birth control or does pedoepstein have a 1000 little spawns crawling around somewhere.

20254562? ago

Well, let's see...I heard about Epstein's 'plan' to impregnate 20 underage girls in one day. Something tells me birth control wasn't his first concern.

20259524? ago

At my absolute peak I couldn't imagine reaching orgasm 20 times in a single day. That's monkey behavior.

20259739? ago

...and you're right...maybe 4-5 times in a night and that was when I was in college!

20259668? ago

do the research. It's his idea not mine.

20253580? ago

I wonder how many are still alive..

20260464? ago

And for so few women to have broken rank that we know of.

Remember the transcripts in NXIVM case about the Mexican jail for those who might break rank?

20255269? ago

That is a very good question. Notice there are not thousands of women coming forward.

Some of these children were definitely disposable and that opens up a whole different kind of market that kind activity would be very valuable for those who controlled it.